
Don't stop the music

For Anonymous! Hope you like it.

AN: The war is over, the sky people and grounders are finally at peace and Bellamy Blake can finally relax. Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, mentions of other delinquents Pairings: Bellamy X reader Spoilers: None Warnings: None Prompt: Hi! Could I please get a short, cute Bellamy Blake x reader where Finally at peace, the 100 camp holds a bonfire and (Y/N) asks Bellamy to dance with her and the others. At first the leader is hesitant, but (Y/N) pulls him up from his seat anyway.


The sun sank behind the mountains, setting the sky on fire with warm shades of reds and pink and it seemed as though the entire camp breathed a collective sigh of appreciation at the sight. It had been a hard year for your people, an unreasonably hard year, full of pain and suffering and loss so this moment of calm was sorely needed. You smiled as you watched the younger kids running around, cheering and offering their help to the adults who were carrying logs into the forest. The bonfire had been your idea, a way for those of you who had originally been sent to the ground to remember those you’d lost and to reconnect with each other.

Bellamy nudged your shoulder with his, standing by your side to observe the progress being made.

“We’re nearly ready.” Bellamy told you.

You nodded, shooting him a tired smile, “I hope this goes well.”

“It will.” Bellamy assured, “We’ve been at peace with the grounders for nearly two months now, nothing is going to go wrong, I promise.”

“What is this? Bellamy Blake, trusting that things will work out for the best?” You teased, nudging him gently.

Bellamy chuckled, looking down and shaking his head. Someone called you and you squeezed Bellamy’s arm, promising to see him later before running off in the direction of your caller. Bellamy watched you go, his heart fluttering in his chest. God, he hoped that this went well.


“Byyyyye byyyye Miss American Pie, Drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this will be the day that I die This will be the day that I die.”

Jasper sung with all of his old gusto and enthusiasm, his beat up guitar creating sounds none of you had ever thought you’d hear again. The campfire crackled with life, shooting sparks into the star filled sky as you sang along, the chorus of voices loud and exuberant. All around you, people were dancing like they’d never danced before, light with laughter and giddy with the relief of being safe and together. You could see Raven, taking it slow on her bad leg, but dancing nonetheless, supported by Octavia who was gradually learning to smile again. As you looked around, your chest swelled with pride and you couldn’t help but be grateful for the opportunity to be together like this.

“Really Y/N, the drop ship?” Clarke asked, sitting down hard beside you, her face twisted in a look of anger, “Of all the places, you chose here?”

You sighed, trying not to let her drag you down. Clarke alone seemed to be unwilling to let go of the pain of the past and, as much as it pained you, you couldn’t do anything but hope that, in time, she would come back to you.

“I thought it would be nice,” you answered, “you know, so that everyone else gets to celebrate with us too.” You gestured to the graves with your head, “And besides, this is where it all started, it only seemed right for it to end here.”

As Clarke processed your words, you caught Bellamy’s eye from across the bonfire and blushed lightly when he smiled at you. You’d been friends with him for months now but, somewhere along the line, your feelings had changed and now, with no war to distract you, they were becoming exceptionally difficult to ignore.

‘Having fun?’, Bellamy mouthed to you.

You smiled and nodded in reply, ‘And you?’

He nodded. Clarke noticed the exchange and smiled ruefully, looking for a moment like her old self.

“Go on then,” she encouraged, a teasing smile in her voice, “ask him to dance.”

“Wha-no!” You answered, laughing breathlessly, “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Clarke retorted, “He obviously likes you.”

You shook your head, “Too much has happened, I don’t want-I don’t want to push him.”

Clarke nudged you, “Isn’t that what tonight is about? New beginnings and leaving the past behind us?”

You took a deep breath in and stood up, making your way over to Bellamy.

You could hear Clarke encouraging you and you smiled, filled with nervous excitement. Bellamy looked up at you as you reached your hand out to him, smiling with a slight hint of confusion.

“Y/N?” Bellamy asked.

