
It's...a Thing.

@takriel / takriel.tumblr.com

Trying to find my way. I enjoy cooking but am just horrid at it. Enjoys video games, tabletop games, being social (though I get overwhelmed), and singing. Doesn't make the art, but totally appreciates those who do. I just want to feel okay. I am Filth Uncle.

so i took a modern architecture course to fulfill a creative arts university req this semester and i have several conclusions now that’s done:

1. modern architecture? ugly

2. brutalism? somehow, even uglier

3. post-modern architecture? okay so now they’re actively trying to make it as bad as possible

4. neogothic? art noveau? art deco? absolutely spectacular, let’s have more of that

to illustrate:

modern architecture:

ugly and boring



post modern:

what the actual fuck am i looking at

art nouveau:

ooh hell yeah


Ok. Now look here. Brutalism is dope as all get-out.

Have you seen the Giesel Library in San Diego?

^Look at that?! Legs for miles! Or perhaps the Holy Trinity Church in Vienna Austria?

^It’s all coming apart at the seams, and I love it. Check out the Monument to the uprising of the people of Kordun and Banija in Croatia:

^Tell me this doesn’t speak of something sorrowful and heavy- whispering coldly in your ear of past follies. Or the Kolašin Municipal Assembly in Montenegro:

^It’s got spikes, it has soaring windows. It’s got a tasty interplay of light and shadow. I’d go there to renew my drivers license. Consider the Evangelische Friedenskirche in Baumberg:

God’s confusing sometimes, and you know what? So it the Evangelical Freechurch in Baumburg, and it’s looking fine while it’s at it.

There is a beauty in starkness, and I’m not about to let you slander my favorite style of architecture. Are you in the market for an evil lair, boldly austere holy place, or imposing civic center? Give Brutalism a second chance.


Chance of a lifetime for an epic trick

The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through the waters of the mid-Pacific on its way from Vancouver to Australia. The navigator had just finished working out a star fix and brought Captain John DS. Phillips, the result. The Warrimoo’s position was LAT 0º 31’ N and LONG 179 30’ W. The date was 31 December 1899.

“Know what this means?” First Mate Payton broke in, “We’re only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line”. Captain Phillips was prankish enough to take full advantage of the opportunity for achieving the navigational freak of a lifetime.

He called his navigators to the bridge to check & double check the ship’s position. He changed course slightly so as to bear directly on his mark. Then he adjusted the engine speed.

The calm weather & clear night worked in his favor. At mid-night the SS Warrimoo lay on the Equator at exactly the point where it crossed the International Date Line! The consequences of this bizarre position were many:

The forward part (bow) of the ship was in the Southern Hemisphere & in the middle of summer.

The rear (stern) was in the Northern Hemisphere & in the middle of winter.

The date in the aft part of the ship was 31 December 1899.

In the bow (forward) part it was 1 January 1900.

This ship was therefore not only in:

Two different days,

Two different months,

Two different years,

Two different seasons

But in two different centuries - all at the same time!


Something I find incredibly cool is that they’ve found neandertal bone tools made from polished rib bones, and they couldn’t figure out what they were for for the life of them. 

“Wait you’re still using the exact same fucking thing 50,000 years later???”

Well, yeah. We’ve tried other things. Metal scratches up and damages the hide. Wood splinters and wears out. Bone lasts forever and gives the best polish. There are new, cheaper plastic ones, but they crack and break after a couple years. A bone polisher is nearly indestructible, and only gets better with age. The more you use a bone polisher the better it works.”

It’s just. 

50,000 years. 50,000. And over that huge arc of time, we’ve been quietly using the exact same thing, unchanged, because we simply haven’t found anything better to do the job. 

i also like that this is a “ask craftspeople” thing, it reminds me of when art historians were all “the fuck” about someone’s ear “deformity” in a portrait and couldn’t work out what the symbolism was until someone who’d also worked as a piercer was like “uhm, he’s fucked up a piercing there”. interdisciplinary shit also needs to include non-academic approaches because crafts & trades people know shit ok


One of my professors often tells us about a time he, as and Egyptian Archaeologist, came down upon a ring of bricks one brick high. In the middle of a house. He and his fellow researchers could not fpr the life of them figure out what tf it could possibly have been for. Until he decided to as a laborer, who doesnt even speak English, what it was. The guy gestures for my prof to follow him, and shows him the same ring of bricks in a nearby modern house. Said ring is filled with baby chicks, while momma hen is out in the yard having a snack. The chicks can’t get over the single brick, but mom can step right over. Over 2000 years and their still corraling chicks with brick circles. If it aint broke, dont fix it and always ask the locals.

I read something a while back about how pre-columbian Americans had obsidian blades they stored in the rafters of their houses. The archaeologists who discovered them came to the conclusion that the primitive civilizations believed keeping them closer to the sun would keep the blades sharper.

Then a mother looked at their findings and said “yeah, they stored their knives in the rafters to keep them out of reach of the children.”

Omg the ancient child proofing add on tho lol


Anon Hate IS Illegal.

Guys, I’m not kidding.

Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.

Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.

And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.

Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.


Next time you get hit with anon hate?

Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.

Your online actions have real life consequences.

Make sure they learn that.

(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.

Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.

Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)

Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.

You guys better fucking reblog this.

Don’t just like it, reblog it. So people know.

You cowards better reblogged this

Wish I’d known this when an ex-friend was doxxing me and I ended up in psychiatric inpatient.

That moment when fiction really will affect reality is, when you bully someone online over it and get arrested for it.


I hate this website because I heard “Thinking Out Loud” by Edward Sheeran and all I could think about was that one fucking video you know the one


Hey bud the hint only made me more confused

I’m so honored I get to share this with you

The best part of this by far is everyone telling them how good their singing voice is


yo whatever happened to gladiators n coliseums n shit? when did we decide that blood sports were bad? im tryna see two men kill each other on pay per view

dont worry im a feminist id pay to see two women kill each other as well

political correctness killed the gladiatorial arena and its disgusting. fucking millennials (400 AD)


gladiators were actually very skilled and expensive to train (not to mention charismatic and popular), so they rarely fought to the death actually; it was more of a… ritualized theatrical combat

the modern equivalent you’re looking for is professional wrestling

Ok but when are professional wrestlers gonna be throwing nets and shit and using swords???

what is a chair if not a modern day sword

what is a table but a domestic net

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