
Min Rei ♥️'s Things


I'm just over here being a fan. Ikemen Sengoku and Obey Me are my current top 2 fandoms. I'm 30+ and NSFW sometimes.

Ask 2


Ranmaru, T is for Taste, 🥵


The flavor is spicy and sweet xD Might have gotten carried away on this one. No apologies! Approx 900 words of some spicy smutty deliciousness.

The evening was hot. A cloying, damp heat that made any clothing cling to the body and sweat pearl on the skin. Ranmaru lounged on the balcony, hoping to catch even a slight breeze. Night should bring relief, he thought. 

Only the setting sun had brought only a lightless heat, a darkness that lay on him like a thick and heavy blanket. He considered stripping his kimono and just lying here on the polished wood in nothing but his skin. 


🥵🥵🥵🥵 indeed! This is everything I ever wanted in a Ranmaru ask and more. This guy. Ugh. The things I'd do to him. Thank you so much for doing this! Ranmaru needs more love but more steamy love especially! I adore you forever and forever for indulging my unpopular fictional crushes ❤️ it was very well done too. He's so teasing and cheeky but in a sweet way and I love it. It's perfect!


Ask 3


Mitsunari, J is for Jewel, 🥰


Sweet Mitsunari is sweet indeed! Approx. 700 words of gems and true love.

Mitsunari was focused. When his attention was on something, that was his whole world. He could see nothing else. Hear nothing else. Usually his object of interest was a book or a scroll. Some dusty tome that held the secrets of supply lines, fortifications, and sieges. But not today.


Awwwwwwwww this is so sweet! I love it! Mitsunari ❤️ he's such a good boy

Thank you so much for writing this ❤️


Yay! I'm so excited for this! Thank you for doing it. I think it's easier if I send these one at a time so you can keep track. I have a lot, but I'll only ask for 3 and then do an optional list.

Ask 1


Yoshimoto, H is for Heat, 😏


Ahaha I love Yoshimoto. This one is a bit spicy! Approx. 1000 words of love, beauty, and heat! 1K Follower Celebration Ikesen Edition!

Yoshimoto sat in the shade, where the spray from the garden fountain misted over his skin and the breeze carried the faint smell of summer flowers. The day was sweltering hot, so much that the air shimmered over paving stones and roof tops. Everything was at a standstill as workers and warlords alike wilted in the summer heat. 


I adore this! And I adore this man! Thank you so much for doing this ask. You are a gem. This was hot in so many ways, and I think you captured Yoshimoto very well. I also loved the mention of Ranmaru thrown in because I love him too. I wonder what he was doing? 🤔


1K Follower Celebration: Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Sengoku was my first otome and I have so much love for it. The second part of this follower celebration is just for Ikemen Sengoku. It's an ask game. Here are the request rules:

  1. Pick a suitor from IkeSen. Any suitor. I'll also accept asks for featured non-suitor characters like Kyubei. (character)
  2. Pick one of the letters below with the associated word. (theme)
  3. Add an emoji from the selection, or one of your own. (tone)

I don't know how I'm going to narrow it down to a reasonable amount 😭

Min Rei's Ruri Tunes Guide

Okay so here is what I think I have figured out about Ruri Tunes so far. This info may be incorrect, but these are my current best guesses.


Ruri Tunes is the main story lessons like dance battles were before. This is all about Normal Mode as I have not really touched Hard Mode yet.

Before you start your battle it shows what your estimated Rank will be at the top with the cards you have equipped and if you have any items to boost you. You can get a higher or lower rank depending on your performance than the estimated one. You can get at least one rank higher if you do well. You can obviously get a much lower score if you miss everything.


  • Flower Staffs (Shovels)- these boost your power and therefore points. There are different kinds.
  • Magical Scores (Music Notes)- these help with devil tree item drops.
  • Azuki-Tan Wallet- these help with grimm.

I assume the grimm and devil tree items refer to the rewards for completing the level. This is not verified though.


Unless you change the settings:

  • Tap on the left side to jump/attack high.
  • Tap on the right side to attack low.
  • Long tap (hold the tap) to do the long bars.
  • Tap both at the same time to do the middle attack. This can also be a hold or a tap as needed.
  • To collect a gift while doing a long bar tap the opposite side at the correct time while still holding your long tap.

I recommend not changing your settings and tapping at the bottom of the screen with your thumbs. If you tap higher you may obscure parts of the level making it harder to do well.

To change settings:

  1. Prepare for battle
  2. Click the gear with the music note
  3. Go to controls

But again, I do not personally recommend it.


To get a combo you can't miss. If you miss the combo resets. Your combo score at the end is your longest streak of not missing. To get a combo finish reward you can't miss for the entire level. You do not need to get perfect or great for every single one to get a combo finish.

The rainbow circles with Karasu definitely count as a miss if you don't hit it. The gifts don't count as misses though.


The fever meter goes up as you hit the rainbow circles with Karasu on them. When it's full the scene seems to change. I assume you get more points per attack during this time. People have also mentioned they feel like the level speeds up at that time. Neither of those things are verified at this time. But I do know the rainbow circles feed the meter.


  • The gift boxes have a fish or Azuki-tan pop out when you get them. I don't know what this is for.
  • The small sliding arrow on right above the score meter seems to be a level timer.
  • Every lesson has a requirement for what you need to score on all the battle nodes in order to unlock the bonus story parts.
  • There seems to be Hard and Exteme Mode battles on the bonus areas in the lesson. This is also where you would grind for card pieces.

You can still close the game if you're doing bad and it will resume when you open it back up.

I do not think it consumes extra items or AP but I haven't actually verified this.

