

You can call me Camryn, Cam, or Red •Agender • They/He • 20• ● Edmonton, AB ● ♡ Taken ♡ ● Vent Blog: outtathevirgosupercluster ● ● Art Blog: outtatheorionspiralarm ●

Update: May 4, 2023

So. This blog is dead. Super dead. I likely will not revive it but if anyone is still interested I might make a new blog and like. idk. vibe over there. This one has too much on it. For now, follow me on twitter or instagram @/cam_berrysauce

Jordan and I are no longer together.

I have 2 fantastic boyfriends who I love dearly

Restarted my degree- I’m a visual arts major now.

Been on testosterone for over a year, getting top surgery soon.

and I’m nearly 24.

This is likely the end for this blog, thanks for the ride pals.

Stay safe.


June 17, 2020

This is the first time I've opened tumblr in probably close to a year. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm ok, and I'm alive, and I'm 21 now. Fucking crazy yo.

Jordan and I are still going strong

I dont talk to Joey anymore

I made it through year 1 of Uni after moving

The pandemic is killing me mentally

But I'll be ok. I'm gunna be ok.

Stay safe. Stay strong.

Love always,



b99 is more culpable, actually

all cop shows are propoganda, but most cop shows are made for 18-49 white men who’re scared of face masks

b99′s target demographic, however, is young, queer and racially diverse. b99′s target demo is all the people who’re the most vulnerable to police brutality. b99′s target demo is all the folks who absolutely should never be lead to believe the way to view the cops is the way you view jake fuckin peralta.

b99 had a bisexual Latina cop laugh and say she suggests police brutality, later showing interest and excitement over the exact sound weapon we’re now seeing used in retaliation to protests (side note: when i saw that episode, i thought that weapon was made up because it seemed so sci-fi villain-ish).

they have their whole host of cop characters, including the straight-laced official types, regularly treat their job like a game.

yes they had an episode about racial profiling. but what was that episode telling us? that at the end of the day, there are good cops within the system actively fighting corruption and winning. i recently saw someone in exact words say “b99 taught me that not all cops are bad.” that’s copaganda. even if you believe in your heart that some cops are good, they are still people with weapons designed to kill whose job centers on apprehending anyone they deem a trouble-maker, and they are. not. your. friends.

b99 wants you to believe that diversity within the system creates fair treatment, right? that a gay Black captain and a crew of racially and sexually diverse cops are the Good Guys.

in real life, the Seattle chief of police is a Black woman who is AT BEST allowing the people in her command to terrorize their city, and at worst actively commanding it. the tear-gassing in seattle? the little girl who got pepper-sprayed? that happened under the leadership and command of a Black woman. because cops are cops first. the job itself demands that they abandon their communities and their humanity. we joke about being [x thing] first and human second a lot, right? well, cops really are.

b99 talked about the prison industry, right? they talked about guard brutality, retaliation, in-prison violence, right? but think about the fact that within that plotline, the cops were the only characters who we were told didn’t belong there. how cinnamon roll jake peralta, a Good Cop Who Didn’t Belong in Prison, was interacting exclusively with people like a gang leader and an unrepentant cannibal.

b99 is deeply insidious cop propaganda. and i’ve watched it and i’ve enjoyed it! and i don’t believe the creators set out to make copaganda. i think they were trying to do a lighthearted riff on your standard procedural, and they cast a diverse group of actors, and they tried to write socially conscious scripts, and they slowly snowballed their way into copaganda while we were all distracted by andy samberg getting hotter.

i’m not at all saying don’t watch cop shows, if that’s your thing, i guess. hell, i’ve enjoyed more than one of them in my life. but please think critically about their messaging and choose to reject what does not align with your values. think critically about your values, and what influences them. and for the love of god, stop responding to people’s angry, grieving cries over Black people being systematically murdered by cops by defending your favorite fictional cop. real people are dead.

Black lives matter more than fake cops. that’s all.


wow you can really tell how long its been since I was on tumblr bc I still had my age as 19. Lmao I'll be 21 in June thats ridiculous.

anywho follow me on twitter and instagram

twit: Cam_BerrySauce

Insta: cam_berrysauce


July 3rd, 2019

I havent posted here in a long time so heres an update

im 20 now

me and jordan are still going strong

i love him very much

my mental health is getting better i think

im getting another tattoo on saturday

my cousin brent died in a car accident

im off work on july 19th

im moving to newfoundland

i got accepted to university, in newfoundland

guess thats it!


You have to start noticing things. The direction of the rays of sunshine, how it touches and warms your skin; the sway of a leaf in a mild breeze; the simple beauty of the flowers; the strong smell of your morning coffee; the wind in your hair and on your face; the liveliness of the city; the calm of your soul. You have to start noticing this and start living for it.


some of yall never paid attention in english class when you were supposed to learn basic fiction writing structres and it shows

i just saw a tweet about someone having to “endure” their fave not getting “narrative priority”. if you don’t understand that stories typically have a main character (or two or three, sometimes more but rarely) that a narrative centers on and secondary characters who are used to help build that narrative and think that that fact exists to hurt you personally, at this point i don’t know how to help you. read a book

It’s deeply bizarre to me to come across people who seem to think all fiction is fanfiction. Like, not in the way I sometimes gripe about, where it seems like fanfiction is the only thing someone cares about, or I have to read another post about how technically all the great literary classics of history were actually just fanfiction, but where someone reads a story written in the style of…… a story, and is really annoyed that it isn’t structured like a fanfic. Like, fanfiction is by its nature derivative. You… you have to have read or watched SOME source material to interact with this medium at all. Awareness of the difference between the forms seems like it has to be baked into the entire fanfiction premise, like how do you write and read exclusively fanfiction if you don’t have at least an instinctive awareness of the differences between it and the source material that make it enjoyable for you? How does that work?


oh and since I’m acknowledging how young you all are: never ever ever ever ever ever under any circumstances alter your educational decisions for a boy 


Even if it’s your father.


Especially if it’s your father.

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