

@deathbymeow / deathbymeow.tumblr.com

She/her, 30 something, My writing and random stuff

The great Camera Caper PART 22 … just give it a sec, guys, the story needs to marinate for a moment, and then things will pick up again…. Mmmhmhmhmmhmh…


damian got a secret weapon


While I am not guilty free of constantly switching fandom bc my attention span is short. I must admit, I like to see the batfam a bit longer so I drew this >w< I got inspired by this idea from Duckytree's tumblr where they depict Dick as a feral child who grows to be tired and depressed af, whereas Jason was an angel who grows to be a sociopath


Last night I sat down with my 15 year old niece (also a ML fan) and finally watched the movie.

Friends, it's not good.

The Good:

  • The animation is really pretty
  • The background djwifi is cute
  • The akumatized villains are really cool
  • "Watermelon!" 😂

The Bad:

  • I hated Adrien. We don't see any of his series kindness and he's kind of a jerk actually??? And I really didn't appreciate his pity party after Ladybug's rejection or his making everything about that when PARIS IS LITERALLY ON FIRE. Also he was pretty callous in the way he rejected Marinette.
  • I could see the ladynoir angle at least but it wasn't clear at all why Marinette even liked Adrien. I didn't ship the square in this at all though.
  • The singing. I don't understand why they made it a musical, but it wasn't a good choice. And using different VAs for singing can work but for Marinette it was jarring. We go from soft English speaking voice to deep French-accented singing voice and just no.
  • The whole plot line just felt really underdeveloped??? Like what even happened with Gabriel after his reveal at the end??

The ???:

  • So we're just making the butterfly the evil miraculous, eh?
  • Fu was just...weird

I think I need to go rewatch Origins as a palette cleanser.

Have you watched the movie? What did you think?


All of the above. I watched it with my 10yr old and even she thought it was cringe. We still had fun watching it but the singing… did not know that was coming 😬

Movie Gabriel was more likeable and was at least redeemable and his villain song 🤣

Our highlight was ladybug throwing Chloe in the trash 😆

But unfortunately there was no chemistry, no slow burn and no umbrella ☔️ scene. It all felt very rushed… yea difference between multiple shows and movie length I know but other movies still manage to bring the feels.

For us it was disappointing but still fun to watch but we will stick to the show.


AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty

Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like “oh we’re so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn’t even use your father’s extensive resources that could’ve easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren’t we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession–”


My boyfriend tried to get me into superheroes

Now I torture him by reminding him that batman is a dad and experiences emotions besides vengeance

Dick, texting in the group chat: I wonder what Apple shots would look like?
Tim: *sends a picture of of a syringe with an apple slice shoddily edited inside*
Jason: *sends a picture of a shot glass with an Apple poorly drawn inside*
Damian: *sends a picture of a person dunking a basketball into a hoop but replaces the basketball with a poorly resized apple*
Dick: I hate all of you.
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