
@deareverlasting-blog / deareverlasting-blog.tumblr.com

seventeen, fl, multifandom

So tell me do you wanna go, where it’s covered in all the colored lights? Where the runaways are running the night?

A bit of madness is key To give us new colours to see Who knows where it will lead us? And that’s why they need us

A friendly reminder about being ace.

Here;s a little reminder.  Just because you’re asexual doesn’t always mean

  • You’re 100% uninterested in sex.
  • Not in touch with your own sexuality
  • Dislike depictions of sexuality or sex acts
  • are aromantic 
  • don’t seek emotionally fulfilling relationships
  • Cannot derive any sexual enjoyment whatsoever
  • hate sex
  • can’t find people or things attractive
  • be celibate

Asexuality is not an absolute. Like gender and other sexuality, it is a spectrum.  You do not have to embody the most extreme-end expression of asexuality to legitimately identify yourself as ace. 

There are plenty of asexual people who are okay with having sex. Asexual people consume pornography.  Some asexual people even like to be seen as sexy (golly!).  Asexuality is not literally the same as the absence of sexuality.   You can do all these things while still legitimately not caring, or necessarily wanting to have sex or sexual relationships, or putting sex at the core of your relationships like society teaches us is normal.  Some people who are asexual feel perfectly happy with the concept of sex so long as it involves other people and not them.   Some asexual people will have sex to satisfy a partner.  Some people wish they could enjoy sex more, some don’t.  No two people are required to experience sexuality the same for their feelings and sexuality to be valid.  Some people who self-identify as asexual only experience it to a certain degree. 

Never let someone define your sexuality for you.  That is your choice, your right to decide for yourself.  Let no one dictate to you what you experience and how you interact with it and internalize it. The same way a bisexual person is still bisexual if they’re in a heterosexual relationship, asexuals should not be de-legitimized simply because for someone else, they’re not asexual enough. 


dear all aces and aros

whenever someone tells u that romance and sex are what makes you human, look them straight in the eye and say in ur most serious voice “you’ve figured out my secret, i am indeed a god” and walk away without saying another word

Fan: Did you know that you’re gonna die at the end of Avengers or you were lying the whole press tour, saying that you know nothing and you actually kept a spoiler for once? Kevin Smith: That’s an incredibly passive-agressive question.

This guy that I love once wrote that he felt like he was stuck on a ferris wheel. On top of the world one minute, rock bottom the next. That’s how I feel now. I couldn’t ask for more amazing friends, a more understanding family. But it would all be so much better if I had someone to share it with. So, Blue, I might not know your name or what you look like, but I know who you are. I know you’re funny and thoughtful. You choose your words carefully and that they’re always perfect, and I know that you’ve been pretending for so long that it’s hard to believe you can stop. I get it. Like I told you at the very beginning, I’m just like you. So, Blue, after the play, Friday at ten, you know where I’ll be. No pressure for you to show up. But I hope you do, because you deserve a great love story too. Love, Simon.

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