Anonymous asked:

Idk what that whole situation ended with, but i vividly remember some artist on DA at the time made an IT/Clown oc (?) That was kinda of a self insert, and people decided that the best way to "help" that artist improve their design was to compare the Oc to a prostitute, and nitpick every detail that wasn't "world accurate enough" over comments or videos, until multiple others went along and it actually developed into harrassment.

When the artist was upset over ppl blowing it out of proportion, they accused them of being a bad person and hating the very concept of criticism.

2016 was so shit man. Idk why people want to revert back to that, and get even more christian about it.

... I don't think I've ever heard about this story before, holy shit. I can't imagine how the artist must have felt, I really hope that this didn't last for long

I feel like 2016 is around the time when things like these stopped being sporadic "accidents" and began to be the new norm on the internet, both in fandom spaces and not. That's what I think people mean by "I wish we could go back", not because everything was all fine and dandy, but because mass harassment wasn't as common (and even then it didn't reach tweet-with-thousands-of-interations or doxxing levels like it often does today)

Anonymous asked:

Worse than people who want to police what you draw, is people who want to police HOW you draw... Like, there's nothing more annoying, entitled and shitty than thinking you know more about another person's style or intentions under the mask of ""helping"".

And then say bullshit like: "criticism isnt harrassment" and that's a nice phrase and all if it wasnt a cheap way to shut down anyone when they call out that this "helping" isnt actually helping shit.

I wouldn't personally say that it's worse, I think they're both bad things in different ways, but lots of people (especially those who aren't artists (of any kind) themselves) don't understand just how annoying and discouraging unwelcomed criticism is, especially when they present themselves as these generous entities who just want to help you improve 🥺 <3. It's like. Let me figure stuff out on my own and develop at my own pace lol. And generally they don't even really have the credentials (??) for it tbh, most times by "criticism" they just mean "I don't like this thing so this means that the one in the wrong must be you" -_-


being proactive w cultivating your fandom space is good but also weird because occasionally you'll see a post that's like, "we need to address [problem in fandom you have literally never heard of before]" or "I'm tired of fics that [characterization you have literally never encountered]" and you just end up nodding along and trusting that your mutuals have seen horrors you cannot fathom because you have a very extensive blacklist

Anonymous asked:

naw but it's literally so funny that katsuki told izuku to kill himself to get a quirk in the beginning - and now towards the end, izuku nearly kills himself with his quirk because katsuki died. do you see the insane irony here

Kill himself... and lest we forget hurt other people in the process as well :')

(Which happened even during Blackwip Accident 1, Uraraka was full of scratches by the end of it!!!)

Tfw your own core (the desire to protect and save others) starts cracking when the one you care about the most is involved :'))

Anonymous asked:

I think Mina just gets onto Uraraka a lot bc she's the one (in her friend group) Mina knows has a crush on someone fr, bc she has that whole "making stuff abt romance" and "have never fallen in love before"

She briefly did that to other characters as well and reacts excitedly when she sees something "potentially going on".

Like with Ms.Joke and Aizawa/Midnight and All Might.

Idk what's going on with Aoyama that mf is too cryptic for me to be sure

Mina is... a surprisingly realistic depiction of A Type of teenage girl ahdjfjg but in a story it just is kind of meh when the elements aren't well-integrated with one another. Her comments wouldn't be as annoying if there was an actual romantic development to poke fun at, but as things stand... _(:l 」∠)_

The thing with Aoyama to me is. Sure, maybe he wanted to fail the exam on purpose to not help AFO (so getting Uraraka to go in muscle-memory mode was an accident). But his comment is pretty much just a plot device to bring the crush on the table, and a pretty annoying one because literally how the hell did he Just Know about it, someone who's not even friends with Uraraka and who hardly ever interacts with her

Anonymous asked:

It's funny when ppl hate Bkg so much bc his sin was basically be a school yard bully for a while. Lol

They're more pissed at him for something that he apologised and did everything in his power to atone for than they are at AFO for everything that he's done lol. And I get it, grooming, psychological torture etc etc etc are "abstract" experiences to most so they don't evoke as strong reactions, but still... Midoriya isn't them and Bakugou isn't their bully + Midoriya's honest reaction to getting told to kill himself in ch 1 since they love to bring it up


Which isn't to say that he didn't give a fuck but. he wasn't exactly left emotionally and psychologically scarred for life as they would want you to believe lmao

Edit because I had to go find the whole page but you can't make this shit up

Anonymous asked:

ooh very good points. also like,, not to be a tgchk and bkdk truther here but uhhhh about point number three *twiddles thumbs* it is very disappointing that uraraka's interactions with other characters are about them bringing up her feelings for deku bc they wouldn't come up organically otherwise - doesn't it feel deliberately being displayed as comphet?? everybody just going - Hey You Got Crush On This Guy. We Are Reminding You. - and it's just like - Oh Yeah That. Right.

