
                         my ghostly shadow to the lukewarm gloom,                                      nightly dance of bleeding swords                                          reminds me that i still live

indie lelouch vi britannia, ruled by rose

question starters

' where did you get that? ' ' did that hurt? ' ' have you tried that before? ' ' are you alright? ' ' are you crying? ' ' is that yours? ' ' do you want some? ' ' are you ticklish? ' ' are you going to finish that? ' ' where have you been? ' ' did you sleep? ' ' did you eat? ' ' are you upset? ' ' have we met? ' ' can you get it for me? ' ' do you want to do it together? ' ' is this seat taken? ' ' can i stay with you? ' ' can i hold your hand? ' ' can you tell me a story? ' ' are you blushing? ' ' did i wake you up? ' ' did you make this for me? '
“So Kaiba was the one who created it? Ugh! Whoever gave me the wrong information is going to pay.”
To say Noire was fuming was an understatement.
“My sincere apologies. Looks like I might have to try other methods of beating Neptune. My Blue Eyes White Dragon deck seemed to dominate very well until she pulled out Exodia.”

     “why yes, you can ask dear kaiba-boy all about the game. but i don’t expect an easy conversation with him.” that man was always grumpy, he didn’t trust anyone and relied on his money alone. how sad. although he was confused, there were a few copies of exodia cards scattered but, blue eyes? only kaiba had those, there were only four made and as he recalled, one was ripped.

“and how could you have gotten a blue eyes? if memory serves, only kaiba-boy has them. there’s only ever been three cards made.” so he was wanting to know how, unless they were fakes?

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