
Worlds of Creation


a blog dedicated to sharing information about original star wars species, and guiding others in the process

Leuse - Planet

Leuse is located in the Heras star system, between Hutt Space and the Galactic Republic.  (Looks a bit like Kepler-452 b) 

Basic Landscape: 

  • Leuse is a very mountainous planet and the parts of the planet that were not mountainous were made up of large forests of gigantic trees, called Askr, similar to the Wroshyr tree on Kashyyyk. 
  • There are some areas that do not have these mountains or trees, there are small deserts or plains/valleys. The forested areas are populated areas. The mountains are the coldest part of the Leuse, but also the most densely populated areas. 
  • Some of the mountains reach well over the cloud line, and below the treeline are where most of the normal sized trees grow. The trees, Eik, are very similar to the evergreen trees you can find in parts of Earth. 
  • There are some oceans, and small islands scattered around them. Those islands are not inhabited by the Aligero year-round, though some have summer homes on these islands. The oceans are huge, and there are cliffs boarding the sea. 
  • Some suspect that there are mermaids, or mermaid-like creatures living in the oceans of Leuse. Most stories of them are quite exaggerated, though the mermaid-like creatures are an actual thing. They haven’t had contact with the Aligerous in a very long time, and are even more reluctant after the attempted invasion by the Separatists.
  • The rivers on Leuse are often immense, and you can find quite a lot of waterfalls, especially close to the cliffs. Where these rivers are are also where you can find the valleys, where most farming is done.
  • During the winter season, the oceans can sometimes freeze over and you could theoretically walk across to the other side though it isn’t recommended. Winters on Leuse can get extremely cold, and while the summers do not get intense, it can get very hot. 
  • The continents are all separated by these huge oceans, divided North and South and then East and West. The capital can be found on the lower half of the Northeastern continent, Paras.
  • Clan Farriage is a mobile clan, and they have homes on all continents. Those belonging to that Clan usually man seaports and skyports, and live in homes built on or near the cliffs. 
  • Skyports are huge trading cities, usually anchored to a mountain or an Askr tree. When dignitaries arrive on Leuse, their vessels first arrive at these skyports, so they can stop, refuel, and rest, before heading on to whatever city they were designated to go to.  
  • Aligerous usually fly to these cities, though facilities are built into the skyports to assist those who cannot fly. 

Here are some reference pictures:


Court Attire: The Night Courts

Court attire in the Night Courts are very dramatic and done solely for intimidation towards the Celestial Courts if they’re having to deal with them. I’ll be showing outfits and discussing who wears what. I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to @capricornrabies​ for showing me these!

The Blood Court:

In the Blood Court, you’ll see the handmaidens/ladies-in-waiting wearing garments like these. Blind masks are mandatory for ladies-in-waiting in training and Keres, the Princess of the Blood Court, had to wear one as well when she wasn’t being paraded about for the nobles to inspect to see if they wanted to marry her.

This was one of the blind masks Keres wore during Court duties. The men of the court were also required to wear blind masks, though theirs are less intricate than the women’s are.

The Court of Death:


The Court of Death will pair veils with their blind masks more often than not, and when not attending court business, wear the lace eye masks.

The royal guards boast masks such as these at all times, the sight of the guards walking with the royal family and the High Council is enough to make someone think twice about approaching them.

The Court of Bones:

The Court of Bones tend to wear masks and accessories related to, well, bones. It’s dramatic and certainly gives off quite the intimidation factor among the Celestial Courts when interacting with them.


Star Wars and a lot of other sci-fi settings often fall into a trap where they want a role for a particular kind of animal and the “alien” version they come up with is far too recognizable. Like say you’ve got a scene that, on Earth, would call for a character trying to get honey out of a beehive without pissing off the bees. Maybe on this alien planet there are acid-spitting worms that cultivate edible crystals? Maybe there’s a tasty, slow-moving creature whose hollow body is also home to explosive, irritable jelly-blobs? A metallic growth filled with sweet nectar but nested in by something that leaps and spews fire? It’s the same scene for the same effect no matter how alien the organisms are, and I think the audience will recognize that while getting a lot more fun out of it than “oh this planet has bees but they’re like, bigger and they’re purple”


Worldbuilding Ask Game

I hosted an event awhile ago where I would randomly send a few worldbuilding questions from this list to people who reblogged a post of mine! Now that the event is over, I decided to post up the full list as an ask game—feel free to reblog this post and have people send in an ask with one or more questions!