“Dance with me?” You asked, swallowing your nerves.

Bellamy flushed, “I really don’t-I’m a terrible dancer Y/N.”

“Oh come on,” you insisted, “let your hair down for once.”

Bellamy shook his head, “I really can’t dance.”

You rolled your eyes and grabbed Bellamy’s hands, pulling him up and towards he bare patch of land where people were dancing. Bellamy was nervous and awkward, not sure how to move his body with the fluidity you had. You laughed, placing Bellamy’s hands on your hips and encouraging him to loosen up. Slowly but surely, Bellamy felt himself relax and he began to have fun, laughing and singing along to the song. The fire was warm and kept the night time chill away from you as you danced. Bellamy’s eyes never strayed from you and the action was mutual. In that moment, despite all the people surrounding you, you felt like the only two people alive and you felt as something shifted.

As the face paced music softened into an out of tune ballad, you brought your hands up and tangled them in Bellamy’s hair, your movements slowing to a gentle sway.

“Thank you for tonight Y/N.” Bellamy said, his voice low and soft.

“No problem.” You smiled, as Bellamy rested his forehead against yours, “Thank you for dancing with me.”


What the heart wants pt. 3

Requested by a few anons and @halseysbuttplug. Hope you guys enjoy it!

AN: The next steps in Alex Summers’’ relationship with his soulmate Characters: Charles Xavier, Alex Summers, various mutants Pairings: Alex Summers X reader, Charles X Erik Spoilers: none Warnings: mentions of abuse


Alex could hardly believe his luck, in fact he was so excited that he pulled you into a tight hug, spinning you in a circle while you laughed.

“Y/N this is amazing! I can’t believe-really?” Alex laughed.

“Really!” You answered, “Alex you need to put me down, people are starting to stare.”

“Who cares? My soulmate is a mutant!”

You smiled, your cheeks turning red as people glanced at the obviously jubilant boy. No one had ever reacted this positively when finding out about your mutation before, and you were so thankful to Alex that you weren’t quite sure what to say.

“C-can we maybe talk about this when we get back to your place?” You asked, prompting Alex to put you back on the ground. Almost instantly, you missed the feeling of his arms around your waist, “I just don’t want to get caught by any weirdo anti-mutant fanatics.”

Like my father, you thought to yourself. You grimaced as Alex’s eyes softened in a way that made you think he may have understood more about your reservations than you would’ve liked.

“Of course, we’ll call a cab and then-“ Alex started, scrambling for his phone.

You reached out to stop him, worrying at your bottom lip.

“We-uh-we might not need a cab,” you started, “if you’d like I could…” You let your voice fade into nothingness.

Alex raised his eyebrows genuine curiosity sparkling in his blue eyes, “What? You could…get us back?”

You nodded, offering him your hand and trying to hide the fact that you were shaking with nerves, “If you’d like.”

Without a second’s hesitation, he took your hand, lacing your fingers together and pulling you a little closer. You walked to a seemingly deserted section of the parking lot and tried not to flinch when Alex leant forward to whisper the address in your ear. You were, in equal parts, nervous and excited to share this part of yourself with someone. You’d traveled with your sister once or twice, but she’d always hated it and, after each trip, could never quite meet your eye. Alex, on the other hand, seemed incapable of looking anywhere else, his eyes tracing every detail of your face as you reached into your soul and tried to picture your location clearly in your mind. Despite your eyes being closed, you knew the portal had opened, you felt it even before Alex’s wonder-filled gasp confirmed your suspicions, and as you pulled Alex forward, you couldn’t help but smile.

The portal spat you out on a perfectly manicured lawn outside one of the most beautiful, grandiose buildings you had ever seen and you instantly turned to face Alex, certain that you’d taken you both to the wrong place. Alex shrugged, his hand still clasping yours with a mischievous smile on his face and simply dragged you towards the front door.

