
just love yourself


Anonymous asked:

can’t lie i am a lil bit disappointed by that ending i feel like it was quite anticlimactic and rushed :/

the fact that i spent two months mapping this whole storyline out and getting to know the characters.... idk who u are but pls stay out of my ask box w this shit. it’s not even constructive, it’s just annoying.


Dear anonymous, just want to let you know that Kez works so hard on these stories. The amount of time, effort, hard work and planning she puts into each and every single one of her works is insane. Every author that posts on tumblr their stories work really hard on them, while having a life outside of this site.

You are entitled to your own opinion sure, but don't pretend like this story wasn't one of Kez's best and you can see all her hard work and soul put into it!

There is a review that is meant to build and give both good and bad points of the story and point out the best in it and the bad. And it's good because the author can learn from it and it can help them better themselves.

This ask is just a mean comment. So just don't.

And to Kez, I'll write you a personal message about this story after the epilogue is posted, but please know this - this story is amazing on so many levels. Look how many people read, comment and discuss about each and every chapter. I dont know if you took to heart what that anon said or not, but it is important to me that you'll know how amazing and talented you are! ♥️♥️♥️


Seventeen Questions

This would be pretty much my first post since I mostly like to read the stories that are posted here (by some of the best authors I've ever read BTW!), so good luck me 😅

tagged by the lovely @purpleyellow. Love you girl!

1. Nickname: don’t have one for what I can recall, but you can call me Ren 😊 

2. Zodiac: Pisces 🐟🐟

3. Height: 155cm – I'm well aware that I'm a dwarf, but what can I say, I like it 😉

4. Hogwarts house: I think I'm more Ravenclaw 😂

5. Last thing googled: Honey Lemon Soda manga (if you like reading manga and such I can't recommend it enough to read this!)

6. Song stuck in my head: Sia – Together (this song has been replaying in my head for so long I'm surprised I'm not sick of it)

7. Number of followers: 43 😅😄

8. Hours of sleep I get: until last month it was between 2-4 hours of sleep because I was in my exams period in university, but now I'm on break for 2 months+ so I make sure to get at least 7 hours.

9. Lucky number: don't have one 🙂

10. Dream job: DENTIST FTW! 🦷🦷🦷

11. Currently wearing: red shirt and black tights

12. Favourite song at the moment: stay gold – bts

13. Favourite instrument: maybe piano? Or violin?

14. Aesthetics: I like blue, green and purple shades of colors. I think that you can find beauty in everything and anything.

15. Favourite colour: azure

16. Random: I really want to find a person that is about to sneeze and right before they do, yell "PIKA PIKAAAA!!!!" (but you know, social distancing).

17. Tagging: anyone who wants to do this :)

Anonymous asked:

Uni anon don't worry about your age... at all! Im 32 and last year in university. There are many people from 19 to 60+ in my university. Last year we had 65 y/o lady graduate! Just keep improving yourself and crushing your goals. Age means NOTHING 😊 good luck 🤗💜

Just wanted to add that at my uni there is a 46 years old man that studies medicine with me (7 years to finish it), and we are both first years, and at another uni I know of a 93 year old lady who started last year too at her own subject just because she wanted and she can if she wants.

Age means nothing! It's not some sort of a barrier! As long as you improve yourself and chase your goals in life then nothing else matters! 😊😘😉✌💪


And yeah, putting her friend in a situation she feels uncomfortable with is kind of bad on miju's part, but hey, how many times have we asked our best friends to do something for us that made them uncomfortable?? This is what best friends are for, if we can't ask them to help us with difficulties then who can we?? Sure it's not always the right thing to do, but miju does look for support on yn part, maybe because she knows only yn will give her that support in this case 🥺🥺🥺


miju definitely isn’t calling on yn w the intent to put her in a tight spot, she genuinely wants the support of her best friend ., she would most likely do the same thing for yn too without any hesitation // they really are best friends through and through :; nd bc of that it’s harder for yn to say no to her, even w knowing what it’s like being around jimin bc it’s not like she can exactly tell her wht the problem is...


Exactly! We turn to our best friends at these type of situations because they are our best friends! And I'm sure she would've helped yn if their roles were reversed! It pains me to think what will happen when miju will find out what happened and how it will affect their friendship 😥🥺


Hmm I feel like if miju was in yn place (like the main character tries to work hard to get the boy she wants) people will want more for her to succeed and will cheer her on. It's hard being in that place, and wanting to believe you have that chance with the guy you're in love with, and sometimes it makes you blind to other things happening around you, especially if the guy you want is interested in your best friend 🥺 keep this up, it turns more and more interesting to read! 💜😍


yeah, i see what you’re saying! i think tho in that case it would be more like screaminf at her to get her life together and stop being creepy so she could be w the guy properly ., nd hating on the best friend for not paying attention to her friends feelings properly // that’s assuming that their roles are reversed but their personalities were the same ,, i think if miju was in yns spot she would go for it more willing , assuming that her friend would understand in the end .


I don't know why but in my head I imagined it less creepy and cringy if you wrote their roles reversed 🤔😅 but I can see what you mean!

it definitely would be! it’s not yns personality to do the whole picture thing and post spamming, so if she was the one pining it would be more speaking in group chats and she would’ve talked to him much sooner... but might’ve been nervous to make it clear what she wants. it would be very different tho ., bc yn is not the pining type you know?

Yeah I can see that

I have a feeling that if you end up making a story with this plot line you will make it interesting and with it's own twist to it, like you always do in the best way 😉😉😉


Hmm I feel like if miju was in yn place (like the main character tries to work hard to get the boy she wants) people will want more for her to succeed and will cheer her on. It's hard being in that place, and wanting to believe you have that chance with the guy you're in love with, and sometimes it makes you blind to other things happening around you, especially if the guy you want is interested in your best friend 🥺 keep this up, it turns more and more interesting to read! 💜😍


yeah, i see what you’re saying! i think tho in that case it would be more like screaminf at her to get her life together and stop being creepy so she could be w the guy properly ., nd hating on the best friend for not paying attention to her friends feelings properly // that’s assuming that their roles are reversed but their personalities were the same ,, i think if miju was in yns spot she would go for it more willing , assuming that her friend would understand in the end .


I don't know why but in my head I imagined it less creepy and cringy if you wrote their roles reversed 🤔😅 but I can see what you mean!

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