
Hanakotoba Matsuri, a Kagome Event



Another quick art and ficlet for @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri ! This one focused on Week 3, Fertility and I used the Yellow Rose (new beginnings) as my inspiration flower. I started writing this while I was pregnant 2 years ago, but didn’t get around to finishing it until now.

Title: Potatoes Word Count: 1113 Rating: T Pairing: Inukag Warnings: Pregnancy

Try as she might, Kagome couldn’t help the uncontrollable (and unreasonable) flood of negative emotions that came with her unfulfilled pregnancy craving.

Wacdonald’s, of all things. Of course she was craving one of the most unobtainable foods possible in Sengoku and one of the easiest to find in her modern Tokyo. 

Being provided food that she doesn't have access to by her partner is so wonderful @justafewsmallsteps! Thank you for sharing this piece about the struggles with pregnancy.


💦 Week 4 - Innocence & Clarity 💦

Happy Monday, everyone, it's Week 4 of Kagome's flower fest! Let's add some sunshine to your day with some new blooms, element, and tropes.

Feel free to go back and plant some seeds for Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 as well, the garden is open all month.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!


🏔️ Week 3 - Abundance & Fertility 🏔️

Happy Monday, everyone, it's Week 3 of Kagome's flower fest! Let's add some sunshine to your day with some new blooms, element, and tropes.

Feel free to go back and plant some seeds for Week 1 and Week 2 as well, the garden is open all month.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!


💨 Week 2 - Independence & Spirituality 💨

Happy Monday, everyone, it's Week 2 of Kagome's flower fest! Let's add some sunshine to your day with some new blooms, element, and tropes.

Feel free to go back and plant some seeds for Week 1 as well, the garden is open all month.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!


🔥Week 1 - Endurance & Energy🔥

Happy April 1st everyone! We hope the sun is shining wherever you are. Let's plant some seeds with these beautiful blooms, electric elements, and twitterpated tropes.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!

Say Hello to My Little Friend

💦 @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri 2024 Week 04: Innocence & Clarity 💦 Flower: Delphinium (generosity), Blue lotus (triumph) 💦 Element: Water 💦 Trope: Accidentally winning the day

Summary: Kagome is on her way to an interview. What's a few surprises along the way?

Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.

Sneak Peak

"Hold the door!" someone squawked, and Kagome's hand automatically darted out to stop them from closing. A small green youkai waddled towards them, using a gnarled wooden cane for support, and she tried to shuffle backwards, the person behind her yelping when she stood on their foot.

Whispers of "No room" and "Catch the next one" sounded in her ear, and even though she knew it would make her a few minutes late, Kagome stepped out of the elevator, offering up her spot. The imp stared at her for a moment, then nodded his head, cane clicking against the floor. Kagome bowed in return, watching as the doors closed and resigning herself to waiting for the next ride.

It's always wonderful to see other characters in the spotlight @sereia1313! Jaken can be such an interesting character if given the opportunity.


💦 Week 4 - Innocence & Clarity 💦

Happy Monday, everyone, it's Week 4 of Kagome's flower fest! Let's add some sunshine to your day with some new blooms, element, and tropes.

Feel free to go back and plant some seeds for Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 as well, the garden is open all month.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!


Late, but I’ve been dying to make some work for @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri ! Here's to make up for Week 1 where I chose the red hibiscus to represent passion. Along with it I wrote a (kinda spicy) little prologue to this piece, which I'm now titling Genki. This can stand alone though!

Genki, The Prologue Word Count: 933

This was a remarkably dumb idea. That thought briefly flitted about in Kagome’s mind, but was overshadowed by the vodka-induced adrenaline telling her to go for it. She was in her final semester of university. She’d been stressed and uptight and severely lacking a social life or any real kind of self-indulgence for over a year now, and once this break was over, she would return to Tokyo and strap in for the toughest final stretch of her academic career. Her friends had pestered her nonstop about what a shut-in she’d become, and Kagome was tired of being known as the group’s wet blanket. So tonight, just tonight, she would allow herself to have fun. 

Such an amazing use of colour @justafewsmallsteps! And what a steamy story to go with it. You capture her so well.

Shut Up and Tell Me I'm Pretty

🏔️Hanakotoba Matsuri 2024 Week 03: Abundance & Fertility 🏔️Flower: Yellow rose (new beginning), Oxeye daisy (hope) 🏔️Element: Earth 🏔️Trope: Blind date, Reunions, Force proximity

Summary: Sesshoumaru requires a date for an important business event, but he gets more than he bargains for when his brother sends an old acquaintance.

Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.

Sneak Peek

She yanked on the next dress even though she knew it wouldn't be the right one. The colour was too bright, and the cut was too low. Even if her date did choose it, she wasn't about to leave the store in it. "Considering I accepted this date as a favour, the least you can do is provide me with the information about our venue," she groused.

Sesshoumaru, though he went by Yasei Shou in the modern era, barely looked up from his phone before waving her away. "It is a business event. That is all you need to know."

Kagome stalked over to him, hands on her hips. "Nice try. You want me to play nice? Spill the deets. I need to know how to dress. Is it black tie?"

He sighed, leaning back against the lush couch positioned in front of a myriad of mirrors. "You can wear any colour if that's what you mean."

She rolled her eyes. "Is it casual? Is there a deal to be made? Are you trying to impress someone?"

"The latter. But in a business sense." He took in more of her appearance. "Hurry up. We still need to do your hair and makeup."

She eyed him momentarily, then leaned over and grabbed his tie, flipping it over his shoulder. "If it's that important, shouldn't you be getting dressed too?" She turned on her heel, walking back down the aisles of dresses. So far, the so-called stylists had found nothing she liked, so she was taking matters into her own hands.

Kagome having secret connections is dynamite @sereia1313! She should never be underestimated.


Inuyasha: A new life

This is a entry for @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri event week 3 abundance and fertility. This is set after the events of the Inuyasha manga.

The day that Kagome return to the past, she knew that this is a new beginning. She reunited with her friends, whose she has not seen for three years, and is amazed that Sango and Miroku are married as well parents.

Kaede help Kagome settle in and train her as a miko since Kagome has not been practicing her powers over the three years.

Kagome was amazed by the house as she said to Inuyasha, "Wow, this look like my home in my era." and Inuyasha reply, "Yeah, I have been getting the village's builders made this. It is mostly from memory of the place."

One year later after Kagome return to the past, she rest in the house only to hear the giggles of little girls as the Sango's twins run up to her and one of them said, "Is the baby here?" Kagome reply as she rub her pregnant belly, "Not yet, girls. The baby is not here yet."

Providing her with a memory of her family through the well is such a lovely touch @legofanguy! What a lovely happy ending.


🏔️ Week 3 - Abundance & Fertility 🏔️

Happy Monday, everyone, it's Week 3 of Kagome's flower fest! Let's add some sunshine to your day with some new blooms, element, and tropes.

Feel free to go back and plant some seeds for Week 1 and Week 2 as well, the garden is open all month.

Don't forget to tag #kagshanakotoba or #khm2024 if you post your work on Tumblr and add it to the Ao3 collection (Kags_HM_2024) as well. Anyone who creates something for this week will get a special banner, and if you post something for each of the four prompts, you'll get a special completion banner at the end.

Wanting to plan ahead? Check out the event schedule. Need a refresher on how it works? Check out the rules.

Happy creating!

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