“Welcome home Y/N.” Alex whispered as you stepped into the foyer and gasped, completely taken aback by the luxury of the mansion. Alex was more than happy to stand back and watch you, smiling affectionately and allowing himself to, for the first time, truly accept that this was happening. To him. In real life.

“It’s beautiful,” you gasped, turning back to the smirking blonde, “you live here?”

Alex nodded, secretly thinking that the house paled in comparison to you, “It’s quite something isn’t it?”

“Alex,” a voice called, “is someone here?”

Erik Lensherr sauntered into the lobby and froze. Alex watched, with a dull hint of panic as your body tensed and you and Erik stared one another down, like two deer in headlights. He stepped forward, taking his place beside you and letting his fingers brush yours in a subtle show of support. Erik’s eyes fell on your hands and then recaptured your gaze. Alex felt himself swallow hard. Alex had never been particularly close to Erik, especially after he’d crippled the professor, but over the years they had established a fragile peace, and Alex knew that Erik was never entirely comfortable with change, particularly change that involved bringing strangers into their home. After another moment of tense silence, a ripple of understanding seemed to flow between you and Erik and he smiled, extending his hand for you to shake.

“Erik, vice-principle, I control metal.” He introduced.

Visibly more relaxed, you answered, “Y/N Y/L/N, I create portals.”

Erik’s eyes flashed with curiosity and Alex internally sighed, anticipating lots of questions on Erik’s part in the future, “A pleasure, miss Y/L/N. Will you be staying long?”

You shot Alex a quick look and shrugged, “I suppose that’s yet to be seen.”

Erik nodded, understandingly and stepped back, just as the professor himself appeared in the doorway.

“Ah, Alex, this must be your guest.” He exclaimed excitedly, “Miss Y/L/N, on behalf of my school, I’d like to say; welcome.”

You opened and shut your mouth, unsure of how to respond to this wheelchair-bound man who knew more than he should. Seeing your confusion, the man nodded and looked vaguely apologetic.

“Of course, my apologies miss Y/L/N, an unfortunate side effect of my mutation.” He explained, tapping his temple lightly, “I am Professor Charles Xavier, I read minds.”

You recoiled slightly at that, instantly panicked again as you noticed the tangible sympathy in Xavier’s eyes. In that one look, you could tell he knew everything, every dark secret that you’d tried to hide from the world was now shared with this man who was a relative stranger. Alex felt his heart twinge as he remembered his own first encounter with Professor X, and wishing that he could do more than just watch and gently stroke your hand to remind you that he was there. As if that wasn’t enough, Raven and Hank chose that moment to rush into the room themselves and instantly begin fussing over you.

The sudden influx of people left you reeling and feeling claustrophobic and, as Raven began stroking your hair and pulling you into crushing hugs, you felt panic set it. Your throat tightened and your vision started to blur. Your heart began to race, your breath coming in short, painful bursts as you felt your consciousness slip away into a state of pure instinctual need to survive. Countless moments of abuse flashed through your mind and you found yourself pushing away from the crowd of strangers and searching for something; an anchor to keep you from drowning, a patch of land on which you could steady yourself. Anything.

Just when things truly became too much, and you felt the cold breath of terror on your neck, Alex’s warm hands on your upper arms kept you from falling and his wide blue eyes that were filled to the brim with concern became like a calming drug to you, slowly but surely bringing you back. It registered somewhere in your mind, as Alex scooped you up in his arms and carried you further into the house, that you shouldn’t feel this safe with someone you’d just met but, honestly, you didn’t care. Instead of fighting, you decided to trust that, maybe, the world was finally giving you something good, and you buried your face in his chest, clinging to Alex like he was your salvation.

Meanwhile, Alex had just experienced the closest thing to a heart attack he’d ever imagined. Watching his friends crowd you, watching them force themselves into your personal space, it had torn him up. In the short amount of time Alex had known you, it had become blatantly clear that physical contact wasn’t an entirely comfortable concept for you, and neither were sudden movements. He reminded himself to tell his friends that and, as carefully as he could, Alex set you down on his bed, crouching in front of you and holding you steady until you stopped shaking.

