Grey shine of June

@siriusbound /


Shipping fictional characters isn’t representative of your moral values. It’s representative of your particular psychic damage and the themes and motifs that haunt you. Hope this helps.

Lots of folks interpreting this post as "your fave ship dynamic = your trauma/what you seek in relationships" and while I am charmed by that interpretation I must impress upon the reader that no.

Sometimes the themes simply grip you like the hand of a capricious god and demand you make art. Sometimes the motifs appear to you fully formed in visions, compelling you to write fic. Sometimes, things are just hot.

Anonymous asked:

do you still participate in the eruri ship?

Only on special occasions ! It'll always be in my heart, but I feel like throughout the many years I've created all I wanted for them ❤️


the creators struggle of "yes I absolutely made this for myself and I should absolutely appreciate that I made this thing that turned out amazing and be proud of it on that merit alone" vs "man it'd be cool if everyone liked this thing I made as much as I do"

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