
Banal nadas

@harellanart / harellanart.tumblr.com

For my Dragon Age fascination.
Based on a tumblr prompt that asked what would have happened if Solas did not reset things, but went back and gave Vir the answer instead.
The beginning of this alternate alternate universe takes place after The Unending Wake: Chapter 15 (Chapter 16 doesn’t happen) Read Unending Wake here for any of this to make sense.

Chapter 1: Small Acts of Rebellion

Chapter 2: Lindel

Chapter 3: A Guest

Chapter 4: Inan

Chapter 5: Agents

Chapter 6: Friendship

Chapter 7: Allies (new posted 8/24/2016)


Vir slid a roll of hand-drawn maps into a waterproof tube. She hardly needed them to remember where the devices were located, but she would provide them to Inan and Abelas. Several of the artifacts were located near human settlements that had been loyal to the Inquisition and it was safer if she activated those devices alone. The maps would let them know where she was going.
A part of her was glad for their company. She doubted Solas would want to travel with her alone. Still, how the pair truly felt about the plan was uncertain. Inan had pledged her support and for the most part it seemed genuine, but Vir had only asked that she help them try. If the results did not meet the needs of her people, it was not unreasonable to believe she would consider her oath fulfilled. Vir would do her best to see that never happened.

Edit: As I no longer post on tumblr, for the curious I am continuing the story in a new work on AO3: Unending Wake: Dreamers Often Lie


At first I was really pleased that my camera was identifying the faces in these pictures because yay at least they look like faces to robots, but then Tatile posted that google photos thought her picture of a very large ragdoll was a dog so idk.


If you look at the paint box you can see the colors I use most (burnt sienna and ultramarine). Figuring out color is hard XD.

Based on a tumblr prompt that asked what would have happened if Solas did not reset things, but went back and gave Vir the answer instead.
The beginning of this alternate alternate universe takes place after The Unending Wake: Chapter 15 (Chapter 16 doesn’t happen) Read Unending Wake here for any of this to make sense.

Chapter 1: Small Acts of Rebellion

Chapter 2: Lindel

Chapter 3: A Guest

Chapter 4: Inan

Chapter 5: Agents 

Chapter 6: Friendship (new posted July 26, 2016)


Vir stared at the sketched outline of a slain dragon. The rotunda was the place she loved best in all of Skyhold. Not just because of the man who spent his time there, but because it was the only place that looked different in each lifetime.
She had avoided the place in this final life. The air of her heart’s disapproval coupled with his painted scenes of fire and blood were more than she could bear. She did not want to remember that rotunda, so she sat in another surrounded by wolves and fields of victory. The place brought her comfort despite knowing that the choices in that life had led to the death of every friend she had ever known.
“Why would you lie to him?” Solas’s image asked reproachfully.
She was not surprised to see him in this place. If she were honest with herself, she was hoping her dream of him would come, but she was out of practice with honesty. “I didn’t want to talk about it.”
“Now you’re lying to me,” he accused as the walls rippled and changed to a different version of themselves. “You’re afraid. Afraid to let him know you. Afraid to ask for something you don’t believe you deserve.”
“I don’t,” Vir said with a shrug that was not at all indifferent. “I’m a monster. I don’t deserve anything. Not love and not him. Especially not him.” She looked up at his expression and regretted her words immediately. She had never wanted to be the cause of the pain she saw in his eyes, even if it was just an image that was all in her mind anyway.
“You always thought too highly of me,” he said quietly.
“Not you. Him. The Veil may have destroyed your people, but you created it to save them.” She sighed. “Tearing it down though, even when you knew the cost. You sacrificed us anyway. That was…” Monster did not encompass what it meant for him to do what he did. She could never bring herself to put a name to it. She still could not.
“I know,” his memory said.
She nodded. “But him. He didn’t know. He still doesn’t know, but he’s trying to save everyone anyway. He has not done that terrible thing. His life can be different. It doesn’t have to be tied to mine anymore.”
Solas shook his head. “If our plans succeed, his life will be what it was. Pursuit of a distant wisdom while ignoring the truth as it stares him the face.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is. You are not the only mortal I encountered in Thedas, but I did not see your people for what they were until I met you. I gave Corypheus the orb knowing there would be a massive explosion. I followed him to the Conclave and waited at a safe distance. The explosion killed thousands, but at the time the only thing that went against my plans was that Corypheus survived.” He laughed bitterly. “Unfortunate deaths, but ultimately unimportant. I didn’t know them. They weren’t real. They didn’t matter. I only realized the truth because I was so fixated on the one who bore the mark that I finally paid attention.”
“And here I thought it was because I was pretty.”
He smiled, but it didn’t last. “You know that I would not want to live in ignorance. You don’t have to love me, but could you… help me?”
The walls shifted again, her emotions eroding her control of the memory. Fire at the Winter Palace. Templars and the circles restored. A river of blood ran through the halls of the Chantry. Change brought by force and daggers behind words, lies and manipulation were king. She closed her eyes against the vision of the world she had guided into being, but it was her dream and it did not stop her from seeing. “Why would my imagination be telling me to do this?”
“Because you always were a true friend.”
She lost the vision entirely and found herself floating in the darkness of the Fade. It was the eluvian spell, the place she spent years adrift in dreaming death. Solas was still with her. “It hurts,” she said.
“I know, vhenan. I’m so sorry.”
She wanted to say no. She wanted to say yes. Instead she simply woke up.
Vir sat up in bed, rubbing at the headache that was forming between her brows. She ignored the protest of her joints and the call of her comfortable blankets and padded barefoot to the desk in the corner of the room. She lit a candle, picked up a quill, and settled a sheet of vellum in front of her. With a curse for the Dread Wolf, she began to write.

