


just a wannabe meme queen edge lord.

i’ve stopped trash talking comic sans after learning the font is actually one of the only dyslexia-friendly fonts that come standard with most computers and i advocate for others doing the same

In the event that you would like to continue hating Comic Sans, other dyslexia-friendly alternatives include Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Century Gothic and Trebuchet.




Random fact: Verdana is one of the few fonts which was specifically designed to be as easy to read as possible, even at smaller type sizes. It was designed this way for use on screen, but the same principles apply in print too. This is part of why some Universities use Verdana as their default font for documents.

“In the event that you would like to continue hating Comic Sans” is one of the best things I’ve ever read on this website

I’ll take Comic Sans over Arial any day. 

Century Gothic and Trebuchet are both quite handsome typefaces.

I’m partial to Century Gothic as well. It’s serif, but not boring.

There’s also a dyslexic font designed especially for dyslexic people to read.

You can install on your tablets, laptops and browers etc, so not only can you change things like documents into it, you can change websites into that font as well! 

I’m sure you’re bright enough to do a google search, but since I’m dumb enough to forget to post a link, here it is. Better late than never

I default to arial for this reason, but I will now be defaulting to verdana or dyslexie. nice.

I don’t think I have dyslexia but that dyslexie font was the easiest fucking thing to read ever. Books should be written in that shit.



For computer reading, when you mix up lines of text, there’s a web browser app called Beeline Reader. It looks like this

The colors are also customizable, to an extent and while I don’t have dyslexia, I have adhd which makes reading large amounts of text harder and this helps A LOT.

This is dope. I freaking love how much more accessible this information is nowadays.

for our dyslexic ravens.

Literally the only thing I was able to read correctly were the two photos showing how and why they worked-

That’s straight up witchcraft yo


Ten Major Artists:

Wong Wong & Lulu

Pepper examining himself before commencing a self-portrait

Pepper’s self-portrait

Tiger the spontaneous reductionist

Misty goes off the wall

Minnie, the abstract expressionist

Minnie’s Reindeer in Provence, 1992.

Smokey painting after an hour in the catnip patch

Smokey at work

Ginger’s Stripped Bare Birds, 1992.

Princess, the elemental fragmentist

Charlie, the peripheral realist

this literally makes me so happy

What a delight!


things to know about adhd people

in my experience, we:

  • can only remember things in relation to other things. sometimes even relating things doesn't work. we'll remember what related to the thing, but not what needed to be remembered
  • unless the thing is useless. i can remember every vine i've ever heard, but i can't tell you what i learned in ap chemistry two days ago
  • can't remember spoken instructions for shit
  • are bad at letting objects go and decluttering
  • sometimes get overwhelmed by sounds, especially if they're all around us or if multiple people are talking to us at once
  • will legitimately do Anything to avoid doing that One Thing we don't want to do. including stare at a wall or do other homework to avoid, say, writing an essay
  • can't study for shit when it's not interesting
  • have a really bad grasp of how time passes when we don't have a routine
  • get hostile and forget things when our routine is messed up. if my stepmom is making me mad in the morning, i'm gonna forget something important at home
  • are sometimes so In The Zone that we literally cannot hear you saying our name
  • sometimes need to be told that we should probably start our homework or maybe eat something
  • are easily distracted by colors
  • are good at learning information if it's put to a song 🎶this is the periodic table, noble gases stable🎶
  • don't learn well from teachers we dislike
  • either need extra explanation for complicated shit or understand it instantly because your brain went Fast and made a connection
  • are bad at regurgitating information onto a piece of paper, but good at applying the information
  • can make really wild connections sometimes. like one time i typed "oh?" and then remembered i hadn't put another egg in the incubator in pokemon go because when an egg hatches the screen says "oh?"
  • sometimes really Need To Move Around
  • either focus too much on one part or can't focus at all on the individual parts, only the big picture

despite all this, we're still smart as hell. every other adhd person i know is intelligent as fuck. just because we need more explanation sometimes doesn't mean you should patronize us.

If you know someone with ADHD, please try and help them. We don’t mess up on purpose, sometimes, we just need a little kindness, acceptance and help. Don’t be afraid to ask us questions because we would be happy to help you.


Hello friendo, Tis I, the hug wizard, would you like a hug?


