kasia 🌱

@verkomy / verkomy.tumblr.com

she/her / 26yo digital artist from 🇵🇱 art tag: #my art ✧ DON’T repost my art ✧ commissions closed

I was going through references for dwarven clothes and stumbled upon those little hats dwarflings wear and i couldn't help myself but imagine Dwobbit Frodo wearing one. Then i ended up with a whole outfit lol. I wanted to make two variants. One for winter, explaining why Frodo is wearing boots, and another one for less colder seasons. I also wanted to depict the duality of his character, where he's a very sweet and a little bit shy boy and where he's acting more boisterous and adventurous! His design is still under development and i plan on adding more details!

Also i just cant not draw Thorin ugly crying whenever he sees his son (he understands Gloin more now)


25 Character Questions for the Writer

It's been a while since I've made one of these! I hope you enjoy it ^>^ Please remember to share and drop an ask to the folks you reblog it from! Let's bring some connections back in this community!

Likes and dislikes

1. What is your character’s favourite food and why?

2. Does your character indulge often in the things they like?

3. What makes your character’s skin crawl?

4. What does your character hate the most?

5. Tell us about something that your character finds sweet.

Past and childhood

6. What is your character’s fondest memory?

7. What does your character miss most from their childhood?

8. Is there something your character deeply regrets from their past?

9. If asked, would your character say they were happy as a child?

10. What were your character’s favourite and least favourite parts of their education?


11. Who are your character’s most important people?

12. Who had the most negative impact on your character’s life?

13. Who had the most positive impact on your character’s life?

14. Who would your character never betray?

15. Who does your character look up to and who do they despise?

16. Who would your character consider as part of their family?

18. What is your character’s relationship with their parents/the people that raised them?

19. Does your character have many friends? Best friends?

20. Does your character have any significant others?


21. Does your character have trust issues?

22. What is your character most afraid of?

23. Does your character have any pets?

24. What do they like about their appearance?

25. Do they play any musical instrument?

Here we are! Tagging some folks who might be interested to get this going! @pheita @talesofsorrowandofruin @toboldlywrite @ashen-crest ☀️

Check out my writeblr intro if you feel like it!


I want to work more on Mira’s backstory so you can ask me questions about her if you’d like!


mira and fíli after reclaiming erebor watching how thorin is being consumed by dragon sickness


balin wondering where he left his glasses and mira wondering how long it will take him to notice


happiness is when you shout COW when you see one while driving a car

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