In your world…

  1. Are there seasonal changes? In weather or temperature, flora or fauna appearance depending on the time of year?
  2. What is the usual climate like? What precipitation, temperature, and humidity is common?
  3. What are the major foods available? Is there hunting, trapping, and/or fishing? Or is meat raised? Do they forage or grow their own agriculture?
  4. How do people normally spend their free time? What sorts of common activities and entertainment is available?
  5. What sorts of festivals and holidays are celebrated? How are these traditionally celebrated, and by who?
  6. What religions and beliefs are common? Are there physical structures or locations for these? What are the typical practices of these beliefs like?
  7. What landmarks and special natural phenomena exist? Natural or artificial wonders? How do people explain these? By religious, scientific, or mythological explanations?
  8. How do people keep their history? Do they physically record it, or pass it down through spoken stories?
  9. How are conflicts resolved? Peaceful negotiation, war, or something else entirely?
  10. Is there a single leader, multiple, or are decisions made by the people? If the former, how are the leaders chosen? If the latter, how are decisions made?
  11. If they were to trade with someone else, what exports would they have to offer? Do they trade, do they take resources by force, or are they entirely self-sufficient?
  12. How would it be described on a travel brochure? What aspects would be highlighted?
  13. What is education like? Is it private or public teaching? Are there schools? Are the topics taught more general or more specialized?
  14. What is common for modes of transportation? What do most people use and what is reserved for those of higher classes/more wealth?
  15. What is the social structure like? Are their classes or castes? Does treatment depend on class or is everyone treated equally?
  16. What is the typical wardrobe like? Colourful or dull? Fancy or functional? Warm or light?
  17. What is medicine typically like? Advanced or primitive? Traditionally based or more modern-like? Who are the medical practitioners, and how are they treated by society?
  18. What flora or fauna are common? Are they hostile or passive? How would you describe the typical natural environment?
  19. What languages are common? Is there a written version? What does it look like? Is there a hand sign version?
  20. What sort of slang or swears exist? Rude gestures? What are the levels of vulgarity, and who are the sorts of people to use this language?
  21. What symbols are used to represent places or societies? What would be put on flags or banners? What do they represent and why is that important?
  22. How are settlements organized? In large cities, smaller villages? Where are they typically set up? Are they temporary or permanent?
  23. What is typically seen as attractive? What natural features and what artificial features? What personality traits?
  24. How are visuals recorded? Photography, painting, sculptures, or other mediums? What materials are typically used? How accessible are these to the general populace?
  25. Who do people go to for advice? A religious figure, a leader, an educator? Or do different people specialize in different types of advice?
  26. Is the economy currency based or based on bartering physical goods? What is most valuable? What is least?
  27. What do dwellings typically look like? What materials are usually used in their construction? Are there stylistic features common among structures?
  28. How are travelers or immigrants treated? Or do people tend to stay where they were born?
  29. What ways do people typically decorate themselves? Tattoos, piercings, makeup, jewelry, perfume, other accessories? What do these say about a person?
  30. What type of art is common? Visual, writing, musical? Is this valued? How is this art shared? Is it shared on an individual basis or can you go somewhere to see it?
  31. What accommodations are available for those with physical disabilities or who are neurodivergent? How are these people treated?
  32. What kind of weaponry is common? What fighting styles? And for more peaceful places, how would they defend themselves?
  33. What happens when someone dies? Is there a belief in a kind of afterlife or reincarnation? What ceremonies take place?
  34. How do people keep in contact? Do they write each other? How are messages transported? Are there communication devices?
  35. Are there domesticated house pets? What animals? How are they fed and otherwise cared for?
  36. How do people keep track of time? Do they have a calendar? Are there clocks, sundials, or other time pieces?
  37. How do people navigate? Do they have maps, compasses, or something else? How are these things made?
  38. What is the law system like? Who enforces it? How are people who break the rules punished, or are they? How is it decided that someone is guilty or innocent?
  39. What sorts of natural disasters happen? How are these prepared for and dealt with afterwards?
  40. How do people show they love each other? Are unions like marriage common? What are weddings like?
  41. How long do people tend to live? What is this age affected by? Sickness, unsafe working conditions, dangerous environment? Or is that simply the natural old age?
  42. What do people use as a light source aside from the sun? Fire, electricity, magic? Or do they not need light?
  43. What sort of sicknesses or diseases exist? What are the most deadly ones? How are these treated, and how effective is that treatment?

Under the cut are people who asked for tags~

Fantasy Guide to Feasts, Food and Drink

Picture yourself at a banquet held at the local Lord's castle. The music is playing, the people are chatting and rustling about in their best clothes. You sit at a table and what sits before you? Not chicken nuggets, my friend.

Food is always one of the staples of any world you build. You can get a feel of class, society and morality just by looking at the spread before you on the table.

Food for lower classes (Peasants)

Most peasants lived off the land, rearing flocks, tilling fields and tending orchards. If they lived near the sea, lakes, rivers or streams, they would fish. But since they lived on land owned by churches or lords, they would only be allowed a portion of what they grew. In cities, the peasants would buy food from one another at the market.

  • Peasants would make bread out of rye grain, that would make the bread very dark. In some communities they would make sourdough, which involves using a piece of dough you made the day before to make that day's bread.
  • Eggs were a source of food that was easy to come by as farmers kept chickens on hand.
  • Cheese and butter would be sold and used in the farm.
  • Jam would also be made as it was easy to preserve and sell.
  • Peasants would not eat much meat. Chickens made money by laying eggs, pigs could be fattened and sold for profit and cows and goats would be used for milk. By killing any of these animals for food they would loose a portion of money. Poaching (hunting on private land owned by the lord) would come with severe penalties.
  • Pottage and stew were a favourite of peasants as they could throw any vegetables or bit of meat or fish in a pot to cook for a few hours. It wasn't a difficult dish to make and often inexpensive.
  • Pies, pasties and pastries would be a favourite at inns and taverns in towns and cities most containing gravy, meat and vegetables.
  • With most villages and farms set close to forests, many peasants could find berries at the edge of fields. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries would have all grown wild.

