

@ellas-cottage / ellas-cottage.tumblr.com

MOVED TO @TURNIPS-WORLD Canadian • Bi • She / Her • Farm/Cottagecore • Homesteading • Femininity • I tag 'discourse' ♡I'm an aspiring farmer/homesteader, hopefully a future veterinarian, a baker and an amateur seamstress! I can't wait to get married and move to the countryside and have many many chickens with my future partner. Currently designing my dream wardrobe (vintage and historical inspired)♡ ☆This is just a big melting pot for my hopes and dreams, have fun☆

NEW BLOG - Addressing This Blog, My Current Views and Apologizing

Hi y’all, haven’t posted on here since 2020 so I’m not sure anyone will really see this but I’ve been feeling like I should address my past behaviour on this blog for a while now, and this is what this post is. 

In the last few months of my blog, I moved left from my previous positions but still suffered from what I’ve dubbed “edgy little shit syndrome”, which prevented me from admitting I was wrong or from moving away from some of my positions (as can be seen in my bio, still intact). 

I don’t think I’ve ever addressed my neo-con/exclusionist/transmed/anti-blm era (honestly because I’m unbelievably embarrassed by it (as I should be)), so I’m leaving this here. I’m really sorry to everyone whose feelings I hurt and I apologize for the horrible shit I believed. I make no excuses for myself, I was just some edgy, contrarian, dumbass 15/16 year old and I listened to the wrong people and refused to question myself.

Even after that, in 2019, I became less reactionary but I was definitely still a dumbass for shit like pride and other LGBTQ+ related discourse and a bunch of other issues, and for that, I am also apologizing. Again, no excuses. 

I’m very grateful that I was able to get out of that thanks to great left-leaning creators mainly on YouTube (such as Contrapoints, Khadija Mbowe, and Tee Noir) as well as some more edgy left-leaning creators (such as HasanAbi, shoe0nhead and Vaush), and thanks to aquiring more real-world experience.

If you are still interested in what I have to say (now that I’m no longer a terminally online little shithead), you can find me @turnips-world.

Thank you for listening and for understanding.



Ella • She/Her ☆☆☆ I’m that Other Girl they warned you about ☆☆☆ Battle Axe Bisexual Sapphic • Canadian • Official Country Boi ☆☆Libertarian Socialist ☆☆☆ Anti-Fat Acceptance • Anti-HAES • Pro OG Body Positivity + Pro Body Neutrality • Black Lives Matter (ALM in the sense that indigenous, latino and literally every other lives matter (though the state treats them like they dont) + Every Child Matter + No More Stolen Sisters (MMIW)Anti (Modern Western) Feminism Intersectional Feminist/Egalitarian • Anti SJWPro Gun It’s complicated • Self-Proclaimed Panphobe babes what the fuck was wrong with you ☆☆☆ If you tell people to kill themselves, you’re a piece of shit, you can’t change my mind (no excuses). ☆☆☆ Nearly 70% of adults are overweight or obese in America, you are not an oppressed minority.

from my other blog. 


If you want a 968 word essay on where i stand on fat acceptance as an aspiring health professional, you’ve come to the right place.

edit as of 2022-06-08: L post + L positions + no longer want to be in the medical field + gained the weight back + wrote this when i struggled with disordered eating

If you dont then i have a little rant on self care at the end, so thats crunchy.

Okay. So listen, I don’t often make my own posts. And when I do, they get like one note, so it doesn’t matter. I mostly just reblog random shitposts from people or memes, or their opinions, that vaguely line up with mine.

But a few days ago, I had a very interesting encounter with someone that I shan’t name-drop, because I’m a very decent person, you know, but that person has a very, very warped image, I would say, of what I think. So, since I am a dumbass, and I do not know privacy from my own ass, I basically have my future job in my bio (which is trauma surgeon or paramedic, depending on what I choose), but, I also have “anti-fat acceptance” or “anti-Health at every size”, or both, I don’t know: I’m not in Tumblr right now. And, that person seemed to have a problem with that with the fact these two things do not align (in their opinion).

And let me tell you why they absolutely fucking align.

 I am anti fat acceptance. I’m not anti fat people. Which is very different. Fat people are literally just fucking people. Now, I don’t like people, but that’s completely unrelated to their weights, to their sex, or their fucking gender, whatever the fuck they decide to identify as; you can be fucking plantkin and I’ll still love you if you have a good personality. I could not care less especially about your weight. What I care about, on the other hand, are people who make the dumbest. Fucking. Excuses. to justify their bad lifestyle choices. Now these are the people that I have a problem with. If you make excuses to your grandmother at Christmas because she tells you that you’ve put on a few fucking pounds that’s none of my business. What is my business, however, is when a person uses their public platform to spew bullshit facts about health, to impressionable people, especially impressionable young people such as fucking 12 year olds on this goddamn hellsite; that is what I have a problem with.

These people should not have to suffer the consequences of your misinformation.

Just because you’re 25, and 250 fucking pounds, and you haven’t had a heart attack yet doesn’t mean you’ll live to see 50. You have to understand that at some point, you’ll become old, like everyone does, and that if never tried to be even remotely healthy, you will die at an age under your expected life span.

So the reason why I am anti fat acceptance is basically the same reason why I want to go into medicine: it’s because I want to help people. It’s because I care about health. I want people to be the best they can be. I want them to be as healthy as they can be. Being obese, or even overweight is not healthy (use your logic here. Being 2 pounds overweight is not the same as being 10 pounds overweight. Genetics and shit. You seem to like that argument, this is where you’re supposed to use it), it’s putting a strain on your heart, it’s putting a strain on your joints, and if you’re severely overweight, it’s fucking around with your internal organs. Never in the world will I ever believe that someone who is extremely extremely overweight or obese is healthy, because, in like 97% of cases (I just pulled that out of my ass, don’t quote me on that), they’re not.

