
Reblog if you still love these precious children <3


Ice Cream - Miraculous

People: “ Do you ship Luka with Marinette?  ”

*me, an intellectual* I had to make a comic after watching Timetagger and noticing Chat Noir’s special way to eat ice cream. Sorry if it’s only in black and white, I’ve been so busy with my upcoming webcomic lately! You may not like this ship, but be aware that no homophobic comment will be tolerated.

If you love my work please consider supporting me on Patreon! : www.patreon.com/LaurenceL

Shout out to my executive patrons: Nico-Neko Pushboii Thank you for your support!

Yes, fuck yea



Reblog if you already miss Star Vs. The Forces of Evil :*(

a lot of my life recently has been my brain flipping back and forth between “no they won’t kill Podrick it doesn’t serve the narrative in anyway for him to die” and “oh shit they are definitely going to kill Podrick because they want to hurt all of us” so that’s how I’m doing these days.
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