

@ladysappho / ladysappho.tumblr.com

So we’re still on the hellsite

corsets from flesh fashion by lemáine


[image description: photos of two corsets made from bright red fabric that looks like a thin, fleshy membrane. the top one is sutured together with a vee of stitches.]


I'm the "voting is good" guy but I intend to direct basically all of my you-should-vote energy next year towards the reelection of the 18 progressives who've stuck their necks out to call for an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire. They've dedicated themselves to a basic standard of human decency, and for it they will be punished with an immense tidal wave of financial and political resources seeking to get them kicked out of office, to say nothing of the threats against their lives. Biden's on his own.


None of them are from my state, unfortunately but predictably. But OP is right: if you live in one of these states, and in the right district, you're in a position to cast a vote that could actually matter.


There’s a lot of excellent examples of the difference between a million and a billion, but here’s my new personal favorite from a conversation I had today:

A million minutes ago was April 2021, the height of the COVID pandemic.

A billion minutes ago was November 121 CE, the height of the Roman Empire.


jesus christ. fine. ill say it. im sleepy. im sleepy, okay? do you know what being sleepy does to a person? to their spirit? i should be pitied.


Accents 101

So if you’re a dm like me, you probably want to be relatively skilled in some typical fantasy accents for your game to make things feel that much more real. So i’ve decided to throw together a little master post of “how to” videos on some various accents. This is mostly for my own reference, but if you’d like to save this for yourself too, go right ahead. Feel free to add on to this, as well!

General Accent Tips


English or “British”







I don’t usually do reblogs but this may come in handy for some of you.

Disclaimer: using accents is NEVER required, but it can add a bit of fun! Don’t feel pressured to adopt one if you aren’t comfy with it!


Here’s a post with examples of Irish accents spoken by Irish people on Irish TV.

Here’s a YouTube called “How to do a PROPER IRISH ACCENT” which says the first two how-to-do-Irish links in the OP are examples of how NOT to do it.

Though not specific about why, I think it’s because they don’t pick and stick to a region, and thus unconsciously default to de generric sownd av stayge Oirish.

That YouTuber’s approach - concentrating on the accent of an area, in this instance North Dublin - may be more focused than DM or Character voices require. On the other hand it may be just the thing for DM’ing a long campaign, especially if DM or Character wants to sound like Colin Farrell, Colm Meaney or Brendan Gleeson…

Indeed, since there’s another video about How To Create 100 Distinctly Different Voices, this channel might actually be just the place for RPG’rs. There are certainly DnD players making favourable comments about both videos.

YMMV, of course.


No matter how bad a stage-Oirish accent may be (and there have been some hummers in Major Motion Pictures Near You) I don’t think it will ever match what I heard the other night on Talking Pictures.

The movie was “The Gentle Gunman” (Ealing 1952) in which thoroughly English actors John Mills and Dirk Bogarde played IRA men (and brothers) with accents that… Um, they didn’t… Er…

Let’s just say “things needed a lot more work” and leave it there.

On the flip-side, several of the real Irish actors seem (to my ear, anyway) to have dialled things up to eleven, as if less-broad accents weren’t identifiably Irish enough for a wider audience; a bit like kitting out the Scots in “Braveheart” with centuries-wrong kilts.

The film also had a crucial action scene supposedly near the Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast, though it could have been filmed anywhere with industrial-area terraced houses and probably was. If anyone in that scene spoke with a Norn Iron accent - NOT the same as a generic Irish accent at all (at all) - I missed it.

Perhaps that’s just as well…


This link is to the RTE show “Today”; I’m pretty sure it’s available world-wide; if so, the link for this edition is good for 30 days from today, 12 January 2023.

The show features pharmacist Dónal O’Sullivan giving advice on avoiding colds, flu and worse stuff, starting at 0:05:00 and delivered in a splendid example of a Cork accent*, which is notably different to what most non-Irish people expect an “Irish accent” to sound like.

* His accent and speech patterns are distinctive enough that they may be specific to a particular district of the city or region of the surrounding countryside. I don’t know, but someone else might…


And then of course there’s always the acshent, what acshent? approach of Sean Connery, who played a British secret agent, a Berber chieftain, an Irish cop, an Ancient Greek king, a Lithuanian submarine captain and an Egyptian-Spanish immortal in ekshactly the shame voish.

Nobody argued with him.

And nobody - if they’re wise - will argue with their DM, either.

Becaushe great big rocksh or wandering monshtersh can drop from shuch unekshpected playshesh, and shaving throwsh don’t alwaysh work if the DM ish feeling out of shortsh…


So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom

It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education

602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡

and for the love of god, don’t just spam it with memes or le funny shrek jokes or whatever, they’ll just hang up

make plausible-sounding reports for things that don’t actually exist, so that they actually have to waste time/resources investigating false leads - the goal is to waste time they would otherwise be using to do their jobs, not to get tumblr clout for being an epic troll


one tectonic plate approaching another

“so are you a top or a bottom?”

two tops? you get a mountain. two bottoms? VALLEY BRO

i don’t know anything about geology


Are you (Mg,Fe2+)2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2?

I had to google that and i swear to fuck I will kill you

alright this is fine

Good post everyone hit the showers

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