

@shrimpsontrash-blog / shrimpsontrash-blog.tumblr.com

hi i'm nicky and idek what this is anymore but i really like joji.Ask me a question! Submit!

not to sound too millennial here but it annoys me so much when I’m at a restaurant and someone I’m with will complain about the service being slow like buddy pal it’s fine it’s not that important

You didn’t waited 40 minutes for a dinner before haven’t you?


i have but i also have, like, real problems

I waited well over an hour for food once at IHOP, because it kept coming out inedible. We finally asked what was going on, and it turns out that the ONLY cook had been working for 36 hours straight with only a short nap. I ordered the easiest thing to make, tipped the waitress heavily, and sent her back to the cook with a $10 tip for them, too, AFTER watching the 24-hour restaurant close the doors so that they could send the cook home for some rest. Yeah, I’ve waited 40 minutes for my dinner, and I didn’t ask for a discount, we tipped VERY well, and sent the cook our best wishes. If something goes wrong with your restaurant experience, consider that there are real people back there, working under god knows what conditions.

“Millennials” are more human than their previous generations imo

“You didn’t waited 40 minutes for a dinner before haven’t you?”

“i have but i also have, like, real problems”

This has such a baby boomer vs. millennial energy and i think about this exchange everyday


Funny how the generation that supposedly revolves around “instant gratification” understands that that’s never going to fucking happen… Huh, odd


this bit right here

it shows us that Pokemon does look different in “real” life compared to how media portrays them. Because look at those balloons on the back. Look at the Jigglypuff one compared to the “real” Jigglypuff here.

It’s interesting because even in our society, we draw certain animals differently and more simplified, and “cuter” than the real ones in a lot of cases.

I just really appreciate this -realistic- approach of Pokemon because it show how detailed the world idea is in that universe. By showing this bit it kinda shown how developed their world is in comparison to ours!


its really funny when people put ‘if you post a screenshot of my bio as an argument you’ve already lost’ in their bio, because that means they’re aware of how fucking embarrassing their bio is, but rather than reevaluate why everyone thinks their bio is so stupid they’ve decided to just stick their fingers in their ears even more


me, with tears welling in my eyes, as people laugh about my bragging over my obsession of niche, fetishistic pornography: “Ad hominem!!!! Ad hominem!!!!”


none of shane dawson’s documentaries made me like or forgive any of the people he did documentaries about. tana said the n word multiple times and scammed her fans. jefree star used the n world and said he would pour battery acid on black women. jake paul has used the n word and he called the martinez twins racial slurs and him and team 10 fucking lied about harassment and abuse to end someone’s career and on top of all that he was mentally abusive to his ex girlfriend. shane dawson is just giving rich racist white people a platform to make excuses for their fucked up behavior in unnecessary long ass overdramatic videos. there.

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