
Resident Mook


Ya'll take the internet too seriously
Anonymous asked:

Fuji, can you teach us the minute differences between roach(male) and Roach(Female)?

Mostly cuz I wanna write gross bitches and it helps to hear it from someone into it.

Like you and teeth

And you and puppets

And you and-


It isn't necessary for a male roach to revel in his roachness, like he can be a dude who smokes weed and jerks off all the time and not WANT to live his life like that but he does because he's too lazy/has zero motivation to do better/just doesn't feel like changing at that moment

It's more COMMON for it to be a dude who's super into his gross life, but a depressed coomer can still be a roach and not exactly be in love with his station

It is 100% necessary for a female roach to revel in her roachness. She's proud of her burps, she walks around topless in her own place, she talks about/brags about jerk off materials etc etc, you can't do sad with female roach because then you're not doing female roach shit you're just writing about a sad girl who looks at porn

That's the big difference there's other shit but I feel like you can figure it out on your own from here and if you can't then I will be here


because of how sexual the sort of layman weeb's understanding of anime/manga/etc is, I understand why people feel the urge to reject all of that when trying to present themselves as more serious, but it comes off as really silly and insecure when you ask someone why something is good and they instead spend 5 paragraphs acting like you asked "why isn't it horny"

here's my 5d chess speculation about how the writer didn't want to include sex but had to in order to be published, which betrays an unspoken standard that I (for some reason) apply exclusively to japanese creatives

I don't necessarily disagree, but you'll find the context is very important here, because I'm talking about explicit sexuality in adult media


i will forever be obsessed with this tweet. what if DE was about nothing. cottage core isnt white enough for me i need small german village in the alps core.


I try not to judge tagging styles but some of you tag my posts like I am beating you to death with a shoe while you're trying to get a word in edgewise and I just want to make it clear I'm not doing that


was enjoying the gollum game until it had that completely unnecessary sex scene that really shouldn't have been in the game. ruined the tone. you could see it all. VERY disgraceful.

there were a few weird scenes throughout but none of it felt out of step with tolkien's vision up until that point. I was just trying to enjoy gollum's iconic lines with my family and then suddenly the game showed you his hobbit hole

I would post the rest of my review later today but this scene made me too angry to write it. this is NOT what tolkien would have wanted. gollum does not do this.

gollum himself has sex on screen, which is sick and wrong for so many reasons. it was surprisingly graphic and you could see it all.

I'm still trying to figure it out. it really felt like it came out of nowhere, both tonally and pacing-wise, and they got his size wrong. it kind of ruins an otherwise quite fun game that faithfully recreates many iconic moments

here's hoping for a day one patch or something, but until then, I can't recommend this unless you like hideous gnome sex. and I don't.

it brings me no pleasure to inform you that gollum is a nasty little slut in the new video game and you could see it all.


at this point I've given my good faith criticism of cottagecore and Wholesome branding enough. you've all heard it, so we're only doing bad faith criticisms now. I am the enemy of western ghibli thought. I am the hell machine for killing all cozy farming games

"why is so much detail put into systems of violence instead of systems of socialisation" - someone who would reduce love down to the complexity of pulling a trigger


POV you’re the king and i just made an inappropriate joke about your virility in front of the whole royal court and you want to punish me but you can’t react in anger lest the court think my joke is true


Demon Slayer so far has been

Tanjiro: “Oh fuck it smells like a tryst with danger in here!”

Bedframe Demon: “You… Look tasty.” *brandishes bedframe*

Tanjiro: “A bedframe? What will he do with it!?”

Bedframe Demon: *cooks up the craziest attack pattern bedframes have ever been used for and hits Tanjiro so hard that he breaks 78 ribs*

Tanjiro, literally dying: “Damn, alright.”

Tanjiro’s mom and siblings: “Stop fucking almost dying, poopiehead.”

Tanjiro: “ur rite” *gets up* “Bedframes are weak against children that jump on the mattress… This gives me an idea! Water Breathing! Twenty Sixth Form! [Children Jumping On The Mattress And Spilling Soda]!”

Tanjiro: *is animated so insanely beautifully while doing the sickest swordplay you’ve seen in shonen that you’d think this is the kind of visuals that only happen at the end of a movie, not every damn episode, obliterating the bedframe and cutting the Bedframe Demon’s neck*

Bedframe Demon, literally dying: “Ah… All I wanted when I was human… Was a bedframe…” *looks at Tanjiro’s kind baby eyes* “Holy fuck… He’s got such kind baby eyes…”

Tanjiro: “You killed plenty of people… Which is cringe… But you smell like… Someone that really loved bedframes… Rest in peace.”

And I love it

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