
[kobold voice] SCIENCE

@bramblebee / bramblebee.tumblr.com

main is relic--crown | a fanart blog, i suppose ? (mostly rusty quill)

[ID: Two digital paintings of Adeeb Bin Yeslam from Chapter and Multiverse. In the first, he wears his civilian attire: a blue vest, a flowy shirt, his trademark blue turban, and a rust-orange scarf. He has glasses on and is smiling and gesturing. The second shows him in his hero costume, a tight-fitting black and white skinsuit with a blue cape and mask that evoke a butterfly. His turban is now white.]


Plaintext ID: Two digital paintings of Adeeb Bin Yeslam from Chapter and Multiverse. In the first, he wears his civilian attire: a blue vest, a flowy shirt, his trademark blue turban, and a rust-orange scarf. He has glasses on and is smiling and gesturing. The second shows him in his hero costume, a tight-fitting black and white skinsuit with a blue cape and mask that evoke a butterfly. His turban is now white. End ID


[ID: Two digital paintings of Adeeb Bin Yeslam from Chapter and Multiverse. In the first, he wears his civilian attire: a blue vest, a flowy shirt, his trademark blue turban, and a rust-orange scarf. He has glasses on and is smiling and gesturing. The second shows him in his hero costume, a tight-fitting black and white skinsuit with a blue cape and mask that evoke a butterfly. His turban is now white.]


for your consideration: joseph with a dragonfly theme and morgan continuing to steal my heart

[ID: digital paintings of the Chapter and Multiverse characters Morgan and Joseph. Both are wearing their superhero costumes. Morgan, a muscular caucasian woman with voluminous auburn hair and tattoos on her upper arms, wears casual jeans and a high-collared sleeveless shirt cut to show cleavage and embroidered with floral designs like her tattoos. Her eyes are hidden by a bright green mask, she wears a laurel crown, and plant leaves pepper her hair with more pops of green. She stands confidently, though there’s uncertainty in the set of her mouth. Next is Joseph, a skinny caucasian man. He wears black jeans and an oversized, purple-gray hoodie with designs evoking insect wings. His helmet resembles a dragonfly head: huge, iridescent eyes, mandibles, and little horns, all but the eyes painted black. He stands at the ready, his expression impossible to discern through the helmet. End ID.]


David-7 design

I binge listened to all of Stellar Firma in a week, so here's the obligatory "I listened to a podcast!" brainrot with a David Seven design. This is them Ep 1 and post failed-clone-rebellion.

you can't see it from the angle I drew them at, but the foot portion of the onesie would be made of soft foam rubber with holes in the soles for clone slime drainage, kind of like crocs.


adeeb: hey I was just wondering if you got your photos printed?

mini: bogos binted?

adeeb: what?

mini: 👽👽👽


I am in love with Mini, who is DEFINITELY human, absolutely 100% human, why would you even wonder about her humanness. She is SO NORMAL AND HUMAN. And I am in love with her. Her, Mini, who is a human.



043 | Zamid Wedding <3

hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid comic for my dear friend @lovefourtydown​ for @fandomtrumpshate​!!

The prompt was a bright wholesome magically wedding and im happy to deliver it <3

[ID: A two paged digital comic featuring the wedding of Zolf Smith and Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming. Oscar Wilde is officiating the wedding with Azu, Kiko, James Barnes, Howard Carter, Sasha Rackett, Grizzop Drik Acht Amsterdam and Cel Sidebottom as witnesses.

Hamid is a brown-skinned Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and scaly skin, he is wearing a purple patterned suit with a brass button up shirt and a plaid cravat. Zolf is a white dwarven man with short white hair and a intricately braided beard, he is wearing a blue suit with plaid accents and kilt with a purple and brass sash.

On the first page Hamid and Zolf stand facing each other, each of them have one hand outstretched holding each other. Oscar a white man in a blue suit stands in front of them with his eyes closed and his hands wide open casting an illusion of their history, both the good and the bad. From top to bottom the scenes are: Zolf embracing Hamid in Japan, Hamid sitting outside Zolfs door in Paris, Zolf and Hamid writing their book together, and Zolf and Hamid arguing in the last Londan arc.

On the second page there are 3 panels. The larger scene is Hamid and Zolf  exchanging rings; the first panel is of their hands, hamid holding Zolf’s hand, his ring already slid into place. The middle is of them closing in on a kiss, hamids eyes are open slightly as he smiles. The last panel shows them kissing just off screen, there hands clasped and both of their rings visible. In the background from left to right is Kiko, a japanese women with dark hair and a purple and pink dress. Azu a black Kenyan women wearing a similar dress as kiko but with brass flowers adorning the dress. Sasha a white women with a burn scar and a brown jacket. Cel a white hald-elf wearing a blue suit with brass accents, Barnes a white man with brown hair with a blue suit. Cater a white man with white hair and a blue suit, his arm is thrown over barnes shoulder. Grizzop a gray goblin wearing blue artemis armor. / End ID]

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