

@jaymicrosoft / jaymicrosoft.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

you're remarkably cordial/courteous/polite for someone who uses tumblr

Sorry people dont usually say things like that to me. didnt know what to do.

you really are quite nice in dms honestly

except that one screenshot I have from presumably years ago of you telling someone they seem difficult to kill and then implying they have, in fact, been killed before

my theory is that you killed them and then told them that they were difficult to kill

hey stupid i was the one who got told i was difficult to kill. i was the one who has possibly been killed before. Be serious. Be true with me

Ghost: *lying face down on the floor* Price: So Y/N said they liked you? Ghost, muffled: Yeah Price: And you asked them to marry you? Ghost: Yeah Price: And how did they react? Ghost: Dunno, I ran before I could scare them even more *meanwhile* Y/N, kicking in the door to the barracks: KYLE, JOHNNY! Holy shit I'm gonna get married!

Y/N: "Severus have you seen my wand?"

Severus: "no"

McGonagall: "I'm sure it will turn up soon"

Y/N walks away

Severus: "wanna bet on that, the last time she lost her wand it took her six months to find it"

McGonagall: "poor thing that must of been terrible"

Severus: "for her yes, for me it was the best six months of my life, watching her struggle to do things the muggle way"


Second Choice — John Price x Fem!reader

You found out the secret that your husband has been hiding all this time.
Warnings — fem!reader, cheating, second choice reader, reader blame herself, Price is asshole in this fic, angst, angst, ANGST, no happy end, etc.
1,3k words.
Main Masterlist COD Masterlist

You open the car trunk and start taking out your groceries. You try to carry the groceries you bought with both hands and close the trunk door of your car. You don't realize that you have bought this much, considering that today is the day your husband comes back, you are excited to cook a delicious meal for him.

You walk into the house where you pass many of your wedding photos. You smile as you look at them, it's been two years of your marriage and you are so happy living with your husband.

You put your groceries down and start arranging them in the cupboards and fridge. After that you walk around to see if each room in your house is clean or not. You smile as you head towards your husband's study. You are rarely there unless your husband is home.

You check the room and see that it is a bit messy with books on the table. You enter and start tidying up the books. You smile at the picture of your husband when he was young. He looks dashing in his military uniform. You read the writing in the corner of the photo. John Price.

You return to tidying up your husband's desk, you bend down to pick up the book that fell under the desk. As you try to get up, you bump your head on the underside of your husband's desk and soon you hear what sounds like a drawer lock opening. You see an open drawer and check it. Your hand stops for a moment, unsure whether to open it or not.

But you're his wife, there's no way he could have kept anything from you except his confidential work files. Your hand moves to open the drawer, if it was his confidential work file you would return it quickly. But what you get is not a confidential file but a black book with your husband's name on the end.

You laugh softly at the thought of your husband having a diary. You sit on his chair and scrutinize the diary.

"Why is he so cute? I can't imagine how serious he is about writing this," you say to yourself.





*clicks play in morbid curiosity*

*hammers reblog button*


I think I find this post every April Fools Day and I am so happy that I do

I don’t know how I forget about this every year but I love it

I don’t know how I

forget about this every

year but I love it

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

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