I posted this last week, but I didn’t link it here.


about three years ago my in-laws gave me a disney villain art studio set with water colors which i didn’t know how to use (and didn’t have the proper paper for). i decided i wanted to try water colors again, so i bought a little box and some paper and… still have no idea what i’m doing, but making a mess is great fun. :)

Anonymous asked:

When you get this, respond with five things that make you happy, then send it to the last ten people in your notifications on anon!


  1. Rain
  2. Code that compiles on the first try
  3. Accounts that balance exactly
  4. Being motivated to do something
  5. Naps with my dog and my husband

thanks for asking :)

Anonymous asked:

I love your work!!! I check back everyday for an update and when you do I get really happy and excited! Don't rush though, I'd rather wait for when you're ready and able. I don't want you to compromise your health or anything

Thank you! I’m trying to force myself to take my time with this one so I don’t rush through it. It’s a little different from my usual word garbage, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.  


Weekend Writing Recap

Week of 6/20/16 - These are getting less and less weekly and more whenever, but I still like them so!


Cassandra x Leliana

Rylen x Inquisitor

Samson x Inquisitor(and others)

Sera x Inquisitor


Tamlen x Warden


Anonymous asked:

So I just finished reading your Unending Wake series, and AUs, and holy crap you're amazing. It's amazing! The comics are beautiful.

*flailing* thank you so much. :)

As for the nsfw comic, I used to have a nsfw art blog, but I started to get a lot of disturbing messages. it coincided with me having a bout of anxiety so I hid out for a while, made the blog private, blocked a bunch of IPs, and changed my main blog. That seems to have fixed the problem. 

It sounds really bad when I put it out there like that. I was too embarrassed about the anxiety thing to talk about it when it happened. 

ANYWAY thanks for your comments

Based on a tumblr prompt that asked what would have happened if Solas did not reset things, but went back and gave Vir the answer instead.
The beginning of this alternate alternate universe takes place after The Unending Wake: Chapter 15 (Chapter 16 doesn’t happen) Read Unending Wake here for any of this to make sense.

