


Stuff... Mostly cute things

i think a LOT of you with chronic conditions should learn this one magical phrase to get your hospital doctor to shit his entire pants, which is leaving the room and saying "im going to go discuss your behavior with the ethics committee, i think you might need a reminder of what your job is"

examples of when this would get a doctor to shit himself: if he mentions that you need to loose weight, go straight to the ethics committee and ask if its ethical to withold treatment until weight is lost, the answer is no and they know this. if a nurse etc, wont wear a mask and you NEED them to, the ethics committee, upon review of the case, will not be happy many such cases, remember that doctors and nurses at hospitals have an Oversight Board


while this is well intentioned, also please remember that this is only really an option for white people.

bipoc people have been loudly stating tor a long time that doctors are to bipoc women what cops are to bipoc men.

not saying don’t try this but also consider bringing someone with you, being on the phone during an appointment, or recording your appointment. solidarity is an effective tactic when appealing to the system is not.


Patient Advocate here to a. validate everything Josie has said above and b. add some extra advice from things I have seen in my career as an advocate.

BIPOC women and Queer folks tend to be more likely to receive retaliation when advocating for themselves. Red Flag notations like "noncompliant" or "malingering" get resorted to much faster for these patients and can impact your care going forward. My suggestion instead of the OP advice is, if you request something that is denied, ask "can you document my request?" This is less likely to trigger defensiveness but sometimes, this will prompt a physician to rethink their decision. However, if they still don't honor your request, do not tell them you are reporting them to Ethics (or Patient Relations, or your local Department of Health, etc), simply walk out and do it. The documentation can't be deleted once your visit is closed, so there will be a paper trail of your request.

These scrutinizing bodies are ruthless, and even if Physicians themselves don't act frightened by them, the organizations they work for absolutely HATE having unnecessary case reviews on their plate. In some cases, citations from the DoH can lead to the hospital being reimbursed less money from insurance providers. That speaks the language of shareholders and CEOs and can move a lot of needles, if you catch me.


Me: In November, either Trump or Biden will win. There is no third outcome, so we should vote accordingly for the option that will mitigate the most harm.

The people in my notes: Oh, so you think direct action is bad? You think voting is literally the only thing we can do? You hate activism? You love Biden and endorse everything he does and think nobody should criticize him ever? You think voting will just magically solve all our problems? You think protesting is wrong? You love the status quo and think everything is fine?

Im Still occasionally getting people tagging me in that post to get mad at me for agreeing with you, its so funny (depressing)


I keep seeing people saying things like "Don't @ me with your weak-ass harm reduction argument/lesser of two evils argument" like bestie, literally, what is the alternative? You have a schedule for the glorious revolution I don't know about? Have you worked out how to have a glorious revolution that won't kill a bunch of people? 'Cause last time I checked..... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I know living in Oregon and having vote by mail I'm pretty spoiled with how little time it takes me to vote. I know there are lots of areas that make it hard, particularly if you are working class and can't get the day off, but voting is only a few days a year at most the people who vote have plenty of time to do other stuff as well.

If you want to do a revolution against the current power structure you need to pay attention to how that power structure works, and what needs people have that it isn't fulfilling. So it's not like ignoring current politics saves you time to work on other stuff either. You're making the other work you are doing harder through willful ignorance and not using all the tools available to you.

I have also seen people on other social media sites implying that the only people calling voting “harm reduction” are people who live in blue states or states that are currently leaning heavily blue (aka “people who have it ‘good’”)

My sibling in internet, I live in fucking Alabama and cannot name a currently elected Democrat anywhere in this state off the top of my head—I would have to Google for it—and I am seriously begging people to vote for Biden because another Trump term with Things As They Are is not something anyone in the world should be subjected to.


Had a doc appt (just my yearly checkup) a couple days ago and I asked her about checking to see if my measles vaccine from when I was a kid was still good, since I’d heard it could lose effectiveness over time. She nodded and had a lab done and turned out I was NOT still immune to measles, so got my booster today.

