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We were feeling pretty chuffed about having the #6 trending post on this website until we saw number 7 was a Supernatural mpreg edit

Alrighty then

Yea that's fair


@thebibliosphere I had to repost this for both of us because OOF

Where exactly the fuck did you go that they missed all these diagnoses? I mean, I know some of my colleagues at my spot ain’t all stars, but goddamn…🫣

This is not at all uncommon. People that doctors perceive as women are all but called "hysterical."

I had a doctor diagnose me as "too fat" for multiple years when I had a tumor inside my spine. Another doctor called me a drug seeker and threw me out of the ER 12 hours before my gallbladder started falling apart inside of me. Another separated me from my advocate and literally cornered me to lie to me about whether he was legally allowed to prescribe me my medication that I'd been on for half a decade.

Medical misogyny, fatphobia, and transphobia are very, very real, and far more widespread and deep-rooted than most doctors seem to want to admit. But patients know. We have to live with it.


Daily Mirror, England, January 23, 1923 Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

I forget who originally said it, but there’s a quote about “Great science fiction isn’t predicting the automobile, it’s predicting the traffic jam”


Please go watch Sex Explained on Netflix. Not only is it a great resource for the basic sex education that is sorely lacking in the U.S., but some of ya’ll need to take a deep breath and remember the difference between fantasy vs reality. This purity culture thing that we’re going through right now is directly harmful to responsible, healthy sexual expression. BTW this woman, Lisa Diamond, is a noted psychologist and has been pushing for greater understanding of womens sexuality as a whole.



This thread omg

Family doesn’t have to be blood related.

Sometimes family is a righteously angry little girl, her supportive brother, a random stranger with a thirst for chaos and justice, two foreign grandmas, and The Rest Of The Plane.


yasss this makes me happy like nothing else lol

As a note for many of the commentors, we were not ON THE PLANE at any point during this encounter. We were at the departure gate in the Melbourne Airport.

We were not remotely the most chaotic thing happening. International departure gates are a circle of hell.


This thread omg

Family doesn’t have to be blood related.

Sometimes family is a righteously angry little girl, her supportive brother, a random stranger with a thirst for chaos and justice, two foreign grandmas, and The Rest Of The Plane.


yasss this makes me happy like nothing else lol

As a note for many of the commentors, we were not ON THE PLANE at any point during this encounter. We were at the departure gate in the Melbourne Airport.

We were not remotely the most chaotic thing happening. International departure gates are a circle of hell.


whys depeche mode one of the best bands in the world? easy! together they served CUNT

charisma - dave. i shouldnt even have to explain this one. next

uniqueness - martin. brooding forlorn songwriter. bondage pixie. leo queen

nerve - fletch. to wear that mock turtleneck and remain in this band while playing no music whatsoever…it DO take nerve

tALANt - i mean. it's right there in the word


I'm not a prayin' man, but the night I found out my at-the-time-fiancé had been sending sex horny nasty horny sex asks to my friend on THIS VERY WEBSITE, I sat in the car in the parking lot of an abandoned church and watched a family of deer play in the snow, and it didn't quite feel like a sign because that part of Pennsylvania was mostly deer and abandoned buildings and snow, but it felt nice, and once the tears stopped, I looked down at my phone and my other friend had sent me a text that said, "HE'S TRYING TO CHEAT ON YOU ON THE ONE DIRECTION IMAGINES WEBSITE?" and I realized that life is all about your curated experience. A real choose-your-own-adventure deal. I have never seen someone post about One Direction on here in my life.


About the AO3 "No Guest Comments for a while" warning

If you're not following any of AO3's social media accounts you might be in the dark as to what kind of "spam comments" have engendered this banner at the top of the site:

These spam comments have been posted about a great deal on the AO3 subreddit for the past couple of days. Initially they comprised a bunch of guest (logged out users) bot comments that insulted authors by suggesting they were using AI and not writing their own fics. Some examples, from the subreddit:

But it then escalated to outright graphic porn images and gifs being posted in comments, again by logged out 'Guest' accounts. Obviously, I'm not going to give examples of those, but between these two bot infestations, AO3 has clearly decided to act and has temporarily closed the ability to post comments for users who are not logged in with an AO3 account.

Unfortunately, this means that genuine readers who don't have an AO3 account won't be able to leave comments on fics that they enjoy.

If you are a genuine reader who doesn't yet have an AO3 account, I strongly suggest getting yourself on the waiting list for one. More and more AO3 authors are now locking their fics down to registered users only - either due to these bot comments or concerns about AI scraping their work - which means you're probably missing out on a lot of great stuff.

Hopefully guest commenting will be enabled again at some point soon, but I suggest not waiting until then. Get yourself on that list.

Wait times are going to be longer than usual at the moment, due to the current Wattpad purge [info on Fanlore | Wattpad subreddit thread], but if you're in line, then your invite will come through eventually.


A Collection of Rainbow Wang YiBos to Bless Your Timeline 🌈💚

Happy Pride!

And a little treat for XZ fans 🌈❤️

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made.


MORE Rainbow Wang YiBos to bless your timeline 🌈💚

And of course a little treat for Xiao Zhan stans 🌈❤️

This is still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made.


Rainbow Wang YiBos: The Thread You Didn’t Know You Needed — Part 3 🌈💚

And of course, a little something for Xiao Zhan stans 🌈❤️

Still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made 💀

Rainbow YiZhan: The Thread You Didn’t Know You Needed — Part 4 🌈💚

And our sweet boy XZ 🌈❤️

This is still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made 😭

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