
@livinguppercase / livinguppercase.tumblr.com

Charlotte. 23. It’s a mixed bag.

The only tiktok trend that matters is people filming those easter chickens and then going “who did ____ without permission?” and one of the chickens is so fucked up and its obvious who the answer is and the intro to You Gotta Move by Mississippi Fred McDowell is blasting



no i don’t have an “astigmatism” i can just see the halos of the angels that live in car head lights that you losers are too spiritually closed off to see

Community Label: Mature

i just fucking noticed how my father has chosen to display my link amiibo and i’m going to piss myself laughing hold on

ekaterina и svetlana и link

what is it about this beautiful lesbian couple and their autistic son that scares you so bad tumblr

Community Label: Mature

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Turns out the potassium nitrate I had as fertilizer for algae to feed my slut isn't fucking a nitrate salt at all and I am pissed


I think a slut needs a more varied diet than just algae?

This is the worst typo in the world

This is the slut in question by the way


anyways (I say this as someone who is deeply critical of the united states government, military, unchecked capitalism, police, etc) I am SICK of people treating america as if it has no cultural value or positives so….. I love u 85 million acres (bigger than italy) of national parks. I love u harlem renaissance. I love u groundhogs day. I love u sweet tea and fried chicken and jambalaya. I love u apple cider donuts and maizes on crisp autumn days. I love u 95k miles of coastlines and new england fisherman and hand knitted sweaters. I love u halloween where millions of people dress up and give candy to strangers and carve jack o’lanterns. I love u small talk and small towns and potlucks and bringing over casseroles to your struggling neighbors. I love u cowboys and ranch hands and arizonian cactus. I love u appalachian trail and dirtbikes and divebars. I love u sparklers and fireflies. I love u mark twain and toni morrison and emily dickinson and henry david thoreau. I love u rock n roll i love u bluegrass and hippies i love u jimi hendrix and nirvana and CCR and janis joplin. I love u victorian houses and jonny appleseed and john henry and mothman and bigfoot. I love u foggy days in the pacific northwest and neon signs and roadside attractions. I love u baseball and 1950s diners and soft serve. I love u native american art and pop art and poptarts. I love u blue jeans and barbecues and jazz musicians 


I think it’s funny how the Catholic Church is like, just totally losing the reigns on its ability to control the social opinions of Catholics.

Like with Ireland people say how for much of the 20th century there was a quasi theocratic relationship with the Church and an intensely religiously conservative populace but in the past decade you had referendums legalizing gay marriage and abortion pass by large margins which would’ve been unthinkable a few decades ago considering Rome’s absolute stance on those issues.

Religious control over society is more fragile than it seems

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