
Electric Tea Time

@kieren-fucking-walker / kieren-fucking-walker.tumblr.com

Ande. 29. UK. They/Them. Queer Ace Dyke. So many fandoms, so little time. My ask is always open! Ao3: electricteatime. Prompts: closed (see guidelines) Icon is by the most wonderful dont-offend-the-bees

I just heard my mom tell my brother, “when you die, you will go outside and garden until your father says you’re done” and it took me a second to realize that my brother was playing a videogame and this was not a theological discussion.


The Garden of Death

Watercolor and gouache by Hugo Simberg, 1896

“Gone outside to garden” is a strangely affecting euphemism for death.


Ok wait let her speak

Please give evidence beyond “I hate them” or “I like sleeping in” or “I have to get up early”, none of which is actual evidence


an actual morning person

Night person who needs to see a doctor/get your car worked on/go to the bank/buy groceries, etc? You're gonna have to sacrifice sleep for it. Because for some reason it was decided that most places of business should open in the morning and close in the evening. Fewer and fewer places are 24/7. Wanna go for a nice stroll in the park? Tough shit, they close at sundown. Hell, want to just go for a walk in general? Fair chance of being harassed by the cops because being out and about in the dark is "suspicious" behavior. Want something that's not fast food and don't want to/can't cook for yourself? Best we can do is a diner like Denny's or IHOP. Got a loved one in the hospital you want to visit between work and sleep? Either gotta get up early or stay up late to meet visiting hours.

And let's not forget, no matter how little you actually sleep and how much you actually get done, if you're not awake during certain hours it means you're a lazy good-for-nothing. Express a desire for more places open 24/7? Selfish and entitled. Complain about how noisy your neighbors are during your sleep hours? Well you can't expect the world to tiptoe around you. But also you'd better keep it down at night because other people are sleeping!

But don't worry! There are plenty of guides on how to "fix" your sleep schedule out there! You just have to follow a strict, often disruptive routine that you can never stray from even a little or else you'll fall back to your natural sleep schedule lazy, undisciplined ways.


And at that, good luck finding a job that doesn't expect you to be in by 9 AM at the latest. Which means getting up at 7:30 AM at the latest, earlier if you have a commute. Which means getting to bed at 11:30 PM at the latest.

Which means night owls have a straight choice between self-employment/freelance work, with all its insecurities, or constant self-torture. (Oh yeah, sleep deprivation does count as torture, per the UN.)


Being out-of-sync with your natural circadian rhythm increases your risk of mental health disorders, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, neurodegenerative disorders (including dementia), skin issues, hormonal issues, and more. Even if we manage to force ourselves into a "normal" sleep schedule, we get poor quality sleep, because our bodies aren't meant to be sleeping at that time. It's a genuine health hazard, yet the world ignores it and tells us to just stop being lazy


an angel on letterboxd just dropped a whole playlist of films free on youtube I was filled with so much love and light I had to share with you guys

it also includes short films, animated movies, documentaries of every genre, full recordings of live performances. all spanning different decades from different countries. YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW


Someone added tags to my post yesterday that really made me think. When you research how to deal with your disability or neurodivergence or mental illness, you normally find much more about how other people should interact with you. if you look at npd help, you’ll find some hateful articles on how to destroy a narcissist or about “narc abuse”. if you research autism, you’ll get articles helping people to interact with autism or about how parents of autistics should parent. if you research any disability, you’ll get articles on how to deal with disabled people. the ableism is so blatant but never talked about. this is why no one can ever get help.


we really went from "women and girls can do anything" to im just a girl i only do girl math im a passenger princess i dont drive i dont eat i just do haha girl dinner im so sillyyyy i wear makeup bc i want to i also try and define all women into categories that are marketable omg what if we were just girls and we were so useless and helpless

also if anyone wants to do some reading about this, it's a genuine phenomenon that occurs within most counter cultures. the main hegemony (capitalism) absorbs any part of the movement, and makes it something that can't cause harm to the existing power.

so yes, these quips start off as jokes, but if jokes weren't impactful then we wouldn't have spent so much time criminializing comedians, historically.

louis althusser came up with the idea of ideological state apparatuses, and there's an explanation of it here. it shows how we are systematically programmed through multiple facets of our everyday life.

these are my own notes about hegemonies

I'd also like to point out that interpellation is why all of those debates about who is "punk" or not are so futile. Because "punk" has long since become just another market segment.

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