Sure , I need one , bc Harmony just told me that a loser jerk called me a slut for being polyamorous 😤😤😤


RUDE!!!!!!!!!! *PULLS YOU INTO A MASSIVE SOFT BEAR HUG AND PATS YOUR HEAD* You are allowed to love in a fashion that fits you!!!!

It’s the same person bullying everyone, @slaughter-uglies . Thanks for the hug , friendio! !

You’re a 13 year old who identifies as a pansexual poly. You are messed up in your head. A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD. You really are a disgusting slut, and don’t try and deny it. 


Whether you agree with poly or not isn’t the problem. The problem is how a 13 year old identifying that way is disgusting on all sorts of levels. It requires some really toxic shit to be going on inside your mind, for you to be able to even THINK about wanting to identify this way when you’re THIS goddamn young.

You little children can deny this as much as you want, but you hypocrites preach about me ignoring how childrens minds are undeveloped. Yeah well, your own brain is fucking toxic if you can get this out of it, at this stage in it’s development. Someone your age should not be polyamorous naturally, poly thought patterns do not develop naturally, and the fact that you are is worrying as hell.

@some-gay-looser and literally half of my followers are pansexual polyamorous 13 year olds . Some of them 14 maybe. You wanna go at us?!? Fight us , bitch

I love how you think this made any point other than proving that you’re all just a bunch of toxic children in an echo-chamber.

You say that 13 year olds can’t make those kinds of decisions at that age and yet you say you believe this in your about me page. You say you dislike monogamy and support paedophilia. I don’t think I even have to say why what you’re doing is incredibly wrong and you’re a disgusting person.



Instead of whispered, consider:

  • murmured
  • mumbled
  • muttered
  • breathed
  • sighed
  • hissed
  • mouthed
  • uttered
  • intoned
  • susurrated
  • purred
  • said in an undertone
  • gasped
  • hinted
  • said low
  • said into someone’s ear
  • said softly
  • said under one’s breath
  • said in hushed tones
  • insinuated

These posts make me unreasonably cranky. So cranky, in fact, that every time a new one of these goddamn things crosses my dash, I’m just going to dissect them. Both for the edification of newer writers and because fuck these lists.

As mentioned in previous posts: These are not synonyms for whispered. You can’t use them interchangeably. Let’s go through them.

“Well,” she whispered, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is speaking in a voice so low it’s become words made of breath, probably because she doesn’t want to be heard.

“Well,” she murmured, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is saying this very quietly, but above a whisper. She may be talking to herself.

“Well,” she mumbled, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is speaking under her breath in low enough tones that her words may sound unclear or slurred. Also very possibly talking to herself.

“Well,” she muttered, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is speaking lowly, but more clearly than a mumble. She sounds angry, irritated, or dully frustrated.

“Well,” she breathed, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

Breathing words may mean relief, exasperation, or exhaustion, and sound half like a sigh. Oh, look—

“Well,” she sighed, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is almost certainly not happy. She’s speaking in a tired, heavy breath.

“Well,” she hissed, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character’s words are coming out in low, very sharp breaths. She sounds angry, irritated, or maybe just in an intense moment.

“Well,” she mouthed, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is using the barest hint of her voice, if any at all. Her lips are silently forming the syllables.

“Well,” she uttered, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

Using uttered in this particular type of descriptive sense actually just sounds awkward. That said, ‘utter’ sounds like a word that implies speech in low yet strong and loud tones, well-enunciated, like someone preaching.

“Well,” she intoned, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The tone of her voice is dull and flat, with little variance in pitch. She is saying this without much emotion (intentionally or not).

Fuck “susurrated”.

“Well,” she purred, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The manner she’s speaking in is silky, smooth, and particularly pleased; quite possibly smug. In this particular example, this implies she probably does have a choice about [whatever it is] and is being facetious.

“Well,” she said in an undertone, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

This is bad, because an undertone is something that needs describing. That’s like saying “her dress was a color”.

“Well,” she gasped, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character is speaking in a sharp intake of breath, probably brought on by surprise or shock. She could also be short of breath, being strangled or something.

“Well,” she hinted, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

The character has particular (duh) hint-hint tones in her voice as she speaks to someone. One can just imagine her leaning over closer to their ear.