“Y/N I’m so sorry,” he gushed, “I had no idea that they’d react like that.”

You shook your head, waving away his concerned tone and trying for a smile that came out more like a grimace.

“It’s-it’s fine.” You breathed, “There was no way you could’ve-no way you could’ve known.”

Alex hesitantly took your hand, encouraged when you gave him a slightly brighter smile, and kissed your knuckles. You flushed, but squeezed his hand, desperately grateful to him for being there for you.

“Thank you,” you said softly stroking your hand over his cheek, “for getting me out of there. I-“

Alex shook his head, leaning into your palm and letting his eyes flutter shit as that rush of exhilaration he always got from your touch shot through him.

“Hey, you’re my soulmate aren’t you?” He teased lightly, “I’m always going to be here for you.”

You chuckled, reveling in the casual comfort you already felt around Alex.

“I still can’t believe that this is happening,” you admitted, “I still can’t believe you’re actually here.”

“Me neither,” Alex answered, “I’ve waited so long…I didn’t think I would ever find you.”

“I’m glad you did.”

Alex smiled, “So am I.”

After a comfortable dinner, taken on the floor of Alex’s bedroom, and apologies and proper introductions from the other members of the staff, Alex had set you up in your own room and had said goodnight. You took a long, luxurious bath;’wrapped yourself in one of the very big tops Alex had offered you as pajamas and curled up in the middle of your bed! Staring at the ceiling X pondering the day’s events.

You were comfortable for maybe twenty minutes before your anxiety began to bubble up again, and the sheer amount that had happened over the course of one day began to overwhelm you. Searching again for that safety, you crept along the corridors and knocked quietly on Alex’s door, before you could properly think through what you were doing. He made a soft, affirmative noise and you let the door swing open, shifting from foot to foot, suddenly aware of how much of your legs were on display and what a bad idea this probably was.

Alex was lying on his bed, his shirt abandoned somewhere on the floor and his eyes glued to the pages of a thick book. You leant against the doorframe, partly because it seemed like the sort of thing that those glamorous women in movies or books would do, and partly because the sight of a shirtless Alex Summers had, quite literally made your knees go weak.

“Hey.” you called, wincing slightly at the shakiness of your voice.

Alex’s head shot up and his eyes scanned over you body as he let his book fall shut without a bookmark to keep his place.

“Y/N! Hi, what’re-are you okay?” He asked, instinctively standing and moving towards you.

You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest and trying not to let your gaze linger on any part of Alex for too long.

“Is there something wrong with the room?” He prompted.

“No, no it’s lovely,” you assured him, worrying at your bottom lip with your teeth again, “I just-I guess I got lonely.”

“Oh,” Alex replied, clearly happy that, in a moment of loneliness you’d decided to come to him, “yeah this old building does tend to do that to people.”

You nodded and, not for the first time, Alex had the overwhelming urge to kiss that adorably unsure expression off your face but, as always, he resisted and, as always, he reminded himself that there would be plenty of time for that when the moment was right.

“Alex,” you started, still unsure, still hesitant. It drove him mad. Couldn’t you see that he could never deny you anything? That he was entirely yours already? “Alex, could I maybe stay here tonight? I don’t think I can be alone here just yet.”

His heart stopped beating and Alex felt as his skin began to flush, “Uh, yeah. Yeah of course.” He stammered, suddenly realizing what a mess his room was, “Yeah, I’ll sleep on the floor and you can take my bed.”

You frowned and Alex thought that it was entirely unfair for you to look so good doing that.

“No, I’m not kicking you out of your own bed,” you protested, holding up your hand to cut him off as he opened his mouth to argue, “I’m not doing it. Either I sleep on the floor or…” You looked over his shoulder, “or we share.”

Alex raised his eyebrows, “The bed? Share the bed?”

