lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
gay culture is wearing the same flannel twice because closed flannel and open flannel with a t shirt underneath are two completely different outfits
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
You’re the nicest person I know. But I do not love you because you’re nice. I know so many people-they’re all nice. I love you because I feel connected to you. Somewhere deep inside, I feel we are parts of the same whole. Ever since we met, I’ve been in love with you. Of course, it took me time to realize how deeply I had fallen but yes, I loved you from day one. I didn’t know you’re nice then. I just felt like talking to myself when I talked with you. You’re not just nice, you’re mine.
On being connected, Cardia
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
me: *sees a bee* I respect you
bee: *starts flying toward me*
me: *runs away shrieking*
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
Everyone: If you keep listening to your music so loudly you'll be deaf by the time you're 20
Me: What
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
*straight couple* Girl: “Do you have a condom?”
*lesbian couple* Girl: “Do you have a hair tie?”
Check out JulzSantana's mixes on @8tracks
Source: 8tracks.com
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
not to be a lesbian but you know when you’re kissing a girl and it’s good and soft and she runs a hand through your hair and you feel her smile into the kiss? fuck i’m gay
always the one to smile
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged
What dating me is like:
lesbian-love-quotes reblogged