



who the fuck smoked the goddam earpods


follow your dreams

Holy shite

No he didn’t

You won’t regret unmuting this.

OH my god

This is why I run




Вставай, скоро молоко раздавать будут!…

the translation is significantly more Soviet in tone than the original, which is great


“more Soviet in tone” lol dead


TES V: Skyrim Illustrated as Russian Photography

The Companions:

The Circle:



Draugr Ruins:

“My ancestors are smiling at you Imperials, can you say the same?”

The Glenmoril Coven:


oh ffs ssskdkskdkdkskkd


tea drinkers: unlike you filthy disgusting creatures i only drink green chamomile peppermint raspberry lemon tea, which makes all my insides glow 10 times brighter and improve. i can feel my body get healthier by every drink i take of my delicious hot mug of TEA. youre absolutely disgusting and a waste of human potential

coffee drinker: hhhnng lov those beans

someone tagged this as #tw drama


coffee drinkers: i am unimaginably powerful. i can see through time. i haven’t slept in four days but who needs sleep when you are on a higher plane of existence. the beans are in my soul, they are in my heart. i AM the beans. soon i will vibrate at the harmonic resonance of the universe and transcend.

tea drinker: hhhhhhhhhhhot leaf juice

soda drinkers: death is coming. death is coming. pass me a hotdog.




what if people were kin to vines. i think id be kin to the “hi welcome to chilis” one or maybe “jared 19 never fuckin learned how to read” or m

im ‘i got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome’ and ‘wrow….’

kevin watch the light dude

I’m sensitive, Aubrey



back at it again at krispy kreme

t w o   b r o s   c h i l l i n   i n   a   h o t t u b    f i v e   f e e t  a p a r t   c u z        t h e y ‘ r e    n o t   g a y

i thought you were bae….but it turns out you’re just fam

Hi, thanks for checking in, I’m ~/still a piece of garbage/~

*Someone blows my vape cloud away*


naa they usually tell me I look like Shalissa..


A/N: @remonermec hope this is enough to satisfy you, unfortunately not as long as I hoped it would be but I felt it was fitting,mope you enjoy it! –

The sky had begun to darken above the pair - Housecarl and his Thane - though their current position was far less professional. The red and gold hues of the setting sun mirrored the colours of the crackling fire that illuminated the couple, bound by each other’s arms, the flames flicking, dancing shadows across their skin. The pads of her fingers ran teasingly across his bare bicep, the goose flesh that rose in the aftermath of her touch identical to that which had become, the moment he’d first laid eyes on her. Argis was no romantic, but as he looked upon her tender smile, he silently thanked Mara that he had waited out all these hard years in order to find someone who truly deserved all the love he had to give, and here she was, wrapped in nothing but his arms and her underclothes. There had never been a more beautiful sight, a statement he’d happily wager against any priestess of Dibella with. He looked over her shoulder, the parting of the willow allowing him to witness the very last light of setting sun, they would make for Whiterun the next morning, summon a dragon which would take her away to save the world, they both knew it could easily be a one way trip, and one which he could not follow her on. It was then that he decided that if he cold not be at her side then, he’d give her his all, here and now. She kissed him, drawing away at every attempted sweep of his tongue, her thumb brushed against his scar, smiling in a way that bit back her giggles. “We have all night Argis, why rush?” She kissed his forehead, between his brow, and the tip of his nose, all before she noticed the tremble of his bottom lip. He pulled her flush against him, nuzzling closer and kissing the skin between her breasts, ascending to her collar bone, her jaw, and blissfully, her parted lips. Her arms welcomed him openly, his hands roaming her entirety, her lips and tongue working in tandem to heat the blood within his veins. His facial hair tickled her nose, her sweet laugh breaking the intimacy in the best of ways. He took her tightly in his arms, his fingers untying the straps of her final garments. The willow tree hid the lovers’ acts that night from the rest of the world, just as much as it hid the rest of the world from them. Argis knew there was never a guarantee his Dragonborn and he would meet again like this, but as they made love beneath the branches in the light of the fire, his chance to be with her, was now or never.


ommmmgggg thank you so much ♥️♥️


The 17 Daedric Princes

  • Azura – The Daedric prince who maintains/draws power from the balance of night and day, light and dark
  • Boethiah – A Deity of deceit, secrecy, conspiracy, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority
  • Clavicus Vile – A shape-shifter, who grants power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact
  • Hermaeus Mora – The formless Daedra of knowledge and memory, seeks to possess all that is knowable
  • Hircine – The Prince of the hunt, sport, the Great Game, and the Chase
  • Jyggalag – The Prince of logical order and deduction, upholds strict order above all else
  • Malacath – The Prince whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized
  • Mehrunes Dagon – The Prince of destruction, violent upheaval, energy, and mortal ambition
  • Mephala – The Prince of unknown plots and obfuscation, a master manipulator, a sewer of discord
  • Meridia – A female Deity, the patron of the energies of all living things, enemy of the undead and all who disrupt the flow of life
  • Molag Bal – The Prince of domination and spiritual enslavement, seeks to ensnare souls within his domain
  • Namira – A Prince of the “ancient darkness”, the upholder of all things considered repulsive
  • Nocturnal – A female Deity of the night and darkness, the patron of all things secretive
  • Peryite – The Taskmaster, the Daedric Prince of Pestilence, desires order in his domain
  • Sanguine – the Prince of hedonism, debauchery, and the further indulgences of one’s darker nature
  • Sheogorath – The infamous Prince of Madness, whose motives are unknowable and illogical
  • Vaermina – A Deity of dreams and nightmares, a deliverer of evil omens and dark portents
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