ᕦ(òᴗóˇ) idk I do think that the crush real up to some point (I just don't give a damn about it alskxkggk like sure okay girl. Anyway) (and the spanish translation was so so good to me for having legitimised this belief 🙏), just like how tgck is real and true to me now. I don't really have thoughts on why Mina especially was so on Uraraka's ass about it, I've decided to just take it as her being pushy about this matter in that specific teenage girl manner

Anonymous asked:

wdym by "many of the things i said abt uraraka still apply" in your last post ?


1) Since her development has been "be a hero for money -> be a hero to save people", it would have been interesting to see her a least reflect on/think about Stain, even only during the aftermath of the arc, even only once just to plant the seed

2) Overhaul arc, she hardly did anything because of the no energy excuse when we've seen people in much worse condition move and fight (though in hindsight her fight against Toga now kinda countered this, and is in general a foil to the whole situation with Nighteye) (because unlike him Toga will live) + I feel like she should have been present when Nighteye died, witnessing it directly would have emphasized both the point and the reason for her development even more imo

3) The fact that most mentions of her crush on Midoriya came from other characters in a "Hey Reader Do You Remember That This Is A Thing, We're Reminding You That This Is A Thing Because Otherwise It Wouldn't Come Up Organically" way, with Aoyama conveniently just guessing about it first to begin with

And there are other things, like how most of her interactions with other characters have been about Midoriya more than anyone else (I don't have a link to it, but someone even made a chart about this and it was quite jarring to see it in plain numbers), or how she's never reached out or said anything to eg Todoroki or Aoyama despite her desire to help those in need... but at least she delivered during her confrontation with Toga 🤧🙏


i'm definitely a big fan of the "right to be forgotten," etc, with regards to removing personal information from the public eye, but simultaneously i think that putting art out into the public sphere means that other people are going to remix it and archive it, and attempts to limit people's abilities to do those things are fundamentally repressive tools that do genuine harm.

i respect someone's desire to have their art properly attributed and i think reposting without attribution is a flagrant show of disrespect, but like, also, i think it's disrespectful on the artist's part if they attempt to limit people's abilities to archive their art with proper attribution, or to create their own art using pieces of the art in question. collage and remix art and archiving art are very connected issues imho, because the same tools that restrict the ability to create remix art are also utilized to prevent archiving attempts, and i don't see a way around that.


Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.

Word for today: wisdom of repugnance

The logical fallacy that because something disgusts you it must be bad

this is probably the funniest example of a tumblr user simply not reading the post theyre reblogging at all

Girl help the freaks are trying to make us distrust our instincts again

Many people's instincts say "gay people are gross and immoral and should be killed or shunned from society". These people are wrong and their instincts are leading them to harm others and they should not trust these instincts.

Many people's instincts say "black people are dangerous and violent and should be killed or shunned from society". These people are wrong and their instincts are leading them to harm others and they should not trust these instincts.

Many people say "women are stupider than men, they only act emotionally and lack the capability for rational thought, and as such they should be confined to the home". These people are wrong and their instincts are leading them to harm others and they should not trust these instincts.

I don't know who the "freaks" you are talking about is, but the fact is this: the "instincts" that you are indulging are exactly those that every bigot in the history of society has indulged, and you are no different. If someone is actually harming others, if they're engaging in predatory behavior, then your moral condemnation of them is justified. On the other hand, if they are doing something which does not harm anyone but which you merely find weird, then recognize that you have no grounds on which to treat them badly and to do so reflects deep and unexamined prejudice.

By all means, "trust your instincts" insofar as this means doing what you need to do to feel safe. Everyone has that right. But don't condemn others for harmless actions that merely happen to make you uncomfortable. Don't pretend that any of this is their problem. It's that simple.

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