You nodded, trying hard to look confident and sure, “Well, we’re soulmates aren’t we? It’ll end up happening eventually, why not now?” You paused, “If you’re okay with that of course.”

“Okay, yeah I’m-that’s fine-let’s…do you want to go to bed now?” Alex asked, surprised by how nervous he suddenly was.

You nodded and let Alex thread his fingers through yours as he lead you to his messy, unmade bed. Without looking at him, you clambered under the sheets and sighed with relief. Alex sat down on the other side of the bed and looked over at you with an affectionate smile. He made you feel safe, safer than you’d ever imagined and your heart couldn’t help but swell at the sight of his goofy, nervous smile. On a whim, you sat up and hugged him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to the skin in between his shoulder blades.

You felt Alex’s muscles tense before he relaxed and chuckled, his voice low and raspy, “What was that for?”

You shrugged as Alex lay down, his eyes clinging to yours, “For letting me stay here, for welcoming me into your home, for looking out for me, for everything.”

Alex kissed your knuckles again, “It’s nothing Y/N, I’m glad you’re here believe me. I'm…so, so glad.”

Slowly, Alex let his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer so that your head was resting against his chest and your legs were tangled together.

“Is this okay?” He whispered, his heart pounding in his chest like a sledgehammer.

You shifted slightly and then nodded, nuzzling into Alex and biting back the whimper of relief as a gorgeous warmth spread through your veins.

“Your skin is soft.” You mumbled into his chest.

“Thanks.” He whispered back, relaxing as that same warm contentment flowed through him, “My shirt looks really, really good on you.”

You giggled together, basking in the joy of just being with one another and fell into an amenable silence. Alex stroked up your spine slowly, easing you gently into sleep.

“Alex?” You murmured, already dozing off.


“I was abused by my dad,” you admitted sleepily, “I don’t want to go back home to him.”

Suddenly, Alex was wide awake as pure, unadulterated fear and hatred coursed through his veins. Everything made sense now, and Alex’s heart broke. He felt helpless, completely helpless and he squeezed you gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead and vowing, should he ever meet your father, he would make sure that the man never got within 500 meters of you. He wanted to talk about it, to tell you how sorry he was, and promise to protect you but, as he looked down at your sleeping face, he couldn’t bear to wake you. There would be time to talk in the morning, he reasoned, for now he would just hold you and let you sleep.

“You don’t have to go back.” He promised, “Not ever.”


Walking on air pt. 1

AN: Newt Scamander has always had a crush on the reader, but they lost touch after he was expelled from Hogwarts. Will fate intervene and bring them back together? Characters: Albus Dumbledor, Newt Scamander Pairings: Newt X reader Spoilers: None Warnings: None Prompt: “newt comes home and visits the ministry, where he bumps into his old crush and they hit it off again?”


Newt was numb as he walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, unable to process what had just happened. He was expelled, he’d really been expelled.

Newt’s lip began to tremble as he made his way outside, wondering to himself how long it would take for the news to spread. The voice in his head whispered that he was a failure, that he was a screw up, and taunted him for being unable to make even this one good thing last. Newt collapsed onto the grass, away from prying eyes, and finally let his tears flow, shock and frustration boiling inside him.

He heard footsteps and looked up, afraid that it might be some of the boys who were known to harass him, and relaxed when he saw you.

“Newt, is it true?” You asked, your voice shaky.

Newt felt his heart drop at the tone in your voice. He’d adored you from afar for years, and it was only recently that you’d become friends. It was like a hammer to his chest, the sudden realization that he’d have to leave you now and that your blossoming friendship would probably be destroyed. He forced himself to look you in the eye, trying to memorize the details of your face for later, when he wouldn’t be able to be near you anymore.

You watched Newt, your gaze following the lines of tears down his cheeks and feeling your hope vanish as he met your eye. Newt was not usually comfortable with direct eye contact, a trait that not everyone understood, but you found exceedingly endearing, and the fact that he was making such an effort now, seemed to confirm your worst fears. You sunk down next to Newt, feeling oddly hollow and rested your head on his shoulder.

