
Sup Chucklefucks


Just a trans guy
Trying to get his opinion out

some kids built this outside my dorm.

and here we see students worshiping their almighty god while singing the song from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.


YaAass KwEen SlaAay MomMa


I picked up a worm, and it wrote something in my hand with a tiny pencil. Unfortunately it was too small to read. An autograph? A spell? An angry note?

@reanimateobjects I’ve decided to line up with their writing and whatever they wrote appear to be…. phallic. I don’t how to break the news with you, but, I think that worm drew a penis on your hand…. Congratulation?

Ooh! Thank you for this valuable contribution to the field of worm linguistics and/or art. It is still unclear to me if it’s meant as a rude message to me, if it’s just putting its tag there, or something else. Further research is needed!

I think the idea of it being a penis is anthropomorphism. I mean, the worm doesn’t have a penis itself, nor proper eyes with which to see one. No, I’m afraid this is something far more interesting: a self-portrait. You have been touched by an aesthetic annelid, and now your life will never be the same.

Now I will forever try to communicate with all the worms I find, but I worry that I’ll never meet this one again.


My name is Werm I liv in ground And thru the darck I skwirm around

The peepl tell me All the tym I’m farr too yuck With too much slym

But I think Werm Is gud to be. I find a styck

I draw a me


This precious and holy Chaucer Animal Poetry meme is just so perfect for tone-setting 2017. 


I hope that this year will be filled with new adventures and great memories for you all 💙

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