Food for Nobility & Royalty

Nobility and Royalty could always afford better food than the poor. However it might be a patch more unhealthy than the poor's fare. Nobility and Royalty weren't fans of vegetables.

  • The rich would eat a lot of meat, much of which they would hunt down themselves on their own land. Deer, wild boar, rabbits, turkey and other wild creatures would all be on the table.
  • Nobility and Royalty would be fond of fish as well. Lamprey eels was a delicacy only preserved for special occasions.
  • They could afford salt which was important for preserving meat and fish. This would allow the castle/manor/palace to be stocked in times of winter or famine.
  • They could also afford pepper and other spices, all of which could cost a fortune, to flavour their food.
  • During a feast, they would eat off of platters made of precious metals but only if you were seated at the high table. Other less important guests would eat off a trencher, a piece of hollowed out stale bread.
  • Sugar would be the height of dessert. The sugar would be shaped into fantastical formations to impress the noble guests. Tudor chefs would create edible sugar plates for Henry VIII to eat off of.
  • Swans and peacocks would be served in their plumage. Swans would be more royal diners as in England the monarch owns all the swans. In Ireland, it is illegal to kill a swan mainly because they could be children trapped in swan-bodies. Long story.


At certain events, the noble/monarch might throw a party. Most parties would begin with a dinner.

  • The high table would seat the family throwing the party and the honoured guests. All the food would come to them first to be distributed to their favourites. They would drink the best wine and have the finest bread.
  • The rest of the hall would be seated together at trestle tables, eating off trenchers. They would be sent food by the thrower of the feast on account of their personal importance or social standing. The closer you were to the salt cellar, placed at the head of the table the more important you were. The further away you were, the lower your status.
  • Servants called cupbearers would serve wine and drink and move about the hall to carry jugs of wine to water the guests.
  • Dogs would often be found in the hall, to be fed scraps by the diners.


No world or party is complete without the booze. Since much of the water in Mediaeval times was putrid or dirty, the classes would avoid it.

Beer: was both a favourite of peasants and the nobility. It would be brewed in castles or in taverns and inns, each site having a different recipe and taste. It would be stored in barrels. Beer was widely available across the world and could be brewed at home. So therefore it was inexpensive.

The two main types of beer would be:

  • Ale: Ale in the middle ages referred to beer brewed without hops (a kind of flowering plant that gives beer its bitter taste). It is sweeter and would typically have a fruity aftertaste.
  • Stout: is a darker beer sometimes brewed from roasted malt, coming in a sweet version and dry version, the most famous stout being Guinness.

Wine: Wine would be made on site of vineyards and stored in cellars of large houses or castles. They would be expensive as they would have to be imported from regions capable of growing vines.

Port: Port wine or fortified wine would be made with distilled grape spirits. It is a sweet red wine, and also would be expensive to import from the counties able to grow the correct vines.

Whiskey: is a spirit made from distilled fermented grain mash in a device called a still (which would always be made of copper). The age of whiskey is determined by the length of time it has been sitting in a cask from the time it is made to the time its put in bottles. Whiskey was a favourite drink in colder climates and could be made any where in the world.

Rum: Rum is made by fermenting and distilling sugarcane molasses/juice. It is aged in oak barrels and would have to be imported as it could only be made in lands able to grow sugarcane.

Poitín: (pronounced as pot-cheen) is made from cereals, grain, whey, sugar beet, molasses and potatoes. It is a Dangerous Drink (honestly i still don't know how I ended up in that field with a traffic cone and a Shetland pony) and technically illegal. Country folk in Ireland used to brew it in secrets in stills hidden on their land.

Worldbuilding Guide: Currency

Currency is one of the staples in fantasy worlds. Whether it's a silver stag from Westeros, a knut from Gringotts or some unnamed gold coin, every world and culture has some sort of currency to buy items with. For many it is the driving force of their actions and the plot.

Coins and Notes

As in our world, currency takes different forms. Some are of metal, some of paper. The currency does not have to be in monetary form. Barter van also be used, a service in exchange for a service, an item in exchange for another item.


When you create a currency, you must choose which value each coin is worth. In Game of Thrones there are three kinds of coin: the golden dragon, the silver stag and the copper star. The gold is the most valuable of the three. In Harry Potter, we get a more in depth look at the currency's worth and how everything matches up: 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle, 493 Knuts to a Galleon. Of course, we can base currency on our real world: 100 lesser coins to 1 major one. Ex. 100 cents to a Euro.


In most fantasy works, we hear about golden coins and we imagine solid chips of gold. However in history, the gold and silver of the coins are mixed with lesser metals. The worth of the coin against another kingdom's currency relied upon the percentage of the precious metal. If Kingdom X's gold coin is 30% pure and Kingdom Y's is 60% pure, for every coin paid by kingdom Y, X must pay 2.