Chapter 1: Small Acts of Rebellion

Chapter 2: Lindel

Chapter 3: A Guest

Chapter 4: Inan

Chapter 5: Agents (new)


“Would you have killed me, had she chosen you as her champion?” Inan asked as they waited in the orb chamber for the others to join them.
“Would you have given me a choice?” Solas replied.
She clasped her hands behind her back and paced around the orb where it floated above its pedestal. She peeked out from behind it. “I asked first.”
He allowed himself a ghost of a smile. “I would have attempted to force you to concede.”
Her gaze fixed on his. “The way the Inquisitor did?”
He coughed breaking eye contact. “I lack her knack for cruelty.”
Inan continued pacing. “Harsh for someone trusting her word for the survival of our people.”
“I am not,” he said. “I have tested and verified the theory myself. Even if she is lying about the way she obtained it, which I have no doubt that she is, the theory itself is sound.”
“I see,” she said finishing her circuit around the orb ending in front of him. “And what of all she said to me? To young Lindel? Did that ring false to you?”
Solas looked away, his mouth an angry line clamped tight around his bitterness. He shook his head. “I don’t understand it. For years all I saw from her was blood-thirst and self-interest. She lied as easily as she killed. Now to hear and see her around our people, you would think it was all self-sacrifice. The best I can guess is that she is whatever she needs to be.”
“If you fear her influence over our young ones, perhaps you should warn them.”
“Of what, a perspective other than mine? Am I truly any better? Looking at her, its like seeing a corrupted version of myself. All the twisted words and manipulation. The ruthlessness in pursuit of her goals. Just the sight of her is infuriating at times.”
“Because she reminds you of yourself? Or because it worked?”
The door opened and the others began filing in.
Solas lowered his voice. “Because the words she said to you rang the truest of any words she’s ever said.” He turned away and went to his seat, Inan took her place across the room, and the first meeting of the Council of Elvhen began.

The Inquisitor and Prostheses

I‘m studying for this very test on amputation, orthoses and prostheses, which occurs tomorrow, but every time I see “disarticulation” and “forces” etc., etc. I keep on thinking of the Inquisitor and Trespasser and…!  I just need to write this out and then I may resume studying :D.

I know that for my own Inquisitor I chose not to go along with the idea of a prosthesis due to the fact that most anything usable in the Dragon Age setting would be completely conspicuous, and I think my Inquisitor has earned a little anonymity after saving the world. 

However, a lot of people LOVE the idea of Dagna help their Quiz, and let’s be real, that’s a heck of a lot more interesting for science.  So… LET’S DO IT!

Okay, first of all 


  1. prosthesis - a. replacement of a missing part by an artificial substitute, such as an artificial extremity.  b. An artificial organ or part, including arms, hands, joints, heart valves, teeth, and others.  c. A device to augment performance of a natural function, such as a hearing aid. (1)
  2. disarticulation - amputation through a joint [AN: with an attempt to spare as much soft tissue as possible]. (1)
  3. pictoral guide (diagram, not a real picture, not graphic) of various upper extremity amputation scenarios (2).

General Concepts to Keep in Mind: 

  • Your body is a fantastic machine and designed to move with neurological and energetic efficiency.  Any time you replace your original part with something that is not the exact same original you are going to be less efficient (with an above-knee amputation of the lower extremity, walking becomes 200-300% more energy demanding, even with a prosthesis).
  • Any time you experience severe trauma, you are going to go through a lot of healing (though perhaps less than you might expect), and healing takes time.
  • You will also ride a significant learning curve when it comes to using a prosthesis, and becoming knowledgeable and comfortable with its use takes time.
  • There are two main causes of amputations: disease process (usually dysvascular disease like diabetes, or cancer, which are slower to encroach) or trauma.  Trauma is less complicated for managing immediately, but psychologically, as you may imagine, post-surgical interventions can be harder.
  • In this explanation, obviously, my stance is going to be a non-magical one with some magical intervention toward the end.

The Inquisitor has their mark for a total of 3-5 years (depending on which Bioware source you choose for your DA:I timeline), at which point they go through a stage of rapid deterioration over the course of a few days’ time.  The mark grows unstable and begins to create shooting pain (3) up their arm and into their jaw.  That is not a completely muscular issue but a neurological one because the innervations for these areas are different. At times we see the Inquisitor almost debilitated by their pain ;(.

After continuing to use their arm (which has pros and cons of its own in terms of creating an atmosphere for healing vs. overusing) during this intensity-building scenario through the Winter Palace and Deep Roads and Crossroads, they finally meet Solas, who, with on disposition or another, causes them to lose their arm.  Though, to be fair, he saved more of them than otherwise would have been realistic. No bones about it folks, a few days earlier their arm was in perfect working condition and just after Trespasser, it is gone.  This is a traumatic loss of limb! 

