
It's Showtime

@thatbeetlebabe / thatbeetlebabe.tumblr.com

And all the Ghoulies Say its Pretty Fly for a Pig Stye!

Back to our regularly scheduled art posting! (Errr... sort of!) The Beetlekids!! Skella, Creepie, Vid, and Pox, along with their friends Fishlips and Blob (as side characters I super creatively named them lmao).... Vid is mine, Creepie is @thatbeetlebabe's lovely lady, and Pox is @suzthesnooze's creeper, along with sweet Skella in the back. I've missed drawing this troupe, truly~

DAAAAAMN! What a crew! Hate to see them in an alley


if you have a problem with any of the fictional pairings that i enjoy on the internet, for the low cost of $9,000 you can pay me to care about what you think


This is a recurring monthly fee also. Not a one time thing.

Anonymous asked:

Do you ever play the sims and make a beetlejuice and Lydia family? :)

Oh dude hell yeah I do. I even cheat to make the beetlekids to be honest.


Authentic Writer’s Guidelines for “Beetlejuice: The Animated Series.”

In 2010 I was given this by one of the people who worked on the series, who enjoyed my fanfics, which were then on FFN (yup, some show creators read fanfics).

This was stored in a box in my closet since then, and I only remembered it and unearthed it this morning.

These are Nelvana’s actual guidelines for all writers who wrote for the show.  They’re as canon as you get.

I only scanned a few pertinent pages from the whole thing.  I’ll scan more as I have time.


How Beej speaks and thinks:

About the Neitherworld:

Guide to Delia and Charles:

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I was just wondering if Vid has a mother of any kind or is Mr monitor a single papa? Thanks! :)

Hello! Vid does indeed have a mother, she raised Vid until he was about three or four - but she got sick of being the patsy to a deadbeat dad (Monitor) and dumped Vid on him and scarpered off.

I’ll update this post with pics later, I just didn’t wanna leave you hanging for even longer Anon! 💖💕


Okay! Finally with those updates! Here’s some Vid lore: 

As drawn by Sadertits on Discord :3  Mr. Monitor has like, six or seven ex wives. Some of them went mysteriously missing. Some of them are still around to try and harass him for alimony checks. Mr. Monitor’s mother, Vid’s grammy, used to be a very, very famous film star, and radio star prior to “talkies”. She’s a bitter, catty old thing and doesn’t come around often. Vid’s mom, however:

Was a one night stand that made an “oopsie” - Vid, delivered by stork. Monitor never wanted to be a dad, but here they are! Mom is out of the picture, she didn’t want a kid either. Must have been a mix-up at the Neitherworld Second Chance Program offices. Monitor not a great role model or dad - does awful things to Vid for the purposes of ratings. 

Art by @suzthesnooze​ (she let me color this one!)

He’s still loyal to his dad for a long time as a teen - approval seeking, a bully. But the Juice’s take him in and technically Lydia is his mom now ;) They even celebrated his birthday:

(Art by @suzthesnooze) But it took a long while to get there… we’re gonna explore his story in the Reboot! :)

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