
@rescuewombat / rescuewombat.tumblr.com

[Wombat - 24 - they/them] this lease is up when I stop paying rent. no good posts here.

Artists: Peter Mohrbacher; Uriah Voth

Brimaz is a male leonin from Oreskos on Theros. He is a capable warrior and was an inspiring spiritual leader for his people. One of the few men to ever be the monarch of Theros’ leonin prides, he was broadminded, humble, and determined, with a deep connection to the land. He was a kindhearted leader, a forward-thinking philosopher, and an ambassador of peace. He was quick to seek opinions from the matriarchs of the leonin prides, and often defered to their wisdom. His reign saw the once isolationist tribes reaching out to the people of Theros who lived beyond their borders. A stalwart battlefield commander and a charismatic champion of justice, he conquered each challenge as surely as the dawn would rise each morning.

Brimaz always insisted that his friends not refer to him by any title when alone. He was close friends with Ajani Goldmane, and was notably taller than the planeswalker.

When the Phyrexian forces swarmed the golden fields of Oreskos, Brimaz met them in battle. Even as his people were ravaged by the invaders, he held their spirits together. But the cruel efficiency of the invaders overwhelmed even the most seasoned leonin. With glistening oil coursing through his veins, he employed his charisma and battle prowess towards a different cause: guiding his people-all of Theros's people- into a new future, one that shined with perfect Phyrexian glory. His fate after New Phyrexia’s defeat is unknown.


I need the furries AND the Phyrexian lovers to help this one break containment.


Screw terfs n all but are you normal about transgirls who don't want to medically transition? Are you normal about transguys with boobs who don't wear binders? Are you normal about the trans people who only want to socially transition because that's what's right for them? Are you normal about the transgirls with beards? Are you normal about the transguys who love their curves? Screw terfs, but are you normal about trans people?

Screw terfs, but do you prioritize the love and safety and comfort of trans people over spiting a terf?


Hello my dear Customers~

Today should be the day you ALL buy a Thneed!!


I’m straight but this gif makes my prostate clench it kinda hurts 


This feels like finding a vintage grenade in a box and pulling the pin

And reblogging it is calling out “Hey, come here and look at this!” to your followers before you toss it to a friend.


every prehistoric human reconstruction has me thinking “I want to smoke weed with this bitch”

she looks like she would have been an awesome neighbor, like she would have loved menthols and called me baby

“a Cheeto could have killed a Victorian child” but the opposite. Neanderthals would have loved to go to Hardee’s and get a burger with me.

I love her. It sounds like they buried her in a comfortable state of repose. Around 85% of Neanderthals died before the age of 40 so she lived a relatively long life. I hope it was a good one. I hope she knew joy and beautiful art and ceremony and plentiful food.


kellan orrinshire - fae-blooded, daring traveler, inquisitive prodigy, kid

Part of Me Never Left That House - Mada Hayyas // Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats // Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents - Lindsay C. Gibson // FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK" - Danny Lavery // "Problem Area" - Melissa Broder


The latest MTGLore.com update has added links for over 40 Magic books you can borrow to read for free on Archive.org!

The Thran, Distant Planes, the original Ravnica trilogy, The Brothers' War, Lorwyn, and... The Quest for Karn too, I guess. All 40+ options are listed in the [Patch Notes]!

Video below shows how easy it is to find and borrow the first Magic novel, Arena. (Archive.org account is required, but free.)

You enjoy reading Magic's story, I'll do my best to make it easy for you. Deal?


its fascinating how very very surface level 1920s-ish jazz age inspired aesthetics are very popular (see: hazbin hotel and electroswing and the endless wave of bowtie pinstripe character designs from the 2010s) but the vast vast majority of people who are into that seem fundamentally disinterested in actually engaging with actual jazz age art and culture because that would require engaging with black art

hello hazbin hotel fan. before you is an image of cab calloway. if you cannot correctly name at least one song of his then you will be dropped into a pool of live hammerhead sharks

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