The final scene with the Council at the WP and the final slides of the game, regardless of your ending, do not give a good indication of which length of amputation occurs, whether it is transradial (across the radius and ulna AKA forearm) or whether it is transhumeral (upper arm.)  Both create a different implication for treatment and the complexity of the prosthesis that follows.

The general principle here is that the more residual limb (you only call this a “stump” if you are on close terms with the amputee and they have given you permission) that remains, the better for the amputee.  They have more to work with in terms of their recovery, they have more original body AKA less trauma, and the prosthesis does not have to be as complex.

With regards to prosthetic complexity, it depends on whether or not your Inquisitor had a transradial, elbow disarticulation, or transhumeral amputation.  A few months ago, @carastian-candies​ asked my opinion on the matter.  I said, based on the sleeve length in that final walk through the Council, I thought it was transhumeral, but you can go in any direction.  Let’s start distal to proximal, and I will walk you through the possibilities and what happens.

Anatomy overview: 

  • Transradial amputation - If this one occurred, there was very little residual limb.  Several muscles exist in the forearm corresponding to the complexity of motions the hand and wrist are capable of.  They help the forearm pronate (turn palm down) and supinate as well as help flex (bend the wrist/fingers) and extend the wrist/fingers.  There is no more hand or wrist, so these muscles by themselves are not particularly important to function in and of themselves.  Why do you need to rotate a non-existent wrist? They remain important, however, because of the innervation that still runs in the residual soft tissue.  The brachial plexus descends from nerves C5-T1 towards the shoulder, where it splits into 5 nerves that control various sensory and motor functions in the arm → musculocutaneous, axillary, median, radial, and ulnar nerves.  These nerves are all criss-crossed within the plexus which means that when one radiates pain back to the spinal cord, you can have overlap at times, especially when your body doesn’t know what the hell is going on.  Thanks, Solas. As the nerves descend each one innervates various muscles with a distribution like rootlets of baby plants.  Those muscles in the forearm are mostly innervated by the median, ulnar, and radial nerves, which, when they cross the elbow are very near to the surface.  How many times have you hit your funny bone and found it’s not that funny?  Yeah, that’s your ulnar nerve. If there are enough of these left, and their rootlet offshoots, they can influence the muscle and Quiz will still have an elbow joint.  The muscles are either attached to each other in a “free floating” sitaution at the ends (myoplasty) or they are attached to the remaining bone (myodesis).  Myodesis is a much better solution because it gives you functional use of that remaining limb and it decreases chances of complications. The bones themselves are rounded off to decrease any kind of discomfort that will come from impact.  Impact still hurts, but it hurts much less than a pointy bone trying to poke through your skin.
  • Elbow Disarticulation - The radius and ulna are removed from the humerus.  This is chosen because there is no functional reason to keep the remaining forearm bones and muscle, but it is less traumatic than cutting through the humerus.  In terms of functionality, this would make a lot of sense if it were occurring at the knee, because the knee itself is made to bear weight.  The humerus is not, and the muscles more proximal in the arm don’t have a job if there is no elbow left. Nerves that remain here are all of the formerly mentioned ones, but the only muscles that remain are the two heads of your biceps, the three heads of your triceps, and the muscles that extend from your scapula and clavicle to the upper arm.  The biceps and triceps are meant to flex and extend the elbow, or what remains of it, so I can definitely see the Inquisitor getting some serious muscle with repetitive use.
  • Transhumeral amputation - The humerus has been bisected at some part of its length. Given the Inquisitor’s picture, again, in that final walk through the WP, to me it looks like it would be closer to the elbow.  Through myodesis the Inquisitor can retain the muscles and the innervations of these remaining muscles, though all muscular motion will come from the shoulder itself, lifting the arm, extending the arm in the direction of the back.  Any Inquisitor who goes through this and still plans to fight, is going to need some serious back and core power.

Why are innervations important?