“What’re you gonna do?” You asked, “Where will you go?”

You felt Newt shrug, “I don’t know Y/N. I really don’t know.”

You swallowed hard and turned to look at Newt, gripping his hand tightly with yours. Newt recoiled, shocked by the intensity in your eyes but completely unable to look away.

“You’ve got to make something amazing out of your life Newton Scamander, you’ve just got to. Write that book you’re always talking about. Promise me Newt, promise me you’ll write it.”

Newt nodded, swallowing, “I promise.”

“Good.” You replied, “And write to me, tell me about the world.”

“I-I will.”

You looked momentarily conflicted, as though you wanted to say more but couldn’t quite figure out how to, but then gave Newt a terse nod and stood, brushing grass from your robes and heading back up to the castle. Newt watched you go with untold confessions on his lips and his heart breaking with every step you took, but you never looked back. You never let yourself take a final look at the odd boy. You didn’t think you could bear it.


Newt Scamander breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped into the red phone booth that would carry him down to the ministry of magic. His book was nearly complete. All he needed now was a permit to study a rare breed of dragon he’d heard tales of in Northern Wales and he’d be done. Newt smiled as he remembered the promise he’d made to you all those years ago, and he traced the lines of his future dedication in his mind.

Right there, on the front page, in dark ink it would declare:

For Y/N Y/L/N who believed in a friendless boy, and whose promise I have now kept. Sometimes Newt wondered if you even remembered that promise, the push you’d given him to follow his passion and make something out of his life, and he couldn’t help but hope that you did. His memories of you were some of the best he had, and he’d revisited each one so often that he’d begun to worry that they were fading. He could no longer quite remember the shade of your hair in the sunlight, or which of your hands you most liked to tap on your desk when you got bored but he remembered how important you’d made him feel and he remembered how much he’d adored you. He’d never managed to write you those letters. For years he’d tried to, but at first he’d been too nervous and then too much time had passed and it just felt forced.

The doors opened and Newt found himself standing inside the ministry of magic, a buzzing hub of witches and wizards dressed for work and, in his rather flamboyant coat and scarf, he felt ever so slightly out of place.

“Um-excuse me,” Newt stuttered at the wizard manning the information kiosk, “do you know where I can find mister Understar I’m here to discuss with him-“

“Fifth floor.” The wizard interrupted, his eyes glued to a newspaper.

Newt froze, his words petering off into silence, “Oh, uh, thank-yes, thank you.”

He tried to look confident as he made his way to the golden elevators and began practicing his speech. He ran through the words he was planning to say to mister Understar in his head, muttering them under his breath as he squeezed the handle of his beloved suitcase. If everything went according to plan today, his dreams would come true and the world would finally understand the beauty and majesty of magical creatures. If not…..well, it’s not like he hadn’t done illegal work before, he was just hoping to avoid it this time. His mind was buzzing with activity as the elevator doors opened and he strode out into the hall, his eyes searching for a specific office. Suddenly he stopped, causing a middle aged witch to walk directly into him and stumble off in another direction, mumbling irritably under her breath. Newt started to apologize, but his eyes remained fixed on the person that had so distracted him in the first place. It was you. You were here and you looked…beautiful, older and slightly more tired than he remembered, but beautiful all the same.

Before he even properly knew what he was doing, Newt found himself walking towards you, his heart pounding in his chest like he was fifteen again. Your head was bowed as you scribbled something onto a piece of parchment and Newt felt a breathy laugh slip from his throat as you cursed under your breath.

Tentatively Newt reached out and touched your shoulder, all thoughts of mister Understar and even Northern Welsh dragons slipping from his mind.


