
destined to explode,

@straightforwardly / straightforwardly.tumblr.com

Mick. Somewhere in my twenties or thirties. Ravenclaw. I will help you read those books if you will soothe my worried looks. fanfic blog: @priceof-freedom

The princess was cursed that her first husband would die a horrible death. In order to avoid this horrible fate the royal family used you as a scapegoat and married you to the princess. But because of your immortality you have died over 20 times and still come back to life.

“Darling one of these days we should really let my parents in on your, um, condition.”

The arrow lodged within my chest comes out cleanly as I remove it, admiring the feathers before adding it to my collection. “Now where’s the fun in that, love? Their assassins are just starting to get creative.”

(this prompt was keeping me up at night so here you go… A bit different than how I normally write but I had fun with it!)

My first brush with death was, technically speaking, before I was really alive.

You see, my father was a necromancer who saved his lady love from an untimely end. Coincidentally, she was also with child at the time of this little intervention. There’s no telling if he ever considered the ramifications of his defiance of fate that day. I never did ask. I don’t know that it would have made much of a difference. So long as he had my mother back.

We lived well, my parents and I. My father made his living as a “healer” whose reputation preceded him in a number of social circles, bringing with it many a well paying customer hoping to buy his discrepancy. Duelists who let things get out of hand. Those with secrets and regrets they wished to undo as quietly as possible. Their reasons never really mattered much so long as they paid in full. Some made surprisingly good children’s entertainers. But I suppose people will do just about anything when there’s a life on the line. Even answer an endless stream of questions from a child up passed their bedtime.

By the time of my second brush with death I had grown into a young man. All told it was rather underwhelming. The stable had caught fire from a lightning strike. In my rush to save the horses I foolishly turned my back on our more unpredictable mare, earning me an unfortunate blow to the head.

I woke up in the mud before my father even reached the scene. I assumed then that I had just been lucky. If my parents had any suspicions to the contrary, they never voiced them.


I’m paying to force seven thousand strangers to see a photo of my late husband having fun with his dog. Tumblr Blaze is totally worth it. XD

Thank-you to all of my new Internet stranger friends for being so gracious about having my post shoved onto your dashboards. I loved reading all of your kind tags and comments! Both Martin and Bosco have been gone for several years now but for 24 hours, they felt very present in my life. I greatly appreciate this gift. ❤️


Reblog to have your dashboard be visited by the spirit of joy that death can end but not erase.

Anonymous asked:

What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?

.. i’m palestinian


same energy


there’s more




here’s another one




how does this get even worse

I think about once in a while…

We have another one…


This is the internet now tho 😭💀

Omg so many additions since I last saw this post! 😂😂😂

It’s funny but incredibly telling how entitled/ignorant/insensitive some of these people are… idk if it’s an education gap or purposeful ignorance.


The really bewildering thing to me is that I remember when you needed to get up and pull a dictionary off the shelf, or visit a library to look up the facts you needed. Now people have all kinds of information literally at their fingertips and they can’t be bothered to use it.


Oh dear gods, it’s gotten worse

When you know politics but no facts

don’t take people too seriously on the internet

This hits different when combined with that “Americans don’t learn other countries exist till they’re in 5th Grade” post from the other day.


Demily recently got another one lads

Also, I love that, in the sign language one, it seems like the last image might’ve been a gif of “fuck you,” screenshot at the perfect time to let you know they were about to sign “fuck you”


As a romanian person I gotta add this one too

This is my favourite post on this website


You want everyone to be able to slot into a pride and prejudice au but no one can accurately fit into the niche that Mr Darcy and Elizabeth have cornered which is completely and uniquely deranged and sophisticated in a way no marvel character, nay, not even an over watch character, can dare compete with

miss piggy: you are sad and pathetic and small and far too green, both your status and wealth are an embarrassment, and your mother’s voice is shrill and painful… un. like. moi! *hair swish*

kermit: *stunned open mouth silence*

miss piggy: yet every day since i first saw you at the dance all i have been able to think about is how you are suitable for nothing in life but to be my bride! you are below me in every possible way but you simply must let me marry you!

kermit, flailing uncontrollably: THIS IS YOUR IDEA OF A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL?!?!


I had to

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