
to our eternity


bree - she/her - bisexy

whenever i'm trying to talk myself out of buying something i don't need i always hear my old russian professor's voice echoing in my head: "WHAT??? WILL YOU DIE THE RICHEST MAN IN THE GRAVEYARD?" and then i make an unwise financial decision


I sit and think about how we’re all just walking our individual paths but sometimes our paths align perfectly with someone else’s and you either walk the rest of your lives together or it’s just for a brief moment in time and you carry on. We’re really all just walking each other home. Life is so magical.


every day should be like i wake up & my first thought is a beautiful idea of a fun & new activity & i spend my day accomplishing it

i do want to live like them like so bad


who am i if not a guy who wears the same stupid little necklace. All the time.

it is imperative that you have a piece of jewelry you wear every single day. maybe even several. the world is your oyster, as they say. it’s good for the soul. On the hierarchy of needs somewhere, even


Pov: it is 2016 and you are pressing the play button on what you thought was a 'fun summer holiday book' not knowing that this will change the entire trajectory of your mind, body and soul as you know it: 😄👉📱


Oh my god???????

I hate these people so fucking much. Our country is crumbling in literally every way - infrastructure, childcare, schools, healthcare and hospitals, etc and we're in one of the biggest cost of living increases ever homelessness is increasing and will continue. Covid is still a thing. But no this is what they're spending our hard earned tax dollars that make up their salary for

Anonymous asked:

IF community hot take you always wanted to share 🎤

so glad u asked-- I don't think I have many hot takes bc I'm not that active outside of my blog sadly BUT I think people post their wips too early. there I said it.

I don't mean this in a mean way and more in the way that I've seen amazing premises being posted and introduced but then getting abandoned because you had a vague plot and one scene you really wanted to write, which believe me, has happened many times to me too (and will continue to happen). I think that could have been avoided if the person thought for longer abt the plot, even if only vaguely with the most important story beats being written down or at the very least had a short demo to show.

I know nowadays it's a bit intimidating when people come out and post stellar 50/60/70k long chapters that are already polished to perfection it seems, but this is one of the few things that has remained deeply ingrained in me since my active forum days. a demo of around 10k, which in the grand scheme of the game later on isn't that much, is going to have people 1) more interested from the get go bc they know what to expect in terms of vibes and 2) motivate you to continue writing and deliver something bc the first scary plunge has been done.

that's really all the hot takes I want to voice lmaooo ty for asking!!


That’s why I always believe you should at least have started writing before you make a game post. So many interesting IFs I’ve seen that get abandoned so quickly because they didn’t think much about what the story would be and how it would progress.

I’ve seen many people say that they are weary about following IF blogs that have a game post but no demo in sight because they don’t want to get invested. That’d be my one piece of advice to aspiring IF writers, have something cooking before you post the game post, anything no matter how short.

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