You cursed, crossing out another word in your already sloppy letter. You were writing to your old teacher, Albus Dumbledor, a man who had helped shape you, and who you tried to keep in touch with on a regular basis. Your job kept you busy, but today was a quiet day, and you were planning on going home early, your mind already halfway back to your apartment. You felt a gentle pressure on your shoulder and instantly looked up, expecting to see one of your colleagues, here to try and convince you to help them with a job. Instead your eyes were met with the sight of a familiar nervous half smile, and a pair of green orbs that couldn’t quite meet yours and instantly your irritation morphed into pure joy.

“H-hi Y/N, I’m not sure if you remember me but I-“ the man started, his nervous stutter bringing back years of memories.

You let your quill and parchment clatter to the floor and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, laughing as your eyes filled with tears of happiness.

“Newt!” You exclaimed, “I can’t believe it, you’re really here.”

Newt felt himself blush as you hugged him, your voice just as warm and comforting as he remembered and he tried not to be awkward as he hugged you back.

“Yeah, I uh, I have a meeting with mister Understar, what’re you doing here?” He asked, pulling away.

As Newt stepped back you had to bite back a slight feeling of disappointment, but let him, reminding yourself that he wasn’t always comfortable with extensive physical contact.

“I’m an auror now.” You told Newt, trying to subtlety rearrange your robes and fix your hair.

Newt’s eyebrows shot up, “An auror, wow I thought-you always said you wanted to be an explorer.”

“Well I did. But my folks wanted me to get a more stable, secure job where I could actually make money.” Newt laughed, not unkindly, “Your parents wanted you to do something stable so you became an auror?”

“It’s more stable than being a professional nomad.” You pointed out.

“Fair enough,” Newt countered, “are you-does it make you happy?”

You shrugged, “I suppose. What about you Mr. World Traveller? How’s that amazing life you were working for? You know I never did get that letter.”

Newt blushed and looked down swallowing hard, “Yeah I-uh,”

“Newt Scamander,” a bored looking secretary called, “mister Understar will see you now.”

Newt felt his heart drop. What had at first sounded like an exciting meeting was now a completely unwelcome distraction from a much more pleasant conversation. He looked between you and the office, weighing up the options in his mind.

“You’d better go,” you suggested, “I hear he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

Newt nodded and walked away with a half hearted wave. In his mind he cursed his own awkwardness and hoped that that wasn’t the last time he’d see you. The last few years had been exceptionally solitary for him, but he’d never been lonely. He’d had his creatures, his book and his memories, but now, with you standing a few meters away, he wondered if that was enough. Was there a chance that Newt was missing out? Could there be a life for him outside of his creatures?

You, on the other hand, were wrestling with conflicting emotions. Seeing Newt again had reminded you of all the dreams you’d pushed aside, as well as bringing back all the affection and care that you’d felt for the boy. After all these years, he looked just as good, and just as kind as you remembered and it was difficult watching him walk away. He was moving forward, towards another exciting adventure while you stayed here. Stuck. It was just like old times.

You sighed, running your hands through your hair and turned to leave, pausing as you heard footsteps echoing on the marble floors.

“Y/N!” Newt called, reaching out to stop the elevator from closing.

“Yeah?” You asked, trying not to let your gaze linger on his smooth lips.

“Do you-can I take you out tonight?” Newt asked, staring at the ground, his eyes only flickering to yours to gauge your reaction.

You blushed, “Um, sure. I’ll uh-where?”

“The Three Broomsticks at eight?” Newt suggested, “I’ve got some things to show you.”

“Okay,” you replied, smiling radiantly at the boy, “bye Newt.”

“Until tonight.” He countered.

You nodded, “Oh and Newt?”


“You look good.” You told him with an exaggerated wink.

Newt blushed deep red and your answering laugh followed him into his meeting with mister Understar. As he sat down and began to plead his case, Newt found that he wasn’t in the least bit nervous. He didn’t care what happened anymore, because he, Newton Scamander, had a date with Y/N Y/L/N, and he was walking on air.



