
Teach Me the Courage of the Stars

@raspberrygoose / raspberrygoose.tumblr.com

This blog is where I dump anything that catches my eye or is my current fixation.

god destroying the tower of babel

there really is nothing more charming or telling about humanity than the amount of time and effort we’ll put into something just to see how cool it will look when we make it fall down 

me: that’s a lot of….oh…OH

So this video is 40 seconds long. And it has 190,000 notes. Rounded up to 200K because I’m lazy. So if everyone who enjoyed it interacted with this post once, and they enjoyed all 40 seconds of the video(both of those are questionable, but bear with me), that’s 8,000,000 seconds of entertainment on this site alone. 133,333 minutes. 2,222 hours. Yes, it was a lot of work for a few seconds of chaotic pleasure. But that’s a lot of chaotic pleasure for a little bit of work. 


raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can’t locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn’t archive because you always assumed they’d be there.

This is why reblogs are important. They keep circulating posts even when the blogs are long gone.


And this is why telling artists/writers/creators their work matters means so much. You might be the only one who says it.

It is entirely too easy to get tired or despondent or feel worthless and just give up.


France: hundreds of years with baguette -- DID NOT INVENT BANH MI

Vietnam: less than 100 years with baguette -- INVENTED BANH MI




why do people gatekeep queer identies?? like,, isn't the whole point of the queer community that we're sick of being told who we are and aren't allowed to be?? stop shunning queer people for being queer in ways you don't like


Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but I've seen posts about this get passed around. And it's probably too late to push back on this, anyway, but I'm so frustrated I feel the need to say to say something. This is coming from a place of love- I just hate seeing this going around, and I want to offer some perspective on the matter.

First of all, regarding that poll where the user did not know how to pronounce 'Miette'- if you look in the replies, it doesn't take long to discover that the OP was genuinely confused about the pronunciation and, when corrected, was working to get it right. That poll came from a place of innocent ignorance. I hope the OP took it down and stopped reblogs and turned notes off or whatever, because some people said some awful shit. I hope you are the kind of person who is kind and understanding, in the face of such ignorance. Or, if you can't be that, I hope you can at the very least be quiet. (And props to the people in the replies who patiently and kindly explained things to the OP.)

Second of all, I've seen a lot of posts talking about literacy rates, and I'd like to point out that English literacy has very little to do with figuring how to pronounce a French fucking word, goddamn. The OP just didn't know. The dunking, the pointing, the laughing- rude, unnecessary, not helpful.

Thirdly, in response to the complaints of 'they don't even teach phonics in schools these days'- that's bullshit. Because the odds are very good that they didn't teach phonics in schools when you went to school, either.

When I was a kid, it was called Whole Language. It was the new hot literacy technique, and a lot of schools adopted it. It used cueing techniques and sight words and was very similar.

If you're a millennial, you might remember the commercials for Hooked on Phonics, and you might conclude that teaching phonics in schools was perhaps not common, if you think about that for a bit. If it was worth it to sell a whole reading tutoring program for struggling readers based in phonics, perhaps it might lead one to conclude that phonics weren't as common as other methods, right? You might not have been taught phonics to start. What you do know about phonics, you might have picked up in the past 20-30 years, right?

Okay. Lets go back further, you know Dick and Jane? It was based on, more or less, the same sight words principle, and those primers date from the 1930s, although I don't think that teaching technique came really into vogue until the 40s.

If you are alive, today, in the United States, the likelihood that you were not taught phonics in school is well above non-zero. Especially if you're a millennial.

The notable exception is the 1970s. And during that period of time, there were probably plenty of schools that still used fucking Dick and Jane. And plenty of schools that were starting to adopt Whole Language, because while it was popular in the 80's and 90's, it was developed before. So, Gen X, you didn't get out of this unscathed either, though you had a better chance of getting a phonics-based reading program, I think.

'Kids these days' are not less literate because they were taught wrong. A great deal of us who are alive and speak English as a first language were taught wrong.

(I also think this is the common way English as a Second Language is taught and I'm sorry if you learned sight words, it's so much less intuitive than phonics, and English phonics aren't particularly intuitive. But I know a lot less about this, and I'm not sure.)

