
land of snow and glyphs


arrows / a4p / kate, 30s, she/her. This is a personal & fandom blog, I'm a writer and I like cats. Currently into Martha Wells and Naomi Novik.

Hi Neil, I wanted you to know that this is the ai generated text blurb that appears if you Google “Aziraphale and Crowley married”


I'm glad the AI knows which one of Dottie and Sadie Aziraphale is married to and which one Crowley is. I can never remember.


Instagram : krewkutz

This made me feel really happy ❤️


as a POC I can’t overstate how much I appreciate this, the third one especially who has this look that has lost so much hope, you can see her eyes swell in real time post transformation and it just goes to show that looking good makes us feel good

it warms my heart to see so many reblog this from me, yet unless you’re Black? (with little exceptions) I don’t think you all really get it, so let me really paint the story here.

the thing about Black hair is that it is varied, like incredibly so. some of us luck out and get what we dub “Good Hair”, hair that is normally not as tightly curled and manageable with a little to midrange amount of effort. But many MANY of us have natural hair that is tough and thick, the curls are small, sometimes very tightly wound, it makes brushing and combing damn near impossible on top of other hair care methods. short as well as braided hair isn’t always desired but for many of us we have no choice, it’s just easier to maintain it that way, it is a sentence, not a style.

keep in mind that hairstyle is a statement, especially when you’re Black, your hair says so much about you in this community in particular. we also have the fact that our standard is held against White standards of beauty, and that is a whole different conversation involving privilege, systemic racism, and internalized hatred—like bitch, this has LAYERS!

take the age into account here for all these women, but in this case I’m specifically talking about the third. now, these are all educated assumptions, but you know where those tears are from? she’s had to live with this hair her whole life! and you just KNOW she’s tried everything!—heat, curling, straightening, perms, softeners/relaxers, HUNDREDS of products that make hundreds of promises, and many of these risk taking out the natural oil and proteins in hair which is a death sentence for Black hair. she had given up hope that anything good could ever be done I’ll bet. that transformation did more than style her hair, it gave her years upon years of hope; Listen to Black folk when they tell you, it’s more than just hair.

this man is doing more than hair, he’s changing lives…I just hope he knows that.


OMG the Department of Labor just this morning issued a new rule about how to classify contractors vs employees... uber and lyft are gonna get WRECKED

A summary of the new test (it's so new I haven't yet found good summary news articles)

1. Do you have control over how much money you make, not including taking more jobs/hours? (Ex: being able to charge a higher rate for your work) If not, you're an employee!

2. Can you make investments to grow your business, not merely maintain it? (Ex: a photographer buying a new camera) If not, you're an employee!

3. Is the work indefinite or continuous, i.e. not a specific time based engagement? You're an employee!

4. If someone else has control over your work - sets your schedule, dictates your prices, supervises your work (including through electronic tracking), is able to discipline you - you're an employee!

5. Is the work you do an integral part of your employer's business? You're an employee!


Original date of publication January 9th 2024, went into effect March 2024

Holy shit.

This might actually technically make me an employee, because the districts set my pay.

They would argue my work is a specific time-based engagement of “every school year” but I’m not sure that would hold up in court.



The Shawlidarity pattern is live!! Proceeds from this patttern will go to Palestinian fundraisers vetted through gazafunds.org

In the works is a Progress Pride variant - if you purchase the pattern now, you will receive a copy as an update when it goes live

Sliding scale pricing - see the listing for coupon codes

If you are not able to use Ravelry for accessibility reasons, message me with proof of donation in any amount to a relevant fundraiser (gofundme, PCRF, operation olive branch, etc) and your email and I will send you a copy

Thank you to @otherfireangel for test knitting!!


Love it when people act like proving “rape or incest” exceptions for abortion are even possible, lmao

Quick, prove you were raped so you can access an abortion! How? I don’t know! Maybe you’ll have to get a rape test done at the hospital and prove you have sufficient bruising? Maybe it’ll require filing charges? Maybe it’ll require a full ass criminal trial which is gonna take longer than 9 months, lol.

Prove you were a victim of incest! How? I don’t know, because if you’re a victim of incest you might very well be a young child who doesn’t have the emotional strength and knowledge to even describe the abuse that’s happening to you, let alone advocate for your rights. And even if you are an adult, I dare you to go in front of a judge and detail the sexual abuse from you brother/father/uncle and come out of that untraumatised, all to get permission to have access to abortion. Make sure you get the courage up in just a few weeks!

What about threats to life of the mother exceptions? Quick! What’s the line you draw there? If a mother has extremely high blood pressure and diabetes and is at risk of death early enough in the pregnancy, is that enough for a termination? What about if the mother has an ectopic pregnancy? Or do we have to wait until the mother is suffering from sepsis and shock, blood poisoning maybe? Do mental health issues ever factor in?

It is literally impossible to place such restrictions on abortion that actually work, that are feasible and acceptable to those that would otherwise ban abortions outright.

Abortion on demand is the only answer.

It’s been 2 years. Roe has fallen. And in states where abortion is only legal in cases of rape or incest or protect mother’s life, women can still prove their case fits within the law, right?!

But in the months since the court’s decision, very few exceptions to these new abortion bans have been granted, a New York Times review of available state data and interviews with dozens of physicians, advocates and lawmakers revealed.
Instead, those with means are traveling to states where abortion is still broadly legal or are obtaining abortion pills at home because the requirements to qualify for exceptions are too steep. Doctors and hospitals are turning away patients, saying that ambiguous laws and the threat of criminal penalties make them unwilling to test the rules.
“Having the legal right on the books to get an abortion and getting one in practice are two distinctly different things,” said Laurie Bertram Roberts, the executive director of the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, a group that supports abortion rights.
An example of that disconnect is in Louisiana, which has exceptions for protecting the life or health of the patient and for deadly birth defects, and has reported zero abortions since its ban took effect. Mississippi, with exceptions for rape and protecting the life of the patient, has reported no more than two. Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri and Texas have exceptions for protecting a patient’s life or health and have reported similarly low abortion figures.

Imagine there being no women whatsoever in the entire state of Louisiana who needed an abortion due to rape, incest, or to save the mothers life in an entire year.

Not a single one.


shaking myself (very gently) . being in pain takes a lot of energy!!!!!! being in pain is exhausting!!!!!!! you are not lazy or weak because you need to spend so much time resting, this is your body coping with how much pain you’re in literally 24/7!!!!!!!!!

addition: feeling big emotions is exhausting & takes a lot of energy!!!!!!!! needing to rest after having big feelings isn’t a sign of being weak or lazy either!!!!!!!! your body needs time to rest & recover even when it isn’t for a ‘normal’ reason


Alt-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec vowed to finish what rioters began on Jan. 6 by working to “overthrow” democracy “completely.”

Posobiec made the comments during the opening day of CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, in Washington, D.C., Wednesday.

“Welcome to the end of democracy!” Posobiec declared. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here,” he said, holding his fist in the air. “That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.”

Steve Bannon, former White House adviser, is heard in the background exclaiming, “All right! Amen!”

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