Every kind of coin has a different value as does every note and often they are shaped different. Most coins are smaller as their value decreases. Using different shapes can be interesting and add a more original feel to our currency. Most historical coins bear the visage of a monarch or mythical being or deity. An inscription can also be inscribed on the parchment or coin. Coinage can be used as propaganda as all the commons will see them.

Anonymous asked:

How can white creators take inspiration from other cultures without being disrespectful? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to

This is an amazing question and I'm sorry it took me a while to get to it, but I'll do my best to give an informative answer!

So, first things first, before you draw any inspiration from another culture at all, there are some questions you should ask yourself:

Do I have to credit something that's well known?

The answer is yes. It's always good to be open about what you've drawn inspiration from, especially if it is not your original idea or intellectual property. Transparency is your friend!
If something is not yours, you need to say so. If you've drawn inspiration from a culture that is not your own, you need to preface your work with explanation, or better yet, provide some links for people to read and educate themselves on the topic.
One example that comes to mind is George Lucas.
He was very open with the fact he took inspiration from the samurai, and other aspects of east asian culture. He gives detailed and respectful interviews explaining the significance behind his choices in regards to Japanese culture. This is good!
However, he never once credited all the Indian and Pakistani/Muslim names or cultural elements he incorporated into his work. He used ancient, sacred languages, the names of Hindu gods and goddesses, and so much more. The fact that he did not credit these cultures and offer the same information and explanation that he did for others is wrong.
When you take from minority cultures that are not as well known and understood, people might confuse it as your own original ideas, or worse, an "exotic" sounding addition that has no meaning.

Is this culture I want to draw inspiration from belonging to a community of colour?

If the answer is yes, hit the pause button.
You'll need to spend your time researching. Read up on the aspects that you don't know. Culture is often rooted in history, pain, tradition, and so much more. It can be nuanced, complicated. Make sure to do your research. And no, research does not mean jumping into someone's ask box or dms and asking them to explain things to you. Minorities are not your resources to use and drain instead of doing the research yourself.
All in all, when it comes to white creators taking their inspiration from communities of colour, it runs the risk of appropriation that adds to a long history of unfair and unjust treatment.
At the end of the day, it's my opinion that using your imagination to create something new is a better alternative than taking inspiration from a culture you might not have an in-depth understanding of.

I really like aspects of Hinduism/Buddhism/Islam. Is this ok to include in my story?

Yes and no.
When done respectfully, with proper care, research, an in-depth understanding, and complete transparency about what you've drawn inspiration from and the significance of it, it can be done.
However, I've rarely seen this done.
Say for example you want to include a character that wears a hijab, or you want to base your fictional religion off of Hinduism. If you have not grown up in or around either of these religions, you run the risk of accidentally causing offense to the groups you want to take inspiration from.
For example, the islamic concept of hijab is so much more than just a piece of fabric. The word hijab in Arabic does not mean "headscarf" at all. Rather, it denotes a commitment to modesty - modesty that transcends what you're wearing. Someone practicing hijab is practicing modesty of the eyes, tongue, and body. Hijab means speaking respectfully and watching your actions and words. Hijab is a personal relationship between yourself, your conduct, and your creator. Someone can be practicing hijab without wearing a headscarf!
See what I mean?
Slapping a piece of fabric on a character's head or making your fictional religion resemble one like Judaism or Hinduism when you don't have these understandings can be risky.
At the end of the day, "eastern" religions and cultural practices are too often reduced to aesthetics and the deep and important meanings behind our practices are lost in this process of appropriation.

This is by no means a complete list of things to ask yourself or be careful of. My advice is to proceed with caution and take your time to understand before writing!

If there are any minorities who would like to add their piece to this post, I invite you to do so! If you are not a religious or ethnic minority, I'd kindly ask you not to add to this!


The High Fae part 2: The Night Court

Tagging @roseofalderaan, @hounding-around, @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky, and @notreallybeccab **Side note: The Court of Shadows information is still in development, I will update this post once it’s done!**

The Court Of Bones:

The Court of Bones Fae are the strangest looking out of all the Fae Courts: they’re thin and skeletal like, with high cheekbones and hollowed out cheeks, their eyes, always completely pitch black in color, are slightly sunk into their heads and have dark circles under them. Their fingers are long and thin, but are unnaturally strong, even for a Fae, and once they have hold of someone, it’s nearly impossible to get them off. Some of these Fae have wings of bone or rotting flesh, though it’s a very rare trait to possess. All of these Fae have sickly pale skin and either white or black hair.

The men are tall and lanky, but surprisingly strong, and wear tribal styled war paint on their arms, chest, and face. The women are also tall and slender, their ears are longer than the men’s, and they keep their ears pierced a minimum of four times on each ear, and wear war paint on their faces and upper arms. Unlike the other Fae, who all have the fangs, only women in this Court have them.

The Court of Bones is full of infighting, mostly among the common Fae, and no one trusts one another. They’ll sometimes band together to take on someone who’s angered them, but once the grudge is settled, they go back to fighting amongst themselves again. The noble families have tentative truces with one another, but that’s more out of fear of Queen Sveta than anything else. There are rumors that the Queen either murdered or imprisoned her own husband, Vlad, and disowned her own daughter, Natalya, though there’s no concrete proof , so no one really knows for sure if the rumors are true.