In modern upper extremity prosthetic technology, sensors are embedded in the prosthesis, and they can actually read the microvoltage running through the arm.  So regardless of whether the amputation is proximal or distal, during the process of fitting, the prosthetist can create a sensor site right above the nerves to know what the arm is trying to do.  For example, if an Inquisitor has a hook on the end of their prosthesis (a common attachment today) and a longer cuff that extends to the elbow, the sensors can read just below the elbow (say at the remnant of the flexor carpi ulnaris) to transmit a signal in a split second to tell the hook to move.  Sensors can also be embedded in the skin if the nerves have retracted too far proximally.

The downfall of this is that it is not as fast as the original human arm. Even if a prosthesis is designed to accommodate several motions it takes a second to switch between motions in different planar directions.  The sensors need to be changed according to the axial motion they are intending (up and down?  side to side?  backwards or forwards?), and the normal arm is usually doing a combination of these motions at any point in time.  The closer to the hand you are, the greater the combination of motions and the more complex it is to artificially engineer them. 

So if an Inquisitor has experienced a transradial amputation the need for a prosthesis that can handle all of the motions of the hand and wrist is less complex than an Inquisitor with a transhumeral amputation, who needs to account for the fingers, wrist, and elbow.


…In this scenario, because she makes runes!  And runes do WHATEVER WE WANT, including connecting overlapping neural signals in a way that is meaningful for a prosthesis and its user.

I readily imagine that Dagna could personalize a prosthesis with slots for runes, just like weapons in-game, that first of all, sense the signals that are coming from the motor cortex, interpret those signals with the residual surrounding muscle, and give an appropriate outcome in the prosthesis.  Second, don’t tell me that she wouldn’t weaponize the doody out of that arm if given the chance, and the sneakier the better, IMHO.  Whatever the Inquisitor was comfortable with, I am sure Dagna would be up for.

For upper extremity current technology they even have sleeve designs that wrap around the residual limb like removable sleeves or compression garments.  They still have the same sensor technology but they are much sleeker than bulky plastic/metal models.  They are also a loooot more expensive, but I guess expense doesn’t really factor into a fantasy setting.  Still, maybe if Dagna is feeling feisty then she switches the Inquisitor’s sleeve with plaidweave for Fool’s Day, lol.

Remaining Concerns: 

  • General discomfort - phantom sensation and phantom pain, with the only real difference being the Inquisitor’s perception, do exist.  They are both treatable with visualization techniques and mirror therapy. Brain mapping inconsistencies - sometimes scars may become very, very sensitive to touch (not in a pleasant way).  Current therapy suggests using accommodation techniques to help individuals overcome, gradually de-sensitizing them to touch by gently touching them, rubbing a soft cloth over the site, or even sticking the residual limb in a bag of rice or bird seed. Contracture - this is, essentially, extreme muscle tightness.  If you only use a limb in one direction most of the time, the muscles opposite of that direction will become very tight.  All sides of the body need their complement side for stability.  Make sure your Quiz is stretching. Scar tissue can form on the outside of the amputation site.  It may also form on the inside and adhere to the bone.  Scar tissue can be broken up with transverse friction massage. If they wear clothing in which a lot of wrinkles form and leave indentations on the skin, over a short period of time that can be really, really uncomfortable.  Make sure your Inquisitor is doing everything they can to have a very smooth fit between their arm and their prosthesis. Again, if they run into anything on that edge, or if the edge is hit, it’s going to hurt.
  • Cosmesis - how vain is your Quiz?  Because whether they like it or not, they have a bit of a stump now.  Not to mention, they lost it in a traumatic experience.  It takes a while to get comfortable with this all the way around, and it needs to be actively done.
  • Volume changes - it takes time to shape and mold the residual limb into something appropriate for a prosthesis, usually at least a month, while the Inquisitor is healing from the surgery, during which time they need to be wrapped (in a particular way) that encourages fluid to return to the rest of the body, instead of staying trapped in a dead end.  That was a long sentence. Even years after an amputation, amputees can have volume changes, where the prothesis fit is too small, or even too large.  If it’s too large, the area can be wrapped to manage edema for a few days.  If it’s too small, special socks can be worn to fill up the space.

Now go forth and amputate!

