

@flameeliwood / flameeliwood.tumblr.com

This is my personal blog for reblogging things. If you want to see my art, go to FlameEliwoodArt

¿Donde estas mi amor?

Amber is searching for her loved one, but seems that she cannot find her.

... does she know?

Cacee "Kiwi" Cactus belongs to @lightdasher. You should go follow them!


Muchos sabores de Cacee

A collaboration between @lightdasher and myself! Lightdasher did the initial sketch, and I added in the lines and colour! I think this came out great!

Cacee belongs to Lightdasher as well!


i dont know exactly how to articulate this in a way other people havent but everything is too fast now. 24/7 news cycle, online focuses that last for hours instead of months or years, songs written just so ten seconds can go viral. movies and books churned out to meet some nebulous income quota. idk. im motion sick

Bill Watterson, 1995

You're not alone or the first to feel like everything is going too fast


Here are some silly Cacee drawings I did a month or so ago C:

That's Amber in the fourth image by the way! <3 She belongs to @flameeliwood


just something terrible about the fact that there really aren’t kids websites anymore and now there aren’t adult websites either. kids don’t have neopets or club penguin or anything else like that to go on now where there could be appropriate moderation for their age, and so now you have 9 year olds on tik tok and instagram seeing content that’s not appropriate for them, and the adults on these platforms get censored to death because “think of the children” that shouldn’t even be there in the first place. kids would not give a shit about these things if they had their own spaces to go. but now everyone loses and you have an algorithm that shows pro-ED videos and thirst traps to preteen girls and bans adults for saying “my grandma died yesterday” instead of “my grandma un4l!v3d.” makes me freak out a little bit


Most of what I've been busy with the last while is this illustration.

It's not even that good. :\


nothing is worse than software that tells people when I’m online or when I read their message or when I’m typing something. I always want to be as unknowable in my silence as god

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