No one is truly sure who the Court of Bones Fae worship beyond Ares, Seth, and Hel. The Court of Bones Fae can be found to the west in Nos, their main city Vollen. Their architecture is similar to that of the Ancient Greeks and is very well kept, though their buildings are constructed from a mix of marble and bones of dragons who have long since passed.

The Blood Court:

High Fae from the Blood Court possess deathly pale skin, crimson hair, and red eyes. They have the fangs the other Fae courts have, though their forward fangs are longer than the other High Fae as they use them as weapons and they drink blood like vampires do.

Like the Court of Bones, there’s infighting amongst the Blood Court Fae, though it’s more commonly found between the noble families vying for favor with Queen Helena and King Alexios, who are fickle in their favor: one moment someone could be holding their favor, and the next they’re beheading them for some slight, real or imagined. They have twin children, Keres and Ajax. The people know Keres to be a spoiled brat while Ajax is one of their finest warriors and slated to become the next king.

Male Fae in this court are stocky and well built, generally more stout than the other Fae. They have thicker fangs, their tempers run hotter, and they’re more prone to outright violence. Female Fae, on the other hand, are taller and more willowy and lean. They’re sneakier than the males are, using their wit and intelligence to overpower their enemies instead of brute force. When it comes to war, the Blood Court goes all out and will do anything and everything to win, however they absolutely refuse to harm children and will take children from other Courts to raise them as their own as pregnancy for women in this court is rare and nearly impossible to achieve. They claim the Fates have cursed them and have made them barren.

The Blood Court rule from the south in a large castle nestled in the center of a city called Kinsta. Their buildings are old school Gothic architecture and are carved from obsidian and steel. They use the Witchwoods as means of hiding their assassins and attacking travelers for coming too close to their lands.

The Court of Death:

The Court of Death Fae have skin that’s comparable to moonlight and with nights with a new moon, with eyes that are most commonly black, white, or silver in coloring, though green and gold have been seen in some Fae. Hair color is usually dark, but occasionally reds or blondes have been seen as well. Like most Fae, they have four pairs of fangs in the upper part of their mouth, resting one right behind the other on both sides of the mouth.

Male Fae stand an average of five foot ten and go upwards to about seven feet tall. They’re well built with broad shoulders and are generally muscular. Females are on average about five foot five and go on to be about five foot ten. They have a more willowy build and tend to range on the smaller side.

Fae in the Death Court are ruled by a Queen and a high council made up of the different noble houses and Nyx, the Queen’s daughter. The Council makes most of the decisions for the Court, the Queen only stepping in for major events or to help end a stalemate if the Council can’t come to an agreement.

Death Fae, also known as Reapers, collect the souls of dead Fae, bringing them into their Court as new citizens. Most Fae in the Court of Death are Fae from the other courts, the only true Death Fae left belonging to the noble houses and the royal family. True Death Fae are rare because there’s very few options for them to find a mate that isn’t family in one way or another.

The Court of Death houses the ancient Fae library that holds secrets lost to the other courts. They value knowledge and secrets above all else, doing everything in their power to ferret out knowledge and keeping it written in books that no one outside the royal family will ever see. No one really knows where the Court of Death resides as they use a cloaking spell to keep their city hidden away from prying eyes.


The High Fae: The Celestial Courts

And here we go with part 2! Going into depth on the Fae and the different courts! I’ll be going into a brief history between the courts and then break it down by each faction. This could potentially be broken up into a two part post, but we’ll see how long this gets!

There are two factions of Fae on Ellodeem: The Celestial Court and the Night Court. There are four separate courts that make up each faction: The Court of Stars, The Court of Dreams, The Court of Ashes, and the Winter Court all make up the Celestial faction while the Court of Bones, Court of Death, Court of Shadows, and the Blood Court make up the Night Court. War has been waged for the past five years between the Blood Court and the courts of the Celestial Court, though they’ve primarily targeted the Court of Stars and the Court of Dreams. The Court of Bones has been involved in the war off and on, however there’s so much in fighting in that particular court, they’re more focused on sorting themselves out. It’s because of this that when the Separatists found out about Ellodeem and reached out, the queen of the Blood Court, Helena, accepted their offer of an alliance on the condition that they provide assistance in helping win the war raging. The Celestial Courts are allies, though the Court of Ashes remains a neutral party, refusing to step in unless things are dire. The Court of Death and Court of Shadows are also neutral courts, neither faction wanting to involve themselves in what they perceive as petty squabbles. Fae are born with a primal magic that manifests in different ways. For the Court of Stars, music helps channel their magic and they focus primarily on healing. The Blood Court and Court of Bones both use blood magic and necromancy, a very taboo form of magic to the other Courts. Because they’re born with magic all their own, Fae are not Force sensitive and cannot be Jedi or Sith. All Fae have a special connection to dragons and some are even lucky enough to bond with a hatchling, able to communicate mentally with the dragon and are usually members of the noble families or royal families. I’ll be starting with the Court of Stars and Court of Dreams as they’re the two courts that will primarily be focused on. The Court of Ashes and the Winter Court information will come at a later date when and if they make an appearance in any future writing!