The reason some younger people struggle with language and words that I, for example, don't, is that I've been reading and speaking the language a lot longer. That's it. That's likely the same thing for you.

Please quit mocking people for their lack of information, for a start. I don't blame you for not knowing this about the literacy programs, for example. I had to do a lot of research on this. Right? Odds are good, you didn't know this.

And you are hitting people who struggle with literacy for other reasons- English as a second language, for example. The people who deal with dyslexia, there's plenty of autistic people who struggle to communicate fluently in their first language, and many more people who struggle with learning, speaking, and otherwise communicating in English for a huge variety of reasons.

Even if you're right, you're hitting people who had no choice in the language method they were taught from. They were five.

I don't think people mean to be unkind, generally (some do, but we block and move on), but it's really frustrating to a lot of snark circulate without the greater context of 'actually, a lot of English speakers of all age groups were taught English this way, especially USAmericans' and 'hey, what does English literacy have to do with pronouncing a French word, anyway?'

Okay? Okay.

Love you bye


Ok wait let her speak

Please give evidence beyond “I hate them” or “I like sleeping in” or “I have to get up early”, none of which is actual evidence


an actual morning person

Night person who needs to see a doctor/get your car worked on/go to the bank/buy groceries, etc? You're gonna have to sacrifice sleep for it. Because for some reason it was decided that most places of business should open in the morning and close in the evening. Fewer and fewer places are 24/7. Wanna go for a nice stroll in the park? Tough shit, they close at sundown. Hell, want to just go for a walk in general? Fair chance of being harassed by the cops because being out and about in the dark is "suspicious" behavior. Want something that's not fast food and don't want to/can't cook for yourself? Best we can do is a diner like Denny's or IHOP. Got a loved one in the hospital you want to visit between work and sleep? Either gotta get up early or stay up late to meet visiting hours.

And let's not forget, no matter how little you actually sleep and how much you actually get done, if you're not awake during certain hours it means you're a lazy good-for-nothing. Express a desire for more places open 24/7? Selfish and entitled. Complain about how noisy your neighbors are during your sleep hours? Well you can't expect the world to tiptoe around you. But also you'd better keep it down at night because other people are sleeping!

But don't worry! There are plenty of guides on how to "fix" your sleep schedule out there! You just have to follow a strict, often disruptive routine that you can never stray from even a little or else you'll fall back to your natural sleep schedule lazy, undisciplined ways.


And at that, good luck finding a job that doesn't expect you to be in by 9 AM at the latest. Which means getting up at 7:30 AM at the latest, earlier if you have a commute. Which means getting to bed at 11:30 PM at the latest.

Which means night owls have a straight choice between self-employment/freelance work, with all its insecurities, or constant self-torture. (Oh yeah, sleep deprivation does count as torture, per the UN.)


things people do after having a nightmare that isn’t crying

  • struggle to catch their breath
  • grab onto whatever’s close enough to ground themselves in reality
  • become nauseous / vomit
  • shake uncontrollably
  • sweat buckets
  • get a headache

things people do to combat having nightmares if they occur commonly

  • sleep near other people so they can hear the idle sounds of them completing tasks
  • move to a different sleeping spot than where they had the nightmare
  • leave tvs / radios / phones on with noise
  • just not sleep (if you want to go the insomnia route)
  • sleep during the day in bright rooms

things people with insomnia do

  • first, obviously, their ability to remember things and their coordination will go out the window
  • its likely they’ll become irritable or overly emotional
  • their body will start to ache, shake, and weaken
  • hallucinate if it’s been long enough
  • it becomes incredibly easy for them to get sick (and they probably will)

add your own in reblogs/comments!


does anyone else do that thing where you're stuck in heavy traffic and another driver tries to do something dickish to cut ahead of you so you nudge the accelerator a little bit to make your car growl at the other car and scare it off

How tenderly he holds the viper with it’s fangs in his palm.  How endless the trails of blood how parallel                           how calm. 

Carolina Outcrop. Hold the Attention of a Woman.

Detail of “The Man of Sorrows” by Hans Memling.

How tenderly he holds the viper with it’s fangs in his palm.  How endless the trails of blood how parallel                           how calm. 

Carolina Outcrop. Hold the Attention of a Woman.

Detail of “The Man of Sorrows” by Hans Memling.

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