Get your vaccines, folks!

“I have a question about a vaccine,” I say, and the look of ‘god fuckin dammnit not again’ that flashed across this poor doctor’s face, followed by abject relief when I said “I’ve heard that the measles vaccine can lose effectiveness over time and I’d like to make sure mine is still good.” says everything really. 

“Oh thank god,” she literally said. “Yes of course. That’s true, and we can do a blood test and see. If you don’t still have antibodies we can get you a booster scheduled.” 

“That question goes poorly a lot, doesn’t it,” I say. 

“You have no idea.”


Boosting this (lol, pun unintended but allowed to stand with pride) and adding: measles often needs updating in adulthood, they’ll usually throw in a rubella update with it; chickenpox might also need updating, mine did; and get your whooping cough updated, especially if you spend time around pregnant folk or small babies. (I say this from an Australian perspective.)


U.S. Americans - check this cdc site

I have had boosters as an adult. I like the way the CDC breaks this out by both age and by indications.

Others in the world, check your Health Orgs; I bet they have similar charts.


Extremely Important Update: in April 2023 the World Bird Sanctuary had an orphaned eagle chick in need of care, so they decided to see if Murphy could live up to his parental ambitions.

He successfully raised the chick, which is now thriving with the other juvenile eaglets!

Congrats Murphy, you made it happen through sheer determination.

(Pictures are from the Facebook page of the World Bird Sanctuary; I can’t link them directly because I don’t have a FB account and the site is a nightmare to interact with if you’re not logged in, constantly resetting and kicking you to registration pages.)


i keep seeing the gif set so here’s the video clip


LeFou: Oop! Gaston: Everyone knows her father’s a lunatic. He was in here tonight, raving— [EDM plays] Gaston: Whoo! Slow down, Maurice. Maurice: [exclaims]

What gets me is they throw the glowsticks out with him.

Anonymous asked:

do you know where "no beta we die like x" comes from and how it is used?

The term "beta" in this context is short for "beta reader" - a person who reads a fic while it's still in the editing stage and helps the writer get it ready to post. Some betas check grammar. Some check canon compliance. Some are sensitivity readers. There are lots of things that betas can do.

So functionally, saying "no beta" means that the writer didn't get this checked by a second person before they posted it. It's a warning that there might be errors or typos etc. It's mostly used when an author has written something quickly and is posting without doing a lot of (or any) edits first.

As for where it comes from? It all started with a bumper sticker.

This image was an internet meme at one point, and it got meme'd on in the form of "no ___ we ___ like men"

Here on tumblr, one of the versions that got really popular was from now-deleted user @grec1a who created this version:

From there, it migrated to AO3 as the "no beta we die like men" tag, and very often the word men is replaced by the name of a character who dies in canon.


I did not know this, but it makes so much sense, and it's SO good to learn fanfiction history.


Different fandoms have so much fun with this too. A couple of favorite variations:

Star Wars:

  • We proofread like stormtroopers which is why we missed that typo
  • Like liberty with thunderous applause
  • Like younglings
  • Like Palpatine should have
  • Like clone troopers
  • Like Qui-Gon


  • Like Robins
  • Like Jason Todd
  • Like Batman's parents


  • Like Uncle Ben
  • Like Tony Stark
  • Like everyone's memories of Peter Parker
  • Like Coulson


  • Like redshirts
  • Like Hob doesn't
  • Like Stregobor should have
  • Like Boromir
  • Like Thorin
  • Like the Line of Durin
  • Like Spanish Jackie's husbands


  • Like my sleep schedule
  • Like my dignity
  • Like my motivation
  • Like meh
  • Like [SPOILERS]
  • Like canon
  • Like my social life
  • Like [character's] heterosexuality
  • Like half the cast
  • Like Twitter

(On the back end, all these variants are connected to the "Not Beta Read" tag.)

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