Celestial and Night Court laws

We’ll be doing a little delving down into the different factions laws here. There, are of course, some differences depending on which court you’re in, however I’ll be covering the universal laws here in this post!

Let’s begin with the Night Court laws:

Legal/Legally protected: Necromancy, blood rituals Illegal (but ignored): Slavery Neither Legal nor illegal: Piracy, drug dealing Frequently problematic: Organized crime, identity theft, general theft Punishments for criminals include: death by combat, the death sentence, no punishment, torture, or exile Socially accepted behaviors: Nudity, drug possession, public intoxication Major Social problems: Prejudice, bullying, littering, homophobia Major Taboos: Domestic abuse, adultery, child abuse Minor Taboos: Loitering in public places, wearing shoes indoors Punishments for Major Taboos: The death sentence, burning at the stake, exile, or imprisonment in the stocks Punishments for Minor Taboos: No punishment, small fine, 9 days in jail

And now onto the Celestial Court:

Legal/Legally protected: Public protests, piracy Illegal (but ignored): Assassination, hunting Night Court Fae for sport Neither Legal nor illegal: Bribery Frequently problematic: Public brawls, public intoxication Punishments for criminals include: No punishment, counseling, prison sentence, fines Socially accepted behaviors: Alcohol consumption, walking on the grass in public spaces Major Social problems: Homophobia, littering, discrimination Major Taboos: Adultery, verbal abuse, physical abuse, infanticide Minor Taboos: Dishonesty, public nudity Punishments for Major Taboos: Prison sentences up to 70 years, execution, counseling Punishments for Minor Taboos: No punishments, small fine, counseling


Animals on Ellodeem

Now this one I’m really looking forward to sharing with you guys! Delving into some of the creatures found here on Ellodeem! Let’s start with the dragons. Most, if not all, have something to do with gemstones of some sort. Obsidian dragons can be found near the Blood Court’s territory, preferring the solitude and darkness of the lush, tropical forest surround their lands.

This is one example of what an Obsidian dragon may look like. They’re a vicious breed and will rarely bond with a Fae. Ajax, the Blood Court prince, has bonded with one named Khaos and the two of them are fierce in battle together.

Next up we have a variation of Opal dragons! This one is a black opal dragon and has bonded with Danica of the Court of Stars Fae. Opal dragons can be found all over Ellodeem, the region determining their type and coloring.

Pearl and Diamond dragons like these two are found in the tundra and polar regions on Nos, their coloring helping them blend in with their surroundings, making them excellent scouts, spies and hunters for the Winter Court.

Aquamarine dragons are most at home in the Ethereal Tides and on the island that the Court of Dreams calls home. Rose Quartz dragons also prefer to keep to the island as well. These two dragons are far shyer than the other breeds and tend to stay hidden away from prying eyes. These are only a few species of dragons found on Ellodeem, but they’re some of the most prominent ones. Aside from the full sized winged dragons, there are other various species as well such as sea dragons and teacup dragons. Teacups are the perfect size for Fae to keep as pets and they come in a variety of colors and types. Wing types vary from bird like wings to the traditional bat like wings seen in most dragons. And there are rarer breeds of dragon that lurk in the deepest corners of the Witchwoods that are the size of horses and lack the wings of their cousins.

Unicorns and Pegasi can be found scattered through the Witchwoods, Unicorns essentially using their magic to carve out groves for them to live in while Pegasi nest in the tallest trees of the woods. Both unicorns and Pegasi come in a variety of colors and patterns. They’re rare to see and those who do happen to see either of them are considered blessed by the gods.

Fae Hunting Hounds are the next most well known species here. They were bred by the Court of Dreams to be loyal companions used for hunting the giant elk, giant boar, and other creatures in the Witchwoods along with those of the Court of Bones and Blood Court. They’re as intelligent as a human is, if not smarter, and they bond with one Fae, and one Fae alone. Hunting hounds are the size of pitbulls and built like them as well, but have colorful, short coats with various gemstones growing out of their body. There’s hounds with opals on them, amethyst, etc. and those gems growing on their bodies carry certain properties that are helpful to themselves and their owners. They’re fast and silent when they hunt and make perfect family dogs. Their protective nature has earned them the nickname “Nanny hounds”. Sadly I don’t have any art for them on hand right now, I do plan on getting something commissioned at some point though! Our last species that I’ll be touching on in this post is the Ronki, 8 legged horses that are rumored to have descended from Odin’s horse, Sleipnir, himself. No one actually knows if that’s true or not, but they don’t usually second guess it. They’re big creatures, about the size of your average Clydesdale if not slightly bigger. These horse like creatures are used primarily by the Court of Ashes, Winter Court, and Court of Stars as their main mode of transportation. They were bred for war, their intelligence matching that of the Fae hunting hounds and are well suited for mounted combat.

These are but a few of the interesting creatures you’ll find on Ellodeem, and the ones that are discussed most aside from farm creatures such as the yunta, dual headed cows used for milk, cheese, butter, and meat, or gacri, chicken like birds the size of swans.

