


jesse, 18, queer & queen.

willam is looking through your dashboard’s glory hole to say hello


I used to think Coco Peru was just a cis woman with a strong jaw and an unfortunate flair for drama


The gaydar is a multifunctional tool and the straights not only don’t have it, they also think its only for spotting gay ppl

Other settings:

- Spotting homophobes before they speak - Spotting gays to avoid - Spotting iconic songs - Spotting the safest and quickest route back home so you don’t get beaten or killed after school & many more

What the straights have is a cheap imitation which is really downgraded and has only 1 function called “stereotyping”


Liefste lieveling, ik wil niet met je praten. Niet naar je luisteren, niet naar je naam staren op mijn telefoon. Ik wil je niet horen. Want… lieveling, ik zie je nog steeds elke dag in elke hoek van mijn kamer. Vaak huil ik nog steeds tranen op je kin, en soms raken je lippen mijn huid nog midden in de nacht. En in mijn hoofd ben je nog altijd zo veel meer dan je ooit echt zou zijn, of zou willen zijn. Dus laat me hier maar in deze stiltes vol muziek, en laat me over je dromen zoals toen de zomer er nog was. Want het einde was veel te mooi om ooit nog opnieuw te hoeven.


Anonymous asked:

Unfortunately bi girls are more likely to date a man after a woman...I dated two bi girls and both of them went back to men after we broke up. It never has anything to do with you. It just usually means they were never really into girls the way a lesbian is. My advice going into the future, date girls who are only into girls. Makes things much easier for both of you.

Okay i was following this biphobic fuck , i now get why you get so angry about this stuff @mygayisshowing


i love her

Remember, Debbie Reynolds was so much more than just Carrie’s mom. She was a beautiful, amazing, wickedly funny woman in her own right. She loved her daughter and she made her daughter who she was, but it is a disservice to her memory to shrink her down to just being Carrie’s mom.

Also, because it needs to be said, Debbie was a huge supporter of the mentally ill. She helped found The Thalians, a mental health charity in 1955 and served as chairwoman for the organization for fifty-six years. She was an amazing woman and will be missed.


He be talking about uniting the nation, yet talks shit about minorities and is racist, sexist, homophobic etc etc. The list is too long, what a disgrace.

Anonymous asked:

- insert slechte woordgrap- drie keer raden wie ik ben ;)) haHA

Geen idee maar het klinkt bekend , mag ik een hint?

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