
Imagine Pleasant Nonsense!


“The way she rolls is crooked and down a hill.” | Kris | any pronouns | ace

When joking about how ridiculous it is that Fabian is popular I don’t think people realize how insanely cool the bad kids are in universe. As viewers we see their cool moments but we also see them being dorks and lame idiots. Think about their in universe reputations and how you would react to hearing about them if you lived in the same world as them.

There is a group of six people who saved the world 3 different times before they even entered their junior year of high school.

One of them never showed up to any of their classes until their third year and still passed. She is a rockstar and arch devil of rebellion who owns a recording studio in hell where she plays the bass.

One dude threw the greatest party the entire high school has ever seen, is captain of the sports team, and killed the school’s evil principal without facing any punishment.

One performed a motorcycle kick-flip that was doing a jump off of a mansion’s roof into a pool of flaming tartar sauce. Said kick-flip student has created a god, killed that god, brought herself back from the dead, and resurrected a completely different god.

One of the girls is the chosen oracle of all elves and punched her dad so hard he instantly died. Also if you dig deep enough into the political history books it turns out she caused there to be a feud (bordering on full war) between her home nation and the nation she currently lives in.

The quietest kid of the bunch is a super genius who invented a solar lasso that captured and contained an eldritch horror into his van, took 4 years of high school all at once and passed all of them, is currently acing his arcane mechanics and physical Ed studies, and is the second hand man on the school sports team. He also is the drummer for the arch devil’s band and launched a fully working satellite into space before he even started studying arcane mechanics.

Finally the “dork” of their group is an arcane consultant of heaven, became a P.I. after freshman year, is currently in every extra-curricular school club, and is beloved by seemingly all of his underclassmen. Also after he found out that the dragon his party was fighting ate his dad he fucking ATE IT to avenge him.

Obviously we know the truth behind all of these things and the actual way these six dorks act, but think how insanely sick they all sound in universe.


i think if you're going to complain about "problematic queer representation" in media you have to clarify what type of problematic you're talking about. is the bisexual character implied to be only "doing it for attention" or perpetuating homophobic stereotypes? yeah, you have a point, that's not great. is the lesbian "problematic" because she eats people? oh no that's fine, lesbians are allowed to do that if they want


58 seconds to demonstrate EXACTLY why professionalism requires manners.

For those of you who do not speak Corporate, this is just:

“Fuck you.” “Fuck you, too.”

Nah, there’s definitely some “are you fucking shitting me?” and “have you tried, perchance, using your eyeballs?” in there too.


Totally agree.




to elaborate:

- her parents didn't belive she was hearing "monsters" in the walls. it was 60,000 bees

- she is 3 years old

- her parents gave her a spray bottle to "spray away the monsters". it was 60,000 bees

- they didn't belive her for 8 minths

- removal cost them $20,000 BECAUSE IT WAS 60,000 BEES!!!!!!


Ok ok MUCH smaller version of this.

When my daughter was like two and a half years old she started getting anxious whenever we’d go to the front yard. She wanted to hold my hand, or she’d hesitate to go at all, and she kept demanding “what’s that noise?!?” All the time.

And I’m trying to be reassuring going “that’s a birdie singing to us’😊” or “yeah look at the air plane way up there!😊😊😊” and sometimes I wasn’t really sure what sound she meant but I mean I’m in a city so there’s always something so it’s a car, a motorcycle, whatever.

Meanwhile every time I answer she looks at me like 😒😒😒and she doesn’t get any less nervous.

Anyways after like a month of this she’s only more upset, and has started insisting there’s a ghost outside. I figure she’s been watching too many scary Halloween cartoons and double down on my reassurances.

Anyways long story short I needed hearing aids and this poor kid had been hearing the neighbors Halloween decorations cackling in a scary voice every time the wind hit it while her mom kept insisting it was birds or an airplane or whatever.

I figured out which decoration made the sound and let her poke it and see it was a noisy toy and after that she loved it and stopped being nervous and I apologized and explained to her what happened.

And the moral of the story is to listen to kids and to remember to get your hearing checked regularly in case of childhood phobia development or 60,000 bees.

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