**All art of course belongs to the respective artists, these are just representations of what they looks like. I don’t claim them as mine at all!**



So I thought I’d make a little post discussing my High Fae race and planet! In this case, it’s going to be Star Wars centered since I’ve pulled them in as an original alien race. It’s going to be broken up into about 4 posts, might end Tagging @roseofalderaan@worldsofcreation@hounding-around, @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky, @notreallybeccab The planet Ellodeem, found in Wild Space, is a planet the resembles earth in atmosphere and gravity, and is home to an alien race called the Fae or High Fae. Ellodeem boasts lilac skies during the day and a deep, royal purple at night with two moons. Ellodeem is home to many exotic plants, animals, and foods that can only be found here, including flowers such as the Ellodeem rose, the foxtrot plant, dragons, Fae hunting hounds, and Ronki, an eight legged horse species descending from Sleipnir himself. The main continent, Nos, stretches across multiple regions, from polar in the far North, a more temperate climate further south you go, while the east is a mix of temperate and coastal, and the west is coastal and polar the further north you go, and down past the equator which becomes more tropical in climate. It sits far from tectonic boundaries, the tallest mountains in the land no more than really big hills. There are many cave systems, a good number of them mines for precious gems such as opals, sapphires, etc. There’s no volcanic activity here and earthquakes are very rare and very weak. The seas to the North, West, and South of Nos are difficult to travel between rough waters and strange creatures that are larger than most of the ships in the coastal regions. Seas to the East, on the other hand, are gentle and much better suited for swimming in. Ellodeem has never had anyone outside of the Fae on it’s surface, in fact, most don’t seem to even realize it’s there until the start of the Clone Wars. Once more people find out about Ellodeem, there’s a high demand for the various foods and ingredients that can only be found here, like the foxtrot plant whose nectar makes a rich and sweet liquor that’s also very, very potent and strong. Fae aren’t the only race found on Ellodeem, though they are the most prominent. Minotaurs, Half dragons, elvhen, and gargoyles call the different regions of Ellodeem home as well. Minotaurs are a nomadic race, traveling all across Nos, though they tend to avoid the more tundra regions as well as going too far south to avoid contact with the Court of Bones and Blood Court Fae who use them as beasts of burden if they catch them. Gargoyles can be found scattered all around Nos, making their homes in old ruins and smaller towns of Fae, living in harmony with those of the Celestial Faction. There are some smaller bands of Gargoyles that work with the Blood Court, though for the most part they seem to be more for guard work than anything else. Elvhen live among the Fae, usually as servants or members of the royal guard along with half dragons.

I love this so much!!!

Also the details you’ve put into it, it’s immaculate.

@roseofalderaan my dove, thank you so much!!! I have a notebook that’s at least twenty pages long going into detail on each court and stuff lol I’ve put so much effort into it and I hadn’t actually planned on getting this in-depth, but, well, here we are!

Oh wow! That's a lot, but also super cool!!



So I thought I’d make a little post discussing my High Fae race and planet! In this case, it’s going to be Star Wars centered since I’ve pulled them in as an original alien race. It’s going to be broken up into about 4 posts, might end Tagging @roseofalderaan@worldsofcreation@hounding-around, @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky, @notreallybeccab The planet Ellodeem, found in Wild Space, is a planet the resembles earth in atmosphere and gravity, and is home to an alien race called the Fae or High Fae. Ellodeem boasts lilac skies during the day and a deep, royal purple at night with two moons. Ellodeem is home to many exotic plants, animals, and foods that can only be found here, including flowers such as the Ellodeem rose, the foxtrot plant, dragons, Fae hunting hounds, and Ronki, an eight legged horse species descending from Sleipnir himself. The main continent, Nos, stretches across multiple regions, from polar in the far North, a more temperate climate further south you go, while the east is a mix of temperate and coastal, and the west is coastal and polar the further north you go, and down past the equator which becomes more tropical in climate. It sits far from tectonic boundaries, the tallest mountains in the land no more than really big hills. There are many cave systems, a good number of them mines for precious gems such as opals, sapphires, etc. There’s no volcanic activity here and earthquakes are very rare and very weak. The seas to the North, West, and South of Nos are difficult to travel between rough waters and strange creatures that are larger than most of the ships in the coastal regions. Seas to the East, on the other hand, are gentle and much better suited for swimming in. Ellodeem has never had anyone outside of the Fae on it’s surface, in fact, most don’t seem to even realize it’s there until the start of the Clone Wars. Once more people find out about Ellodeem, there’s a high demand for the various foods and ingredients that can only be found here, like the foxtrot plant whose nectar makes a rich and sweet liquor that’s also very, very potent and strong. Fae aren’t the only race found on Ellodeem, though they are the most prominent. Minotaurs, Half dragons, elvhen, and gargoyles call the different regions of Ellodeem home as well. Minotaurs are a nomadic race, traveling all across Nos, though they tend to avoid the more tundra regions as well as going too far south to avoid contact with the Court of Bones and Blood Court Fae who use them as beasts of burden if they catch them. Gargoyles can be found scattered all around Nos, making their homes in old ruins and smaller towns of Fae, living in harmony with those of the Celestial Faction. There are some smaller bands of Gargoyles that work with the Blood Court, though for the most part they seem to be more for guard work than anything else. Elvhen live among the Fae, usually as servants or members of the royal guard along with half dragons.