  • it is february 1980 when they meet at a funeral
  • they are two red-haired women, one pureblood and one muggleborn, but neither of them care because blood does not matter
  • (except that it does. except that this whole stupid war is about blood)
  • they are two red-haired women with the future of the wizarding world growing in their bellies
  • and this is how it goes
  • gideon and fabian prewett go into the ground that day
  • molly, the last remaining prewett, feels like she’s drowning
  • (and although she is now a weasley, she will always be a prewett)
  • arthur’s hand in hers reminds her that she is not alone (far from it, in fact), but it does not ease the pain, the grief of losing all that was left of her family in one fell swoop
  • there is a stream of endless platitudes and consolations, so repetitive and meaningless that they blend into one another
  • (and she feels awful for the ones she has offered in the past)
  • (sometimes words mean so little)
  • she tries to tune it all out. sometimes she mutters, ‘thank you,’ towards her feet, but mostly she is silent
  • ‘when are you due?’
  • it is the only question that cuts through because it is so thoroughly unexpected, especially at a funeral
  • looking up, she meets a pair of brilliant green eyes, softened with sympathy in this moment
  • (but she knows just by looking at her that this woman can be hard, so hard and strong when she wants to be)
  • (and behind the woman stands a tall, bespectacled man with black hair, wilder and messier than hair really has a right to be, and she knows immediately that they are lily and james potter, who gideon and fabian talked about because of how bright and brave and in love they are)
  • when she does not answer, lily tries again, ‘you are pregnant, right? this isn’t some awful, social faux pas where i’ve asked a woman if she’s pregnant when she’s not, right?’
  • james sniggers and lily elbows him in the stomach
  • (and she wonders about these two, clearly so young, too young, for war and for a baby and for merlin knows what else might be coming)
  • (but she sees the way he holds her hand reverently, and the way she looks up at him reproachfully, her eyes betraying her amusement and embarrassment, and how he smiles and she smiles back and molly may as well not be there because they are so in love and damn the war)
  • ‘march,’ she eventually answers and the anxiety in lily’s face melts away
  • then molly casts her eyes downwards and smiles
  • ‘and you?’
  • ‘august,’ she answers, glowing like only a woman who is creating life can
  • lily’s hand skims across her stomach, the instinctual action of a woman whose belly is full of baby
  • (and molly would know, she has patted her own belly too many times to count)
  • ‘well, i guess our children will be going to hogwarts together, then,’ molly muses aloud
  • ‘maybe they’ll be best friends,’ lily smirks
  • and, for a moment, molly feels lighter because it is so reassuring to talk about the future in this way, to think about her children growing up in a world where they’re safe and happy and blood doesn’t matter and they can be whatever they choose to be
  • ‘potter and weasley,’ james is staring dreamily at the sky before dropping his gaze back down and grinning widely
  • ‘hogwarts won’t know what hit it.’
  • she never sees them again
  • her hands shake when she reads about them in the daily prophet
  • and she cries when she thinks about how they were bright and brave and so young
  • (too young and so in love)
  • (and now gone too soon)
  • she never forgets, but the memory does fade, the memory of meeting a vivacious couple on one of the worst days of her life and how they gave her hope for a future when the word future felt like taboo
  • and it doesn’t happen the way any of them had predicted, but it happens
  • because ron writes home in september 1991, talking about how he made friends with harry potter and how he stuffed himself silly on the hogwarts express because harry was generous and cool and being friends with him was easy and natural
  • so she thinks of lily and how she rubbed her belly, green eyes alight with hope
  • and she thinks of james and his cheeky grin and what he said that day
  • ‘potter and weasley. hogwarts won’t know what hit it.’
  • and she smiles

i wanted to re-edit this photo set and make these photos look more the way i originally wanted them to look when i first posted them last year. they’re much less saturated with purples/blues and more realistic to how that day actually looked in person. i also took out a few photos i didn’t like much anymore. the original photo set blew up so much that there’s no way this one will get anywhere close to that much attention, but i wanted to re-post them anyway :-)

andorra, pa 


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