I'm guessing that you get points for each successful attack- more for perfect and less for nice. These points then fill the meter up. Higher lessons or greater difficulty lessons seem to require more points to get the good score ranges. Stronger cards probably give more points per attack. The estimate score is probably if you did mostly great hits. BUT ALL OF THIS IS GUESSWORK.

Feel free to reblog or add on!

Thank you @lamentationliz and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!

LOL! Thank you. Thank you. Look, ma, I'm famous!

No but seriously I have so much content planned for this blog. So many drafts and ideas. But I never actually post any of it. Whoops.

Like even my recent ruri tunes guide for nightbringer I have new info for/confirmations of things and I keep meaning to edit it and reblog the new edits but forgetting. Sorry guys.

I'll get to it eventually probably


I love your writing ❤️ would you be interested in doing a piece with Yoshimoto and Ranmaru from ikesen where they both run into Mai outside of azuchi (maybe she went on a shopping trip or something?) and both vie for her attention but they end up just spending the day together instead? Ranmaru isn't super aggressive in his loyalty to Nobu and same for Yoshimoto and his ties. So I can just see then both putting aside their loyalties to have a fun day away from home. You can change this or take it in any direction you want to. I'm not expecting anything specific.


Ok so this ask combined two of my favorite things and I might have had a little too much fun with it ^_^ Approx. 2500 words of some mild rivalry, shopping, flirting, and friendship.

Mai wandered the Sakai markets, taking in the sights and sounds. The port city was busy with commerce and full of western goods as well as items from every region in Japan. She was hoping to find some nice fabrics to inspire a new design. This was the kind of shopping trip a modern clothing designer could only dream of, and it was all hers.


This was everything I could have hoped for and more! You did such justice to each of the suitors! Yoshimoto's eye for detail and his subdued affection at this stage. Ranmaru's cheeky exuberance, and his more serious hidden side. 10/10! Superb! Would smother them both in kisses! Thank you so much for doing my ask! It's hard to find anyone willing or able to write these 2. Yoshimoto is a little easier now that his route is out. And I do understand why people don't want to. But it makes me so excited when someone will and then especially if they do it well like you have!

Min Rei's Ruri Tunes Guide

Okay so here is what I think I have figured out about Ruri Tunes so far. This info may be incorrect, but these are my current best guesses.


Ruri Tunes is the main story lessons like dance battles were before. This is all about Normal Mode as I have not really touched Hard Mode yet.

Before you start your battle it shows what your estimated Rank will be at the top with the cards you have equipped and if you have any items to boost you. You can get a higher or lower rank depending on your performance than the estimated one. You can get at least one rank higher if you do well. You can obviously get a much lower score if you miss everything.


  • Flower Staffs (Shovels)- these boost your power and therefore points. There are different kinds.
  • Magical Scores (Music Notes)- these help with devil tree item drops.
  • Azuki-Tan Wallet- these help with grimm.

I assume the grimm and devil tree items refer to the rewards for completing the level. This is not verified though.


Unless you change the settings:

  • Tap on the left side to jump/attack high.
  • Tap on the right side to attack low.
  • Long tap (hold the tap) to do the long bars.
  • Tap both at the same time to do the middle attack. This can also be a hold or a tap as needed.
  • To collect a gift while doing a long bar tap the opposite side at the correct time while still holding your long tap.

I recommend not changing your settings and tapping at the bottom of the screen with your thumbs. If you tap higher you may obscure parts of the level making it harder to do well.

To change settings:

  1. Prepare for battle
  2. Click the gear with the music note
  3. Go to controls

But again, I do not personally recommend it.


To get a combo you can't miss. If you miss the combo resets. Your combo score at the end is your longest streak of not missing. To get a combo finish reward you can't miss for the entire level. You do not need to get perfect or great for every single one to get a combo finish.

The rainbow circles with Karasu definitely count as a miss if you don't hit it. The gifts don't count as misses though.


The fever meter goes up as you hit the rainbow circles with Karasu on them. When it's full the scene seems to change. I assume you get more points per attack during this time. People have also mentioned they feel like the level speeds up at that time. Neither of those things are verified at this time. But I do know the rainbow circles feed the meter.


  • The gift boxes have a fish or Azuki-tan pop out when you get them. I don't know what this is for.
  • The small sliding arrow on right above the score meter seems to be a level timer.
  • Every lesson has a requirement for what you need to score on all the battle nodes in order to unlock the bonus story parts.
  • There seems to be Hard and Exteme Mode battles on the bonus areas in the lesson. This is also where you would grind for card pieces.

You can still close the game if you're doing bad and it will resume when you open it back up.

I do not think it consumes extra items or AP but I haven't actually verified this.

I'm guessing that you get points for each successful attack- more for perfect and less for nice. These points then fill the meter up. Higher lessons or greater difficulty lessons seem to require more points to get the good score ranges. Stronger cards probably give more points per attack. The estimate score is probably if you did mostly great hits. BUT ALL OF THIS IS GUESSWORK.

Feel free to reblog or add on!


absolute biggest pet peeve with how fandom writes barbatos is that everyone for some reason acts like he’s like.. constantly using his powers? 

this despite the fact that he’s said several times in actually pretty early and easily accessible chapters that he both finds it boring AND he now only really uses it on diavolo’s request. jkdgfhgjkhfdg he DOESNT know whenever somethings going to happen because of them, that’s for sure


This. So much this. It's better than it was a year or so ago, but honestly it got so bad I blocked people if every Barb HC was "He uses his powers and knoooooows" cuz screw that. Just shows they have no understanding of him at all.


The wait is over, Yoshimoto's Route is OUT NOW!


"You look so beautiful in the moonlight..."💗🌙

Will you your love be tremendous, or tragic...? Only you can choose your Route!🧐


iOS: http://appsto.re/jp/77jljb.i

Google Play: http://goo.gl/itEXwP


I cannot explain the excitement after waiting literally years

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