“Well,” she said low, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

Her voice has dropped below normal pitch, but is above a whisper. There’s a certain amount of dullness in the tone, probably.

“Well,” she said, into his ear, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

This implies nothing about the actual voice, just that she’s literally speaking right into his ear (perhaps at normal volume, which would be painful). It doesn’t, on its own, carry any connotations of tone or emotion.

“Well,” she said softly, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

I have a personal beef with the word “softly” on account of writers in a certain area of a certain MMO that use that word for fucking everything; speech, movement, touch, footsteps, because it helps to passively describe their character as delicate and pretty or something.

It’s a personal beef. There’s nothing really wrong with the word. Moving on.

Saying something softly implies not only a lowered pitch but a certain gentleness (or at least lack of weight) in tone.

“Well,” she said under her breath, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

This is very like muttered, murmured, etc — it sounds (dur) breathier, and is more likely to imply a person talking to themselves.

“Well,” she said in hushed tones, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

Now you’re getting closer to an equal term for “whispered”; hushed tones could mean that, or half-whispered. It does imply a certain amount of whisperiness or breathiness. It also implies a deliberate attempt to be quiet.

“Well,” she insinuated, “I suppose I haven’t got a choice.”

Like with ‘uttered’, this feels grammatically weird in that it’s usually a thing a person describes another person as doing (“Greg didn’t say it, but he insinuated it!”), but whatever. It’s similar to hinting; it means you’re trying to imply or subtly convey something, but has nothing to do with actual whispers.

tl;dr Those words are all different, these lists are terrible writing advice and people need to stop pulling tangentially-related words from the thesaurus and saying they all mean the same thing.


as i tell my students:

“use the precise word, not the word that kinda sorta fits or ‘sounds more impressive’ ”

use exactly the word you MEAN


I fucking hate those lists, they drive me batshit. Put down the thesaurus and back away slowly.

fuck “sussurated”


“Sussuration” is the continuous, ambient, non-verbal sound that comes from wind or water interacting with solid matter. A person can’t have an intelligible conversation that answers to that description. Precision is important.


hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death

Thanatos explaining that he’s the god of death, not hades

Thanatos explaining that it applies to animals too


Poseidon explaining that he is the god of the seas and oceans

Zeus explaining why he can’t keep it in his pants


Hermes explaining why he gotta go fast

dionysus explaining why he’s Like That


so apparently the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling are actually “severe psychological distress”


growing up autistic / growing up gaslit


this is the first lesson you learn: you are always wrong.

there is no electric hum buzzing through the air. there is no stinging bite to the sweetness of the mango. there is no bitter metallic tang to the water.

there is no cruelty in their laughter, no ambiguity in the instructions, no reason to be upset. there is no bitter aftertaste to your sweet tea, nothing scratchy about your blanket.

the lamps glow steadily. they do not falter.


this is the second lesson you learn: you are never right.

you are childish, gullible, overly prone to tears. you are pedantic, combative, deliberately obtuse. you are lazy, unreliable, never on time.

you’re always making up excuses, rudely interrupting, stepping on people’s shoes. you’re always trying to get attention, never thinking about anyone else, selfish through and through.

it’s you that’s the problem. the lamps are fine.


this is the third lesson you learn: you must always give in.

mother knows best. father knows best. doctor knows best. teacher knows best. this is the proper path. do not go astray.

listen to your elders, respect your betters, accept what’s given to you as your due. bow to the wisdom of experience, the education of the professional, the clarity of an external point of view.

what do you know about lamps, anyway?


this has got to be THE funniest sentence ive seen all day im gonna cry

Me getting my name called to get my order at Starbucks


Showing how the Knight can jump on every square in chess

When you watch someone unlock their phone with a pattern like this and wonder what top secret spy shit theyve been up to.

me putting syrup on my waffles

Me jumping to conclusions

Me chasing my dog around the apartment after I heard a suspicious crinkling noise coming from their mouth

me walking through the house while on the phone


The largest Hydrogen Peroxide experiment ever 🧪 ⠀ By @Nickuhas and @DavidDobrik

how do you even BEGIN to clean that up

they put down tarps so it’s all okay

I love how they have all that safety gear and tarps laid out, but their chosen method for starting the reaction is “tip the bucket and run like hell”

science is beautiful

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