
Stay Alive.


30. Norcal. INFP.

Will you update Cavedweller soon? ♥️ I miss that fanfic so much! 🥹


It's been slow going sweets but I am working on my updates I promise!

Here's a little preview, just for you ❤️

Cavedweller chapter 11 preview

“Happy birthday to youuuuu.”

Katniss rolls her eyes.

“Stop it Raven.” Katniss rolls her eyes and straightens Raven’s head. She hadn’t thought of what a chore it would be to cut a six year olds hair, especially if the six year old wouldn’t stop moving. How did her mother handle two daughters?

“You look like a monkeyyyy and you smell like one too!” Raven laughs at her own joke and twists her head to look at Katniss behind her.

“Raven, knock it off.” Katniss says, exasperated.

“You don’t have to snap.” Raven rolls her eyes and from across the room Peeta cackles until Katniss fixes her sharp gaze at him and the smile slides off his lips.

“I didn’t snap.” Katniss snaps.

“You’re just mad that Peeta didn’t make you any tarts.” Raven argues. Katniss forces her to look down and begins snipping away at her hair before she can start to wriggle away. Raven shoves the last bits of the tart she was eating into her mouth before hopping down off her chair to join Peeta. Sure she will be safe from Katniss as long as Peeta was there to smooth out her temper. Katniss isn’t amused.

“Fine, cut your own damn hair, the both of you.”

“Come on now, Everdeen.” Peeta says with a wink. He sets his drink down and reaches for her. “Don’t be cross with her.” He whispers, his breath warming the shell of her ear and sends sparks skittering down her spine. He doesn’t fight fair and they both know it.

“You can’t always coddle her.” Katniss admonishes weakly. He grins and reaches for her. His arms circle her waist and Katniss presses her face against his chest.

“It’s a special day.” He says. “You survived another year.”

Katniss can’t look at him so she presses her face against his neck.

“What are you going to wish for?” He asks with a smile in his voice. His hands are warm on the small of her back.

“I can’t tell you.” Katniss whispers. “It won’t come true.”

Peeta spins her and it makes Raven squeal with delight.

“I didn’t take you as the superstitious sort.” Peeta brushes the bangs back from her face and tilts her chin up to look at him. How can she still be shocked at how blue his eyes are?

“Yeah,” She says breathlessly. “And you're not a dancer.”

She tries to make her voice sharp and direct but he’s smiling and Raven is trying to sneak a cookie from the display case and for a moment Katniss is filled with so much emotion she fears she will burst.

She thinks she knows and worse still she thinks Peeta knows because his goofy grin has slid from his face and shattered on the floor and his adam’s apple bobs as he eyes her with an intensity she has never seen before.


It's like all the air in the room has disappeared as she stands stock still in the middle of the room, trying not to gasp like a fish.

She knows.

Yet the words won’t come. Not yet.

If he ever married, he’d choose someone incapable of swaying his heart. Someone he hated, even, so they could never manipulate him the way Lucy Gray had. Never make him feel jealous. Or weak. Livia Cardew would be perfect.

The President and First Lady of Panem


it's cold today and the sky is pearl silver. im thinking about how g-d decided to be born as the child of a teenage mother. a refugee. a jew. a palestinian. an unhoused person. a displaced person. someone living under cruel rulership. under violent colonization. so g-d saw the suffering of man and said, let me see how it feels. curious about the various absences of human flesh (the space in a ribcage, a heart, a stomach, a wound). g-d saw the suffering of man and saw that it was unjust. g-d saw the flesh of humanity and saw that it was good.

So learn about life. Cut yourself a big slice with the silver server, a big slice of pie. Learn how the leaves grow on the trees. Open your eyes. The thin new moon is on its back over the green Cities' Service cloverleaf and the lit brick hills of Watertown, God's luminous fingernail, a shut angel's eyelid. Learn how the moon goes down in the night frost before Christmas. Open your nostrils. Smell snow. Let life happen.

Sylvia Plath, excerpt from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath 


i need more people to comprehend the tragic life haymitch had


-reaped into the 2nd quarter quell along with twice the amount of tributes and half the chance of winning

-refuses to participate in the games and hides at the border, ends up getting pulled back in watches his only ally die. he tried to avoid playing the capitols game but ends up winning it. through a trick.

-since the capitol doesn't like how he won everyone important to him is killed, he is 16 alone in the victors village

-a year later we can assume he's sent to mentor the next set of 12 tributes and that goes poorly. he is 17 trying to teach children how not get slaughtered but they will.

-then the year after that. and the year after that. again and again

-at some point he turns to alcohol, because that's what twelve has to offer in terms of substances. and he's got the money to develop a habit, it certainly helps with the annual watch a bunch of kids die and maybe try help two of them not trip.

-his house is in pieces. dirty, smashed furniture from drunken nightmares, full of mess but empty really. it's just him there. we don't see him interact with people outside of other victors and effie. we can assume he's a regular at the hobb but he doesn't have people who care enough to check up on him.

-by the time it's Katniss and Peetas turn he's watched 46 District 12 tributes die. the other victors are the only consistent figures in his life that might understand what he's going through but they have other victors to go home with, tributes with a chance in the games.

his life is so utterly depressing but the way he manages to pull himself out of it enough to help Katniss because he realised she actually has a chance. The fact that 24 years later he managed to put effort in after so many tributes failed. and it worked. she won.

You hear that boy? It's the sound of snow falling. Snow always lands on top.


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