
Death Eater Groupies



Darkness Reigns

The shadows...those dark...dark shadows...they’re getting closer...and the Death Eaters...the Death Eaters draw near...Dark times are ahead. Which means our annual fest, Darkness Reigns, is upon us for its third year in a row! More details will be provided in the infographic! April 20th - June 10th: Sign-Ups and Claiming June 18th: Stories are Due June 21st: Stories are live and Writers are revealed

Sign-up form below:


@deatheatergroupies for DE of the Month ~ March, 2021: Severus Snape @alena-kp is a brilliant artist with MANY pictures of Snape, as well as Severus & Hermione together (Snamione), and some of Hermione Granger on her own. There are others too, so head over to her page and enjoy!!

March has passed, but it is never too late to give this well deserved praise! 


Title: A Very Death Eater Christmas

By: recuperare

Rated: G

Summary: What happens when the Dark Lord can take no more of his followers trying to bestow him gifts? Will Secret Santa give him a reprieve from the constant competition?


Will you be hosting any fests done through tumblr now instead of Facebook?


At the moment we don’t have any plan to but that’s a great idea. The Dark Lord approves. 💀🐍. The yearly fest we have right now is Darkness Reigns: A World Cast In Shadows. Maybe we will host it on both FB & Tumblr for 2021


legends never die ; a mix dedicated to the house of slytherin

Perhaps in Slytherin, you’ll make your real friends. These cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.

The Gifts Of The Magicians



Over twelve days of Christmas, Walden is surprisingly well-read, Snape is sly, Pettigrew is hungry, Bellatrix is lovesick, Rodolphus is jealous, and Voldemort is unimpressed.


HARRY POTTER MEME ϟ [1/1] HOUSES You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that. Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Anonymous asked:

My prompt for your 2K celebration is Antonin Dolohov/Hermione Granger: Accepted Soul Mate bond. 🖤🙏🏼 this ship is so small! No one writes it. So someone with your talent would no doubt be such an incredible treat!!

This is the last of my 2K Giveaway! Thank you so much, anon, for submitting because I had a wonderful time writing this. I hope you’re okay with a 6k one shot instead of a drabble lol it got away from me!  Stay safe and well.  Dolohov x Hermione

Rated M


Soulmate AU, Sexual Content 

https://archiveofourown.org/works/26589787 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13702385/1/These-Are-The-Hands-That-Will-Love-You

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