This is not God's work

@knifefightscene /

Z • he/they • payp*l

This is tumblr you can say suicide and fuck and kill and murder and penis and maybe cock even


Some people like to say that there’s no way to die painlessly but there are lol


Also whenever ppl romanize not working and being a stay at home mom I’m like have u ever been at the mercy of violent men, lol


When i was young my abusive father was bigger than God lol. I was so convinced that he was smart, that he knew everything. After i moved away for college i slowly found out not only is he a fucking idiot hes also a fucking pathetic loser with no friend lol. My whole life i was convinced he was smart. But he was just a bully. I did well academically growing up but it was never enough for him but like honestly i have a degree and a full time job that exploits me but i like it. So it is enough for me. Its enough for me not have to be financially dependent on a man who degraded and abused me lol.


Sometimes I remember something from my childhood and i feel so angry like i need to kill those people but at the same time i know that I’ll never get over it even if they die painful like it happened and i think nobody even remembers it but me (and it kinda a blessing bc i do feel shameful about bad things that happen to me) but like i am still very angry. I was just a child lol.


I don’t think its superheroes fatigue that makes mcu movies no longer as popular as they used to be like its one of the factors sure but i think another reason is also racism n misogyny bc the mcu is moving towards more diversity WHICH is not even something to be celebrated or praised BECAUSE they’re using those movies to spread more COP/MILITARY propaganda. Which leads to the other reasons why mcu movies flop now, is bc ppl are slowly recognizing propaganda and they hate it lol. And also another reason is bc videos games movies are slowly replacing superheroes movies bc younger generation is more connected to video games rather than comic books.


I’ll always choose to work for big corps because small businesses will constantly try to cheat u out of your rights bc “we can’t afford it”. Like i live in the global south so when i say my rights i mean basic stuff like insurance and pto and overtime pay :/

Anonymous asked:

Have you heard about advance health directives? If you're a healthy person you can decide what happens if you're incapable of making medical decisions. You can say you refuse a feeding tube and life support. And this is not euthanasia. This is basically refusing medical treatment, which is a right every patient has.

I’d like them to put me down, with a gun i think


the funniest thing about the tiktok tradwife craze is people learning financial abuse exists but like, as a hypothetical. "wait what if the relationship doesn't work out and you have nothing of your own and nowhere to go?" congratulations you figured out a common reason people remain in abusive relationships and why it's important to maintain some level of financial independence


Pictures like this are so important! I wish I would have seen more of this when I was younger. I’d have been more receptive to my body’s need for mobility aids if I had seen it in a positive light like this.

Can't see it as clearly but, goth on a rollator. 🖤


Can you please help my family escape death from Rafah .. my friend posted here for me and I'm forever indebted to all of you for your generosity.. we started to lose hope.. and we've regained it through your kindness.. please help and share or if there is anything I can do to verify or boost. Sorry to bother you but I am very desperate the bombing was very close to our tent.

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