
Lesbian Love Quotes


Living my life, an posting love quotes that I think everyone likes and can relate to
I do not own any of this picture quotes

gay culture is wearing the same flannel twice because closed flannel and open flannel with a t shirt underneath are two completely different outfits

You’re the nicest person I know. But I do not love you because you’re nice. I know so many people-they’re all nice. I love you because I feel connected to you. Somewhere deep inside, I feel we are parts of the same whole. Ever since we met, I’ve been in love with you. Of course, it took me time to realize how deeply I had fallen but yes, I loved you from day one. I didn’t know you’re nice then. I just felt like talking to myself when I talked with you. You’re not just nice, you’re mine.

On being connected, Cardia

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