
99% Lurking 1% Lorien Legacies


Jasmine (she/her)

The guys playing "Pass the Camera"

Sam: Passing the camera to the biggest simp. (Eight) Eight: Passing the camera to... the person that never thinks he's wrong. (Adam) ("Oh that's true.") Adam: Passing the phone to the shortest guy here. (Five) ("OOOOOO-") Five: Passing the phone to the dude who's like an inch taller than me and thinks he's tall. (John) (Unintelligible hyena laughing) John: Passing the camera to the dude that has no game. (Nine) ("DAMN") Nine: Passing the phone to the sexiest man on Earth... sike. Nine: Passing the phone to the one who has the cutest smile... it's me again. Nine: Passing the phone to the guy that gets rejected by every girl. (Sam) ("DAAAAAMN")

So I'm guessing the government made official documents for the garde after the war. Headcannon that Nine convinced them he was 21, which is part of why he was able to get the professor job.


he also probably had to convince them he had a high school diploma. like nine pulls up to the government office like "yeah i'm 21 and i graduated from high school, all my records just burned with the penthouse so no reason to fact check lol" and they just give in to this wet dog looking guy trying his best to look semi-sane

The government: which high school did you graduate from?

Nine: All of them? 🤨


LL incorrect quotes but it’s just quotes from my friend group

John: I’m an old person. My body wakes me up at 6 am

Ella: *quietly and seriously*: My body screams

Nine: *singing* my chick bad my chick hood

Six: stop it

Nine: why

Six: your life depends on it

Eight: Do you eat hotdogs?

Marina: yes

Ella: awww

Nine: I need to get it in this time

Five: Fuck off

Nine: That’s what he said

Five: Fuck off?

Marina: I was more of a befriend the tiramisu kind of girl

Ella: Dude I have like the body length of a Viking

*cicada chirping*

Sandor: What’s that?

Brandon/Henri: That’s called a bug

Adam: If you were going to kys what is the stupidest way you could do it

One: One time I actually used a fork to get my food out of the toaster

Sarah: Don’t give up, chase your dreams!

Five: My dream is giving up

(Nemo to Nine): Your texting style is so different from the way you speak. Except for the number of bitches you use. Bitches remain constant

Sam: The author of my textbook suddenly stopped using the Oxford comma I’m gonna kill myself


When Malcolm goes to greet the Loric when they get to earth, he brings his son with him. Sam gets swapped with one of the Garde, Malcolm figures this out during the trip back because he knows what his son does and doesn't look like, only problem is he has no idea where the Cepan might have gone with Sam.

He tries to handle the crying alien toddler while frantically back pedalling and trying to figure out how to find his son and god how is he going to explain this to his wife???

Option A: he runs into the Cepan with Sam who is equally sweating and they just swap kids like "whelp lets never speak of this again goodbye" and they both let out a sigh of relief and have a funny story to tell their kids in the future

Option B: Cepan is long gone with Sam and by the time they've come to their senses and realised he's not their kid they're two continents away and have no idea where any of the greeters come from. Thus, Malcolm has no choice but protect the Garde now under his charge while relentlessly travelling around the world in the hopes he'll figures out where Sam went. The Cepan is also is in a icky situation because they have no idea where their charge is but they absolutely cannot just abandon this cute human kid so guess that's a problem they'll have to deal with.

Up to you which Cepan and Garde it is but I like to just imagine Sandor sweating like 'oh no how did i already fuck this up'


The rest of the mermay drawings are complete!! This is from when I decided to do a Lorien Legacies themed mermay back in 2020, but never got to finish the last four days

Day 28 are Nigel (based on a gulf corvina, the loudest fish) and Ran (based on a koi fish)

Day 29 is Daniela (based on an atlantic salmon, native to New York)

Day 30 are Fleur (based on a flower horn fish, since her name translates to flower) and Bertrand (based on a bumblebee fish, similar to his life as a beekeeper and having the Legacy to speak to insects)

Day 31 is Setrákus Ra (based on an eel, though it's slightly augmented to resemble a mermaid tail that's been ravaged to hint at his former Loric self)

These look amazing!

[at a zoo] 
Eight: What are they in for? 
John: Eight, this isn't prison. 
Eight: So they can leave? 
John: No, but- 
Nine, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone

These are sort of the first and last words of the characters in the main series. It is actually more like a comparison of the character’s beginning vs end. (not actually fist and last words but oh well) 

I love these characters and the other characters too, but so far I have drawn these three.  

Honestly I really am obsessed I think I need help! :) 

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