
A Witchy Side-blog



I’m big on words of power and spells that require nothing more than chanting something as often as needed for it to work.

Say this spell while you’re in the shower or bath and imagine waters cleansing you of all your negative energy. It really helps me after a crappy day.


Black Hole Jar

With the similar construction of a glitter jar, a Black Hole jar is to be used to absorb negative energy and anything else you wish to get rid of. 


  • Clear mason jar or hard plastic bottle with lid (think of those Smart Water bottles)
  • Clear Elmer’s glue or glycerin
  • Black dye (resin pigment would be good for this)
  • Black glitter 
  • Water


  1. Boil your water to remove impurities - allow to cool
  2. Fill your container with water
  3. Add a good amount of clear glue or glycerin to the water - the more you add, the more viscous the solution 
  4. Add enough dye to actually make the mixture black 
  5. Add your black glitter for extra darkness, a magickal boost *and for aesthetics* 
  6. Seal, shake to mix, and leave in the starlight overnight to charge with the intention of absorbing negativity and anything else you can think of

When charged - you can leave the container stationary to absorb negativity from a space, and when you’re feeling like you could release some negative energy, yourself, pick up the jar and shake it! Visualize your negativity being sucked into a Black Hole, never to be seen again. 

edited on 1-27-2019

Source: lunaesteria

The first time Artemis touched me I was 7, and she told me i could run and play with the boys and my gender didn’t matter and I ran faster and played harder.

The first time Persephone spoke to me I was 9 and was hearing her story for the first time and when my teacher said she was stolen i heard her whisper in my ear “it was my choice”.

The first time Apollo moved me was when I was 13 and touched my first Tarot deck and felt the power flowing through the cards.

Hermes put wanderlust in my heart at the age of 15.

Dionysus first reached out to me when i was 16 and pushed me to go against my parents wishes and audition for the theater anyway.

Hades has been around since I was 20 and tried to kill myself, he stayed my hand for it was not my time.

Aphrodite guided me I was 21 and struggling with what i “wanted to do with my life, I was coloring my friends hair in my kitchen and my friends said “You should do this for a living.” and for the first time the world seemed to fall into place.

The first time Hecate came to me I was 23 and she gave me the strength to chose the unconventional path and to cut the poison and abuse from my life.

These where only the first times they spoke to me that I remember, they have guided and shaped my life in many way since then.

I am now 29 and for the first time in my life I finally realized that they have been speaking to me this whole time. I was more than stubborn and scared, I didn’t want them to be real. but they are, and I am theirs. I was raised in an atheist household, I discovered Christianity when I was 12 and for a while it worked for me, but as time passed to was harder and hard for me to stay connected, to feel the truth in it. I have always felt the truth in this Hellenic path but I have spent most of my life so far denying it. I will do that no longer. My eyes, heart and mind are open now.

Sometimes we have to get out of our own way to see the truth.


Ya know what’s magic? Being outside after a summer storm. The shimmer off the concrete, the way the trees look greener, the simple silence in the air, and how everything literally smells brand new and refreshed. It’s unlike anything else

Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine, later considered a patron of the arts. He created wine and spread the art of viticulture. He had a dual nature; on one hand, he brought joy and divine ecstasy; or he would bring brutal and blinding rage, thus reflecting the dual nature of wine. Dionysus and his followers could not be bound by fetters.
Source: maers

Myths, Creatures, and Folklore

Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!



The Americas:



Middle East:


Creating a Fantasy Religion:

Some superstitions:

Reblogging because wow. What a resource.


✨ Types of Soulmates ✨

Hi everyone! When doing love readings for people, I tend to always mention the word ‘soulmate’ which is why I thought I’d actually make a post about the topic. The term can be a bit confusing due to the various connotations that it’s accumulated over time. Most people imagine that meeting their soulmate will unfold like a fairytale and instantly lead to happily ever after! But this isn’t always the case! You’ll meet several different soulmates in your lifetime, all of them serving different purposes. Soooo let’s get into this shit! (starting in no particular order!)

1. Platonic Soulmate: The platonic soulmate will manifest as your best friend and partner in crime! There’s a sense of effortlessness when you two meet. There’s no hesitation and you feel a sense of ease when you’re around. Your platonic soulmate is the person you know was destined to be your Maid of Honor or Best Man haha. The platonic soulmate is usually the simplest out of all the connections as they exist in your path to make life more enjoyable. Some people may mistake a platonic soulmate for a romantic/companion soulmate but they’ll usually both realize that they’re better off as friends. Someone who is asexual or aromantic will likely stay with their platonic soulmate as they don’t feel the need to connect with anyone else. This can be extremely fulfilling! 

2. Soul Family: Ahhhh soul families are a total fucking blessing! Members of a soul family all come from the same branch of consciousness and have similar life paths. Soul families can be literally anyone who has the same interests, beliefs, mindset, and energetic vibration as you! The key aspect of a soul family is that our souls were created in the same dimension/planet and we always incarnate together. Our soul family has travelled the same paths and have had to learn the same lessons. All members of a soul family are working towards the same mission. I say they’re a blessing because I find it extremely comforting to know that you have other people who feel and think in the same way that you do! Your actual family may be a part of your soul family but not always. There are definitely members of your soul family who you may not actually ever meet. Some soul groups have 2,000 people while others have 20. It simply depends on your mission! 

