
Shipper Shit


Villain fucker. Fond of the female gaze. Sex positive. She/Her

Jude: i hate you

Cardan: *in his head* enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst with happy ending, 300k+ words


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl dir. Gore Verbinski | 2003

I love the way this zooms in on him. We get his sort of habitual hopelessness about the situation, but we ALSO get this sudden sense that time is running out. Is it because she's going to marry someone else, you might ask?

Hilariously, no. It's because she's about to get kidnapped by PIRATES who turn out to be the best accidental wingmen he ever had.


Just finished a reread of TFOTA and this quote from Locke (of all people) stuck out to me.

"Do you love me enough to give me up? Do you love me enough to weep over me?"Jude finds the questions off putting and odd, which I don't blame her.

Flash forward to QoN: *Jude, willing to cut off snake Cardans head, not knowing what would happen, but knowing it would break her*

When she truly loved someone, she was willing to give them up, and weep over them.


Hello??? Wtf?! I have never thought about it this way (most probably because I just never wanted to analyze anything Locke related), but damn, this is good. THIS IS SO GOOD. I SO NEEDED THIS. THANK YOU! 😭🤌🏼


Rey also deserved better.

Her entire arc was about how she was afraid of being alone, of being left behind.

Then she finally finds someone that changes that. She fights hard for him to become who he was always meant to be, she fights not to take his hand even though she wanted to.

Then she finds he's her dyad, her destiny, that their connection was meant to be. And then he fucking dies.

He dies and Rey is again alone, destined to live without half of her soul, wandering through life all by herself.

And tell me again why bother with the story progression at all if you're just going to destroy it?


is anyone going to tell the kat@angers that it's not feminist activism to argue Katara's arc in LOK is fine on the grounds that "some women want to be homemakers and that's okay!!"

Like you're not helping real women that way. In fact, most antis for the cannon ship ARE women. Many are homemakers themselves.

Katara is not a real woman. She is a fictional woman written by men.

Can the sensibilities and wishes of a girl change by the time she is a adult? Yes!

But as this is a textual character who, as per the text, rejects the societal structure of her fictional world (which mirrors our own) that women are and can only ever be docile homemakers (i.e. I don't want to heal, I want to fight; I will never turn my back on people who need me; let's start a prison riot; let's engage in vigilante ecoterrorism; let's pitch an absolute fit because the boys are not pulling their fair weight in the homemaking; let's confront my mother's killer at the absolute rejection and condemnation of the male figures whom I am to respect; etc) it is perfectly reasonable to argue that this end was not a natural course for her character.

Fictional characters are not real people. This means that they do not change their mind off screen. That is not an acceptable argument. That is called a "plot hole", which is a nonsensical change made at the convenience and contrivance of the writer(s), who in this case are men exhibited to not care for women or girls all that much. It is within THEIR character to write this way.

Regardless of who, if anyone, Katara ended up with, Katara tolerating disrespect, neglect, abuse of her children, giving up all of her former aspirations to live in the shadow of men, and dying as a mere footnote in history (and being alright with it!!) is not surprising given the absolute vitriol Bryke has shown toward female fans of their "creation". It was supposed to be a "boy" show. It was always supposed to be a "boy" show. The creators of Supernatural and Game of Thrones did the same thing. ATLA just did it first.

Arguing "not all women" is not activism in the face of what is really happening in this discourse. Sending death threats to real, actual women with feelings in defense of a fake pretend woman's fake pretend autonomy is performative activism, and worse, hypocritical.

Not all women agree with you. Not all women feel represented and find the outcome of Katara's story satisfactory. If y'all care about feminism and respecting women's choices so much, lay off the real life women you're so fond of harassing. Our views and opinions, while opposing your own, don't affect you.


The thing neurotypicals tend not to understand about the ADHD brain is that it really only has two gears

I turn to the chalkboard and carefully write out




Much like a cars transmission getting stuck between gears the adhd brain can also access a secret mode called HORKLY WARDIN' that feels bad

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