Chapter 4

Warnings: Language, canon typical violence, eventual smut Word Count: 2.8k Link to the outfit I picture Dani in Join my taglist here Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Tagging: @blue-space-porgs​, @miss-spixx

Warmth was the first thing I noticed as I stirred from a deep sleep, something heavy draped over my waist keeping me weighed down. I rolled over, burying myself in the warmth, savoring it really since my room was so cold for some strange reason. I must have left the balcony doors open again by accident. I seemed to do that far too often during the fall, but I couldn’t help it really; the weather was just too nice to keep my doors shut. Besides, whatever this warmth was next to me, it balanced the chill out nicely, making it comfortable and certainly more difficult to actually wake up and get out of bed.

Wait. Bed? I fell asleep on my chaise last night. How did I end up in bed? My eyes flew open and I found myself curled up against a sleeping Wolffe, my face nuzzled into his chest. I nearly yelped out loud and carefully tried to remove myself from this potentially awkward situation, gasping when his arm tightened on my waist as I began to slowly wiggle away from him. Oh this was not good, this was not good at all. How was I going to get myself out of this predicament? I waited a moment for him to settle back down into sleep before moving carefully out from under his grasp, my bare feet lightly hitting the plush carpet and I quietly padded over to my wardrobe, my heart thundering in my ribcage as I tried to focus on just getting ready for the day, glancing back with a very slight grin at the sleeping troopers sprawled out on the mattresses.

“Morning.” A sleepy voice spoke up from the bed, Wolffe stretching out and getting to his feet, carefully stepping around his sleeping brothers to come stand near me to talk. “How’d you sleep, princess?”

“F-fine, thank you. And you?” I reached up to toy with my hair, something I did when I felt nervous.

“Best sleep I’ve had in awhile, actually. You alright? You look flustered.” He was grinning now, leaning on my wardrobe with a raised eyebrow and muscular arms crossed over his chest.


Chapter 3

Warnings: Language, canon typical violence, eventual smut Link to the High Fae language Sylvarus Word count: 3.1K Join my taglist here Tagging: @miss-spixx​ and @roseofalderaan​, @hounding-aroundChapter 1 and Chapter 2

“Are you sure you want to do this? Tyr was goading you into a reaction and it worked.”

Wolffe and I were in the stable, getting Sleipnir acquainted to his scent and presence, the large, black ronki taking to him immediately. I’d never seen Sleipnir accept someone so quickly besides myself and the horsemaster, so we at least had this going for us.

“He’s gonna learn the hard way not to challenge a superior officer,” Wolffe responded with a snort of derision. “Besides, I can win without a problem. I’m a quick study, princess, don’t worry about me. Worry about your captain getting his ass handed to him.”

“Stars above, okay, fine, let’s go do this then.” I could only shake my head and sigh, annoyed as hell with Tyr for baiting Wolffe like this. Someone’s pride was going to come out damaged by the end of it and I was almost certain it was going to be my captain. I got Sleipnir saddled up and ready to go while Wolffe got settled into his armor and took up the lance that was used as well as a shield with an Ellodeem rose painted onto it, walking back to the jousting list with me. Tyr was there waiting, a smirk on his face, and a small crowd had gathered to watch what was about to unfold.

“So what’s the prize for winning?” Loghain called out from where he was lounging on his ronki’s back, a lazy grin on his face.

“How about a token of affection from the Princess?” Tyr suggested with a wink and I made a rude gesture right back at him with a saccharine smile. “Oh come on Danica, be a good sport about it.”

“That’s Commander or my lady to you, Tyr. Don’t forget your place.” A warning flash of my fangs quickly shut him up, his eyes avoiding my glare. “But I’ll play along just this once, if only to get you to shut up. Take your places then. There will be three chances, the person who has been unseated the most loses.”


Chapter 2

Warnings: Language, canon typical violence, eventual smut Link to the High Fae language Sylvarus Join my taglist here Tagging: @miss-spixx

I stood outside the room Wolffe was staying in here at the palace, staring at the brilliantly hand carved door like it was a rasfald waiting to strike at my hand the moment I’d reach for the door. I’d been so confident on the way here, but now that I was actually standing outside the room, my stomach felt as if it were dropping to the floor and my heart was beating so quickly in my chest.

“Come on, you can do this.” I took a deep breath and knocked with a trembling hand, waiting with baited breath. The door swung open, that now oh so familiar scowl softening immediately upon realizing who was standing here.

“Danica, I wasn’t expecting to see you again tonight.” He stepped aside, allowing me to enter.

“The talk with my mother went quicker than expected, so I thought I’d swing by to bring you something,” I set the basket down on the black cherrywood desk. “It’s not much, just some pastries and a couple different, ah, ciders and spiced wines.” I stumbled over my words, almost forgetting what cider and spiced wine was called for a brief moment. He strode over to the desk, taking up one of the starfruit and shimmer nectar cider bottles, inspecting it closely.

“Thank you, you didn’t have to do all of this for me.”

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