3. Past Life Soulmate: Our past life soulmate(s) are usually romantic and they’re someone who is returning from a past life. When you feel as though you instantly recognize someone, this is a clear sign that they’re a past life connection. Your past life soulmate can reincarnate with you every life time or only occasionally. Either way, this person is usually in your life to remind you of something you’ve forgotten about your own soul. They subconsciously bring back information from a past life in order to deepen your spirituality. This could be a long term or short term relationship! Past life soulmates are a part of your soul family!

4. Karmic Soulmates: Ohhh the lovely karmics… Karmic Soulmates are like fucked up past life soulmates. They’re from your past life but they show up in this life because there’s an unlearned lesson or unsettled business between you two. This karmic imbalance desperately needs to be resolved before you can progress. To be fair, karmics don’t always have to be horrible! They serve a very important purpose though. I’d even go as far as to say that they’re the most necessary. They present challenges and conflicts in order to make you stronger. Your first heartbreaks are usually a result of karmic relationships. They’re kind of like stepping stones to your twin flame or romantic soulmate! Karmics are almost always temporary and can be friends, family, or lovers.

5. Healing Soulmate: Healing soulmates usually emerge after a karmic relationship ends. Or after a defeating period in your life. They can come in the form of a friend, a parent, a teacher, a lover, or even a stranger. They offer you comfort and help set you back on your path. Healing soulmates are usually temporary as they mostly exist in our lives for a specific issues. Some healing soulmates may stick around and assist you with future conflict as well, though! 

6. New Soul: This one is pretty straight forward! Not everyone you meet will be from a past life. A new soul is someone we’ve never had contact with. They usually show upwhen we’ve completed all karmic trials or, for whatever reason, have rejected the romantic soulmate/twin flame partner. This person will spark intrigue, curiosity, and fascination in you. We’ll crave a connection with this person but things usually happen slower with a new soul because of the unfamiliarity. Most karmic relationships start off as a new soul that wasn’t originally in our Soul Contract. Which can be vv exciting! 

7. Romantic/Companion Soulmate:  Your romantic soulmate is often described as ‘The One’! They’re your perfect match in this lifetime and the person that your higher self decided to unite with. Of course, you can always stray from your soul contract but most people don’t! The romantic soulmate will offer you so much joy, happiness, and emotional depth. They’re the person you’re likely to marry and will help to move you along your path with an open heart. When we unite with a companion soulmate, we experience unconditional love and bliss. Every relationship will still have it’s problems but you’ll be able to work through these things in harmony. The romantic soulmate can be a new soul or past life connection!

8. The Twin Flame: Not everyone has a twin flame in this lifetime or a twin flame at all! But your twin flame is the perfect REFLECTION of you. You two are parts of the same consciousness. It’s still possible to be whole without your twin flame but, when you two come together, it creates something incredibly powerful. I made an entire post on twin flames so feel free to search for it on my page! 


Keep in mind that you might have multiple types of each soulmate in your life & that’s okay! Alternatively, you might not have one of these relationships. Most people will experience 7/8, but nothing is guaranteed. I’d love to hear about your ow experiences with the 8 types of soulmates! Thank you so much for reading! ✨✨

Anonymous asked:

Re: vibes -- I get pretty cool Loki feels from you. By that I mean, a pointed irreverence undergirded by careful conscientiousness and general fuck-all approach to getting through the day.

Awh, I’m flattered! I’m still very much a work in progress, but I try very hard to learn and follow Loki’s example.

These are some of the “Lokean Laws” (”Laws” is used for alliteration.) I’ve come up with to consider and that have helped in my day to day: 

  • Don’t talk shit unless you document.
  • Find a partner who would hold a bowl for you, literally or metaphorically. If someone wouldn’t stay if you had a C-Bag, don’t put their name on the lease. If you’ve no desire for a someone, work on trying to hold your own bowl/feeling worth a bowl sometimes. [Insert weed jokes and childish giggling here.]
  • You don’t have to be nice to be kind. 
  •  Ask yourself “why is this funny?” Make your coping mechanism sit on the couch.
  • You will sometimes be wrong. And yes, it will be humiliating and uncomfortable. But you’ll know better how to handle it next time. Open your ears and shut your mouth. 
  • Open it again when you see someone making the same mistakes you have. Maybe choreograph a “told you so” dance. Make things out of spite to combat hate and learn new skills.
  • Be open to change, but not easily molded. 
  • If an advert is “looking for a good team player”, what it usually means is “someone who won’t snitch”.
  • Anecdotal evidence is bad marketing. New Agers rarely understand Quantum Mechanics. 
  • All idols decay.
  • Getting people to argue about semantics is a good tactic if you want to sneak a dastardly plot by. Would you fight for your identity?
  • You don’t have to always talk to people. Or hug them. 
  • Sometimes you have to lie. 
  • The next sentence is the truth.
  • The sentence above this one is a lie.
  • Make homemade gifts. Good and practical ones. Or give cash. 
“So what if it all ends in disaster? At least it will be your disaster!”

— Loki, interupting my midnight ramblings about all the things that could go wrong next week.

Loki: Go do a tarot spread, I want to tell you something in more detail.
me: *gets out my deck and shuffles*
me: *while shuffling* So, Loki, what do you want to talk about?
Loki: ...You mean besides what utter shit you are at shuffling??
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