
AI is an epidemic and nobody is doing anything to stop it

Let me rephrase that.

Ai in creative spaces is an epidemic, and more needs to be done to stop it.


AI is an epidemic and nobody is doing anything to stop it


Fred Hampton Jr visiting his father on Father’s Day…his grave is annually shot by local police


.Some context for this:

-Fred Hampton was a black activist from Chicago – an extraordinary speaker, youth organizer for the NAACP. 

-He joined the Black Panthers and shone so brightly that he was made chair of the Chicago chapter when he was only 20.

-He founded the Rainbow Coalition, which brought together Black and Latino activists and radical anti-poverty Catholics.  He forged an alliance among major Chicago street gangs to help them make peace and work for social change.

-In 1967, when he was just 19, Hampton was identified by the FBI as a “radical threat.” The FBI tried to subvert his activities in Chicago, sowing disinformation to get the groups he’d drawn together to distrust each other, and getting an FBI plant next to him as a bodyguard.  

-(This is part of an illegal FBI program called COINTELPRO, which aimed to paint black civil rights activists (among others) as violent and threatening.  If you’ve only seen pictures of the Black Panthers as armed and dangerous revolutionaries, and never heard of their children’s breakfast program, their community health clinics, or their “copwatch” patrols, this is why.   It’s because COINTELPRO was a highly successful work of political propaganda.)  

-On December 3, 1969, Hampton taught a political education course at a local church, and then several Panthers gathered at his apartment for a late dinner.  One of them was the FBI plant bodyguard, who drugged Hampton.  

-At 4:45 AM on December 4, a squad of Chicago Police officers and FBI agents with a warrant to search for weapons stormed the apartment. Investigations later showed they fired between 90 and 99 times.  The Panther on security detail, Mark Clark, was holding a shotgun.  He was shot, and the gun went off into the ceiling.  This was the only shot fired by the Panthers. 

-Fred Hampton, in another room, didn’t awaken.  He was shot in his bed.  Twice, in the head, at point-blank range.  He was 21.  

-Four weeks after witnessing Hampton’s death, his finance Deborah Johnson gave birth to their son, Fred Hampton Jr.  That’s him in the photograph, visiting the grave of a father who died before he was born.  A resting place riddled with bullets.  


I'm looking back at random things I was taught as a kid by various adults and media and. did nobody bother to factcheck anything? was that just not an option or

Could you please name one?

swallowed chewing gum takes years to digest, blue veins are blue bc deoxygenated blood is blue, fossil fuels are made from dinosaurs, feeding bread to birds is fine, mice like cheese, carrots are good for your eyes, cleopatra was a sultry seductress, bulls can see the color red, corsets were uncomfortable and caused deformities, glass is a slow-moving liquid which is why old window panes are uneven at the bottom, tomato juice gets rid of skunk smells, young einstein failed math class, eating before swimming increases your risk of cramps and drowning, cracking your knuckles causes arthritis, iron maidens were used as torture devices, the earth's core is molten rock, and basically anything at all whatsoever to do with the myth of thanksgiving

they said name ONE-

bats are blind, diamonds are made of coal, the dark side of the moon is dark, the sun is yellow, lightning doesn't strike twice, columbus landed in the u.s., medieval europeans believed the world was flat, piranhas eat human flesh, goldfish have no long-term memory, porcupines can shoot their quills, people often swallow spiders in their sleep, wolves howl at the moon, humans only have 5 senses, sore muscles are caused by a buildup in lactic acid, and rust causes tetanus!


Hey remember the days where MTV was for Music Television?


Which of these wholesome Memes are your Favourite? :) 

Follow @memeuplift for more wholesome memes

currently sobbing


Passing on the good feels to everyone

Enough I can only take so much happiness


Dunno who needs to see this, but here you go 💛

And there I go again reblogging it at the speed of light

Have a good time y'all ;))


People are not always there for you, but you know what is?

Bills. Bills are always there for you.


This is so wholesome

Update: he finally got the cat to the vet to see if she had a microchip


I was already on board with his sweet wholesome open-to-love-and-nurturing heart but I was fully unprepared for getting to that last tweet and seeing how off the hook HOT dude is

https://twitter.com/pariszarcilla?lang=en heres his twitter is here there is also additonal cat photos of his children. 


aww, the kids grow up so fast. ;-;


This is, by far, the single most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen. 


I love that he kept …. All of them.


I’ve reblogged the earlier part of this thread before, and the new stuff makes it even better.

This is the Tumblr equivalent of a warm hug on a cold day.

You’re welcome.

I remember this thread, but I never saw the grown-up pics ❤

All hail Catdad


I saw Catdad for the first time today, and my day instantly became exponentially better.



I live for cat dad-

Cat dad has saved us all


I had not seen the updates. I am so happy that the Cat Gods smiled upon this person and their new family :)


He’s got more recent pictures (and is also an INCREDIBLE artist), but this is the fam circa May 2020 :>

if you’re having a bad day it’s worth your time to go scroll through his media tab on twitter, it’s mostly cat pictures, some of his cool art, and his face


Their names are Forever (mama, bottom right), Pancake (top), Mac (middle left), Ronin (middle right), and Dobby (bottom left).


commissions are officially open! i’m currently accepting five slots, just to get started and not immediately overwhelmed.

for screen reader users, you can access a pdf version of my commission sheets here. for image IDs, check out my art tag here.

i’m also still accepting donations, as i haven’t been able to find any accessible, well-paying jobs after losing mine last month. thanks to y’all, i’ve been able to get stuff to help make my car semi-liveable. once i get it all set up, i’ll post some pictures.

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