
one does what one can

@99chidis / 99chidis.tumblr.com

domi, 20 | take me back to attempt 119 | formerly: sargesaintiago

how and why do I keep getting followers I'm so fucking inactive

“That drink you spilt all over me, lovers spit left on repeat, my mom and dad let me stay home, it feels so scary getting old” (courtesy of @imperfumedwithobsession)

From her perch on the roof, Amy can see every single person from her prom group strewn about the lake house grounds.

She’s right at the apex of the roof’s two slopes, knees drawn in toward her chest, feet planted flat against the shingles. Her arms are wrapped tight around her knees, fingers clinging to her forearms so tightly they’re practically numb; whether that numbness is from the lack of circulation or the chill in the air, she’s not entirely sure. There’s a sound of whooping and hollering from out in the water, laughter bubbling up over water splashing. It’s dark, but she can see Gina and Milton alternating between splashing each other and splashing Charles and Genevieve by the bright glow of the lights emanating from the back porch. Terry and Sharon are by the slowly-dying fire, seemingly too wrapped up in each other to remember their chaperoning duties, which is a good thing for Rosa and Alicia - they’re darting back and forth between the cooler hidden around the side of the house and the trees some fifty yards off, smuggling luke-warm bottles of beer into the foliage under their shirts. Amy chuckles, tucking her head down against her arm, when Alicia drops a bottle that somehow does not shatter.

There’s something sharp about the laughter, something painful in her chest, and she’s not sure if it’s the serrated edge of betrayal or the bigger, more ragged thing that has been looming like a shadow in the back of her mind for months now.

She can see everyone, except her date - he’s inside, in the bedroom they were meant to share, snuggled up close with Jake’s date.

Coincidentally, she hasn’t seen Jake in a while, either.


you know how tumblr gives you those push notifications about new posts from your fav blogs? it gives me notifs about, like, all of you. damn how did tumblr know I love every person


hey friends I know the wedding episode has probably the most iconic scenes in all of b99 but the part where mlep(clay)nos raised his violin and very surely said with a heavy accent “guitar” is truly the funniest scene in all of b99 history

Anonymous asked:

one word prompt: memory

Because Amy is the most organized, deliberate, exact person she or anyone else knows, she’s been trying to pinpoint an exact moment where she fell in love with Jake for good, in a no-takebacks sort of way. 

The thing is, Amy has never fallen fast. There’s never any moment or action or memory that absolutely defines their relationship in a cut and dry way. She wishes she could say it was the first time they kissed, or the first time she said “I love you,” or when he purposefully lost a bet just to move in with her. But it wasn’t like that. She can’t point to anything and say that’s it, that’s the moment that changed the course of my entire goddamn life. When she was a kid, she used to want that, that orderliness, that certainty, that perfect little soundbite summarizing the whole topic in a sentence that could be packaged away for safekeeping. 

Ironically, Amy thinks, it was Jake who made her not care so much about that. 

Once, in 2012, he smiled over his computer screen at her. It was 11:39 PM. They’d been working a cold case for around twenty-four hours, and were no closer to solving it than when they started. She’d put her head in her hands, massaging her temples, staring through tired, blurry eyes at the file in front of her. But when Amy looked up, Jake was smiling at her. “We’ll solve this one,” he said. “We always do.” 

And they did. 

They weren’t friends then, not really, but they didn’t have to be: they trusted each other implicitly and explicitly, in a way so damningly simple and necessary to survival that Amy couldn’t even define it. 

Then there was that bet she lost in the last sixty seconds, him dancing towards her with a one-dollar ring and a shit-eating grin on his face, spinning and falling on one knee. And, sure, Amy might have hated her life in that moment, but it was worth it for the stakeout and riding in his crappy, broken-down car, and feeling, for once, like maybe it wasn’t even a little bit malicious. 

There was the time Jake stayed up with her all night, coaxing her into eating and drinking and taking breaks, when her little nephew got kidnapped in their precinct, and, by some mistake of bureaucracy or Holt, she got saddled with a case she was far too involved in. 

There was the tiny, nervous smile on his face just before he kissed her for real the first time. No excuses. No criminals to avoid. No fear. No ways out. Just them, in a small, dimly lit locker full of horrific criminal evidence. 

There was his amazed, soft gaze on her when she told him she loved him. 

His arms, unconsciously pulling her closer in the middle of the night. 

His fingers, brushing feather-light over her skin. 


When Amy was younger, she was afraid she wouldn’t know how to define love when she saw it. 

Now, she can see it so easily in every line of his smile. 


are you super sure about this, Spotify??

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