
For The Love Of Talent

@mimisempai / mimisempai.tumblr.com

She/Her - 45+ - Nerd, geek, artist, wonky writer without skill, mole in hibernation most of the time, has for companions a husband and a piano,
Obsessed those days with The Ineffable Husbands, and that’s all for now
Whoever you are, you're welcome in my space. I swear it’s safe 🫶🏻

The sound of your heart


Even better than Queen, the most beautiful music in Crowley's ears is that of his angel's heart, beating only for him.


I hadn't planned to write today, but the series is 5 years old, so I just wrote a little bit of fluff to celebrate!

On Ao3

Rating G -  428 words

Crowley, who was watching TV without really seeing it, was slightly startled when Aziraphale's fingers gently brushed his hair.

They were both huddled together on the sofa, Crowley watching a documentary about ducks and Aziraphale reading.

But it had been several minutes since Crowley had stopped concentrating on the ducks and Aziraphale's book had been left on the arm of the sofa.

The demon yawned before he turned and wrapped his arms around the angel, resting his head on his chest, his ear close to his heart, which he could hear beating.

The most beautiful sound on earth.

A steady beat, strong and warm, so warm.

The angel's arms closed around him and his hands made slow circles on his back.

Crowley breathed, "Angel... "

The demon was amazed to feel his lover's heart leap a little at the very moment he'd uttered the words.

He couldn't help but repeat, "Angel, my love..."

Crowley smiled as he felt the Angel's heartbeat quicken slightly this time. 

He couldn't resist once again and whispered, "Angel, I love you so much."

This time Crowley felt a bigger jolt and then the angel's heartbeat quickened again.

Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's chin to bring his face closer to his own and kissed him gently on the lips before saying softly, "It's not that I don't like it, but to what do I owe this sudden declaration, my dear?"

Crowley placed his hand on Aziraphale's heart and replied softly, "I love feeling your heart react to my voice."

Aziraphale chuckled softly, "Of course it reacts to your voice, my heart beats only for you."

It was the demon's turn to laugh, "Do you realize you sound like the main characters in my rom-coms, Angel?"

Aziraphale shook his head and replied, "I know, it's innate. Besides, you're the one who started it."

Crowley chuckled slightly and Aziraphale added, "But you know, Crowley, I don't need to feel your heart beat to know the effect I have on you."

"What are you talking about, Angel?" 

Aziraphale shifted to frame the demon's face with his hands before whispering against his lips, "Crowley, your heart, I can feel it beating for me in your eyes. "

He leaned forward and kissed each of his lover's eyes before continuing, "Every time you look at me, I can see in your eyes how much your heart beats for me."

Then Aziraphale leaned forward and pressed his lips tenderly against Crowley's.

In that moment, as the kiss lingered, neither needed to feel the other's heartbeat to know that they were beating in perfect harmony.


Still not beta'd

Still not my native language

Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰

Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝

Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2

Part 1 Story 1-99

Part 2 Story 100-?

Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here


Look at you, you're gorgeous


Some words said thousands of years ago leave their mark, but what about when they're repeated once again with feelings...


The one where Aziraphale no longer has any reason to be jealous of a nebula.

On Ao3

Rating G -  587 words

Aziraphale came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another.

"Still trying to do things the human way, Angel?"

Aziraphale turned his head to his lover lying on the bed and replied with a shrug, "After all this time, you know, don't you?"

Crowley nodded and continued to look at him as he finished drying his hair.

What he hadn't anticipated was that the movement would cause the towel around his waist to unravel and he didn't have time to react before the towel slid to the floor.

Despite the intimacy he and Crowley shared, he still felt a little self-conscious and slightly embarrassed by his body, so he immediately reached down to pick up the towel.

Crowley protested, "Oh no, Angel, don't deprive me of this lovely sight.

Aziraphale chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Idiot." and was about to continue his movement to pick up the towel. 

But in one swift movement Crowley had risen from the bed and beaten him to it, now standing close in front of him, towel in hand.

The demon placed his hand on the angel's bare hip and said in a low voice, "Look at you, you're gorgeous."

At these words, which should have pleased him, Aziraphale froze and hissed through his teeth, "Why are you making fun of me?


Crowley raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Aziraphale abruptly grabbed the towel and, holding it in front of him like a shield, replied, "You said that before, remember?"

Crowley, increasingly confused, repeated, "What?"

Aziraphale retorted, "When you created your nebula, you said those very words in an absolutely delighted tone. To it. Not to me. I, who wasn't looking at you at the time, thought - foolishly, I admit - that you were addressing me."

Crowley couldn't help laughing before he countered, "You're so clever, Angel, but sometimes you're really silly, you know?"

Stopping his lover who was beginning to get angry, Crowley grabbed the towel from the angel's hand and dropped it to the floor. Then cupping Aziraphale's face between his hands, he said softly, "Yes, I was addressing the nebula, but today, at this moment, it's you I'm looking at, it's you I find as beautiful as my stars, you're gorgeous, Angel."

He pressed a tender kiss to the angel's lips, then slid his hands over his shoulders before turning him around and pushing him forward.

"Crowley! What are you..."

"Shh, Angel, I want to show you something."

With his hands on the angel's shoulders, Crowley led him all the way to the mirror on the wardrobe, and when they were in front of it, he saw that Aziraphale was looking everywhere but at the mirror. So, from behind, he slid his hands from the angel's shoulders to his head, forcing him to look straight ahead. Then he whispered in his ear, "Look at you, you're really gorgeous."

Aziraphale shook his head and the demon replied, "Yes, you are," before turning the angel around so he could wrap his arms around him. 

"I'll keep telling you until one day you believe me."

Aziraphale, a smile forming on his lips, asked softly, "Even if it's for eternity?"

Crowley brought his face close and said softly, "I'm patient, you know that, don't you?"

Aziraphale chuckled softly before his laughter was stifled by the pressure of the demon's lips. Crowley made the kiss linger as he pulled him towards the bed, intent on using his lips and hands to show his angel just how gorgeous he was to him.


Still not beta'd

Still not my native language

Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰

Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝

Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2

Part 1 Story 1-99

Part 2 Story 100-?

Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)


Just your arms


Crowley is exhausted after his day's work at the flower shop, and has only one wish: to return to his haven, to the bookshop.


Just a small dose of fluff, with no plot, because...

On Ao3

Rating G -  408 words

Crowley let out a long, exhausted sigh as he closed the door to the flower shop. 

The next sigh he let out was one of relief as he turned around and saw the bookshop on the other side.

His haven.

His home.



The blood-red-haired princess and the seven little demons


It has become a ritual for Aziraphale to read a bedtime story to their twins, Alexis and Cassandra. And Crowley is also an eager listener.

But tonight the children want a short story with a happy ending.

Isn't it time to revisit fairy tales in an ineffable way?


Inspired by this beautiful drawing by @gleafer here Oh and yes I have no idea what I am doing but I am doing it anyway...

On Ao3

Rating G -  4078 words

"Pa! Dad! We want a story!"

As Crowley made his way to the nursery, he couldn't help but chuckle as he heard the twins calling Aziraphale for what had become an inevitable bedtime ritual.


I wasn't expecting you 5/5

Chapter Summary - Belonging

The first date…


Here we go, the last chapter. 

Last chapter, but not the end of the story. I still have a few sweet oneshots in for our two lovebirds. After all, they're only at the beginning of their story.

On Ao3

Rating G -  1978 words

Crowley left the building where his apartment was and prepared to cross the street to Aziraphale's.

"So? Got a date?"

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