Special Request:

If you use this information in any of your writings or drawings, please send me a link to the work and credit this post!  I would love to experience what you are doing :D

And now for some lazy citations: (1) - Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 22nd Edition. FA Davis Company. (2) - Nova Scotia Health Authority. Accessed Feb 28, 2016. (3) - DAI Banter, original post on February 22, 2016. ** I was a little bit lazy in finding visual source material from Trespasser, but if you’re reading this, you’ve played it and you remember.

What a wonderful post, thank you!


Have a silly drabble thing I wrote to go with this and the Cassandra one.

It was a dark, stormy night. I was about to tell my secretary…
I am not your secretary.
I was about to tell my partner, Cassandra, that I was going home for the evening when a bolt of lightning flashed outside the window, followed by thunder so loud it shook the glass, then she walked in. She was elven by her looks: thin, graceful, and very tall.
Varric, you’re a dwarf. Most everyone is tall to you.
Why do you have to… nevermind. She looked from me to Cassandra then back at the sign on the door. “Is this the Inquisition?” she asked cautiously. She leaned away from us, as if to flee at any moment.
“That’s us Tethras and Pentaghast, Private Inquisitors, at your service…”

AO3 tagging question

In my universe(s) Dorian x Bull is ~there~. I don’t write about it, because it’s not a main thing, but I did mention it briefly in one part and I got an anon a while back saying I should tag it because some people get upset by it. 

Thing is I know that tagging Dorian x Bull when it’s really just a side mention is bad. I know to keep it out of the relationship tags, but do I put it in the other tags? What do I say? “Dorian x Bull mention”, how do I keep the people who just want to read adoribull from having to see yet another fucking solavellan fic?


Based on a tumblr prompt that asked what would have happened if Solas did not reset things, but went back and gave Vir the answer instead.
The beginning of this alternate alternate universe takes place after The Unending Wake: Chapter 15 (Chapter 16 doesn’t happen) Read Unending Wake here for any of this to make sense.

Solas was not angry yet. There were reports of an attack. There were injuries, but no deaths. Considering the attacker, that was an improvement. Therefore, he was not angry yet.

The guard lay unconscious next to the prisoner who was magically bound in place, but no one had gone in to help him. Once he was there, his guards followed him in with a healer. They saw to the man’s injuries and carried him out. Solas crossed his arms and stared down at the former Inquisitor.

Vir’s face was bloodied and she seemed to be covered in something that looked like porridge. A cracked and overturned bowl confirmed his guess. He sighed. He prided himself on treating even prisoners humanely, but the Inquisitor seemed to test the boundaries of his restraint.

“What happened?” he asked the attendant who had come in to clean up.

“I wasn’t here to witness it,” the attendant replied keeping an excessive distance from Vir. “All I know is that Lindel brought in her food.”

They had been speaking elven, but Vir’s lips twitched. He was never certain how much of their language she understood.

“Well?” he said, giving her a chance to speak in her own defense.

Her eyes met his. “He tried to force me to eat.”

“She only eats every three days,” the attendant whispered as he finished his task. He picked up the broken bowl and backed out of the room.

Solas stared at Vir, reassessing her appearance. She was thinner than he remembered when she first surrendered to deliver the solution. She held herself rigidly with a slight tremor in her posture that could have been anger or fatigue. It was probably both.

“Is there something wrong with the food?”


“Are you ill?”


He did not wish to play games with her. “Then why are you doing this? I thought you had surrendered voluntarily.”

“I surrendered to give you my information and I have done so. I did not agree to indefinite confinement.”

“It is not indefinite,” he said defensively. “The information you presented was too vast to confirm at once. You agreed to this confinement until I was able to determine the viability of these theories.”

“I agreed to answer your questions about the theories and repeat to you what I know at your request. I never agreed to confinement, doing so was your choice.”

“Do you expect me to allow you free run of my tower?”

“I expect nothing,” she said mildly. “I am merely stating what I agreed to and what you chose to do as a result.”

He took a slow breath then another. “That still does not explain the food.”

“It is the only thing that I control about my circumstances.” She quirked her lips. It might have been a smile, but it was an unfamiliar expression on her face. “Call it a small act of rebellion.”

“The guard would not agree.”

The smile disappeared and she allowed him to see past her mask of calm to the rage behind it. “The guard tried to force me to eat.”

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