You can be beautiful. This has nothing to do with beauty or aesthetic of whatever. I’m saving that for later. Beauty comes from inside you, and not just from what you look like, it comes from how you act.

This is why I find that a lot of people in your fucking movement (the fat acceptance movement) are not beautiful. Because to me making excuses for your poor choices is not beautiful. It’s cowardly.

Now I am one of those people that thinks that everybody should have body positivity. Everybody should love themselves, regardless of their weight, of their race, of their gender or whatever the fuck else. Everyone should love themselves.

But, yes, there is a but, loving yourself is not just treating yourself. (And even then, treating yourself is not sitting on the couch all day eating 6 fucking pizzas and calling it self care). Self-care is taking care of yourself, in all of the spheres of the self. So, for your mental, your spiritual and your physical spheres. So you see, taking care of your mental health would be to relax for a day, you know, and to eat what you like without feeling guilty about it and to drink a nice cup of tea and to smell flowers and shit. Something good for your spiritual health would be to meditate to go to whatever church or synagogue or mosque or whatever other place of worship for your particular religion. It could be anything, like listening to TED Talks that you like. And finally, for your physical self, would be to eat fruit, to go to the gym, go for a little walk in the park, drink water… not eat three bags of fucking Cheetos!

We’ve all done this. We’ve all eaten way too much junk. We all probably felt guilty about it at some point. What I want for you is not to feel shitty about what you eat, or don’t eat. I want for you to be the best you can be, and not even for me (obviously, I’m just some asshole on the internet), for you, for your kids (if you have kids, if you want kids), for your significant other (if you want one), for your family and for yourself.

Because trust me, physical health greatly improves mental health.

flop + stop reblogging this


This was a reblog but im actually proud of it so here's a post


People who do healthy IF usually eat all their calories just in a restricted portion of time, either to fit their schedule or because it helps with their self control. Binging every night isn't good.

Clean eating is a way to say that you aren't stuffing your face full of crap like high fructose corn syrup and conservatives, and that you are eating a healthy balanced diet of mostly fruits, veggies and some sort of protein.

"Buying clothes for your GW shouldn't be encouraged, if i did that I'd need to talk to my therapist"

This is hard to explain for me because i don't 100% understand EDs but from my understanding, when i buy an item that's a bit snug so i can still wear it when i get to my GW, it's not something I obsess over. Generally, the reason why it's harmful to ppl with EDs is because it's easy for them to turn it into an obsession.

"The ENTIRE WORLD is basically PRO ANA"/"Diet Culture"

The entire world is not "pro ana". Eating too much and eating crap is 100% normal and even celebrated. I am made fun of for bringing my lunch every day to school or work. I've been told I'm boring because I don't want to go get ice cream. I get asked if I'm "starving myself" because I don't want a second helping of dessert at Christmas. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE cared about what i ate when i ate 2 plates and a slice of yule log and a slice of pie and 7 cookies. No one asked any questions. Despite the fact i was unhealthy. Despite the fact I was overweight and making my way to obesity because of how i ate and didnt move. But when i refused that second plate, oh god, the abomination! She must be STARVING HERSELF! Quick! Let's ask many questions about her life because she decided to not become obese by the age of 35!

And just for reference. In case you want to call me anorexic, or say its my ED talking (yes. Ive actually heard that.) Here's a photo of me

And this is me now, in case you're still worried (fyi the first pic was the XMas i refused the second plate).

I'm 5'6 (167 cm) and i now weigh 139.6 lbs (63.5 kg). I used to weigh 160 and my UGW is 130.

**this was originally in response to a post but the OP deactivated and I decided to put my thing in a separate post too.


plot twist: i actually did struggle with disordered eating (never quite made it to eating disorder territory but i sure came close) + i gained almost all the weight back (made it to 155 lbs) and i’m still currently somewhere in the 150s with more gainz than i ever had back then


romanticize your life. i cannot stress this enough. use scented shower gel and shampoo, so you look forward to showers. go on walks and see how pretty the sky looks. notice the wildflowers on the roadside as you drive. light a candle when you get home to make your room smell good. notice & appreciate the little things in life. it won’t cure your mental illness, but it’ll make it easier to exist in this world.


ok but legitimately i think the reason why kids aren’t taking internet safety seriously is because the people who are telling us not to put our personal information out seem so out of touch. no one acknowledges the possibility of meeting very real teenaged friends online, they always say that everyone you meet is a 40 year old white man in disguise. because they aren’t acknowledging things we know are true, it becomes a lot easier to dismiss the rest of what they’re saying as well. internet safety lessons absolutely must keep up with the times and acknowledge the internet’s capacity for good if you want kids to take to heart warnings about its capacity for bad.


Hollo :) I hope you're well. I was wondering if you know anything about growing potatoes, I'm currently growing one and I'm not sure when it'll be ready to harvest. If you don't know that's perfectly ok too :) Also what is your favorite wildflower?


i don't know a lot about potatoes, but i know they need very loose soil. also watch out for the frost this winter! even down south where i live and it doesn't get very cold, it managed 2 kill sum of my plants /:

my favorite wildflower is probably baby's breath (:

4 u <3


Weaved this huge blanket this summer - the weft is 100% Finnish wool from heritage sheep breed Kainuunharmas (grey stripes) and suomenlammas that was dyed with onion peels by me (yellow sripes)

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