
@augustlanguages / augustlanguages.tumblr.com

hey i'm taylor this is my old langblr that im in the process of reviving 🥺 | ive been studying french for ~4 years and am currently choosing my 3rd language

Avoir- expressions

  • Avoir quelqu’un à l’oeil - keeping an eye on someone
  • Avoir bon coeur - being good-hearted
  • Avoir bon dos - being a good excuse
  • Avoir quelqu’un dans le nez - being mad at someone
  • Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter - having better things to do
  • Avoir de la merde dans les yeux - not seeing the obvious (rude)
  • Avoir de la veine - being lucky
  • Avoir des cornes - being cheated on
  • Avoir des couilles - being brave (rude)
  • Avoir des étoiles dans les yeux - being amazed
  • avoir des fourmis - having pins and needles
  • Avoir des yeux derrière la tête - being able to see abs everything
  • Avoir du bol/du pot - being lucky
  • Avoir du chien - looking good (old)
  • Avoir du cran - being brave
  • Avoir du nez - having a good intuition
  • Avoir du temps à perdre - having time to waste
  • Avoir été bercé trop près du mur - being another level of dumb
  • Avoir faim - being hungry
  • Avoir la chair de poule - having goosebumps
  • Avoir la conscience tranquille - having a clear conscience
  • Avoir la gueule de bois - being hangover
  • Avoir la langue bien pendue - being chatty
  • Avoir la main - being the one who plays/leads (in games, usually)
  • Avoir la main verte - being a good gardener
  • Avoir la patate/la pêche - being smiley, happy 
  • Avoir la peau dure - being hard to break
  • Avoir la peur au ventre - being super scared
  • Avoir la puce à l’oreille - having suspicions
  • Avoir le bras long - having a lot of influence
  • Avoir le cafard - feeling blue
  • Avoir le cœur gros - feeling sad
  • Avoir le compas dans l’œil - having an accurate eye (measurements)
  • Avoir le feu au cul - being horny
  • Avoir le sang chaud - being hot-blooded
  • Avoir le vent en poupe - being successful
  • Avoir les dents du fond qui baignent - being drunk
  • Avoir les dents longues - being overly ambitious
  • Avoir les foies - being scared (old)
  • Avoir les jetons - being scared
  • Avoir les mains liées - having one’s hands tied
  • Avoir les oreilles bouchées - having blocked ears
  • Avoir les oreilles qui saignent - having bleeding ears after hearing something awful
  • Avoir les oreilles qui sifflent - having ringing ears
  • Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre - taking too much food
  • Avoir les yeux qui saignent - having bleeding eyes after (…)
  • Avoir l’estomac dans les talons - being super hungry
  • Avoir l’œil - having a good eye (for outfits, flowers, etc)
  • Avoir mal aux cheveux - being in pain after a night of drinking
  • Avoir mangé du lion - being super energetic 
  • Avoir soif - being thirsty
  • Avoir toute sa tête - being mentally heathly
  • Avoir un balai dans le cul - being uptight
  • Avoir un chat dans la gorge - having a frog in the throat
  • Avoir un cœur d’artichaut - falling in love easily
  • Avoir un coup de foudre - falling in love at first sight
  • Avoir un mal de chien - having a hard time doing something
  • Avoir un œil qui dit merde à l’autre - squinting (rude)
  • Avoir un oursin dans sa poche - being miser
  • Avoir un poil dans la main - being lazy
  • Avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir - being pregnant
  • Avoir une araignée dans le plafond - being nutty
  • Avoir une brioche au four - being pregnant
  • Avoir une case en moins - having a screw loose
  • Avoir une cervelle de moineau - forgetting things easily 
  • Avoir une dent contre quelqu’un - being mad at someone
  • Avoir une faim de loup - being super hungry
  • Avoir une mémoire d’éléphant - having a great memory
  • Avoir une peur bleue - being super scared
  • En avoir plein le cul - being super annoyed (rude)
  • Ne pas avoir gardé les cochons ensemble - way to tell someone who’s being overfriendly or touchy to back off
  • Ne pas avoir les yeux en face des trous - being too tired to think straight

Using 感じ to express your feelings in Japanese

A lot of people seem to think that expressing your feelings in Japanese is difficult, and while it can be, there are a lot of different variations used in Japanese to express feelings. I promise it isn’t that bad!

First, let’s start with some vocabulary:


きどあいらく = human emotions (joy, anger, humor, etc)

Common Nouns: In Japanese, い-adjectives can often become nouns (高い = tall, 高さ = height). Be careful not to use adjectives on accident when you should use nouns!

  • 気持ち(きもち)feeling(s)
  • 気分(きぶん)feeling(s)/mood
  • 感情(かんじょう)emotions
  • 喜び(よろこび)delight
  • 幸せ(しあわせ)happiness
  • 怒り(いかり)anger
  • 悲しみ(かなしみ)sadness

Common Verbs: Similarly, a lot of adjectives/nouns and verbs share the same stems, but will have different endings. Be careful!

  • 喜ぶ(よろこぶ)to be delighted
  • 悲しむ(かなしむ)to be sad
  • 怒る(おこる)to be/get angry
  • 激怒する(げきどする)to be furious
  • 憤慨する(ふんがいする)to be furious
You’ll commonly see these verbs appear in て-form in order to describe a present state, such as 怒っている (to be in a state of anger) or 喜んでいる (to be in a state of delight).

Common Adjectives:

  • 嬉しい(うれしい)happy
  • 悲しい(かなしい)sad
  • 楽しい(たのしい)fun
  • 辛い(つらい)hard/tough/painful
  • きつい hard/tough
  • 凄い(すごい)wow, great
  • やばい expresses various things
When describing your own happiness, it’s more natural to use 嬉しい and not 喜んでいる. However, when describing someone else’s happiness, you should use 喜んでいる and not 嬉しい.
辛い(辛い)and 辛い(からい)look the exact same, but one means “tough” and the other means “spicy.” Pay attention to context!

Expressing your emotions

When describing your own emotions, it’s actually quite uncommon to use any first person pronouns (such as 私) unless the subject is not at all clear. Likely, though, the subject is you and the listener knows this.

Joy & Happiness

あ〜、嬉しいな!ー I’m happy!  な is often used in Japanese when expressing your feelings  あ, ああ, and あー are also often used やった〜!ー Yay! イェーイ!ー Yaaay! 楽しい!ー Fun! 楽しすぎる ー Using すぎる can express the nuance of “too much fun” ワクワクする ー I’m getting excited!  It’s common in Japanese to use onomatopoeia to express emotion! すごい!ー Wow! Great!  This is commonly used in variations (すご〜い!すげえ!and so on)

Relief & Surprise

あ〜、よかった!ー I’m relieved! 安心した(あんしん)ー I feel relieved. え〜!ー What? うそ!ー No way! まさか ー No way! It can’t be true. まじ ー Really? No way! Seriously? まじか ー Really? No way! Seriously?  This one is sometimes seen as more masculine 信じられない ー I can’t believe it

Nervousness & Sadness

緊張する(きんちょう)ー I’m nervous…  Really common, and can also be used in its て-form! ドキドキする ー I feel nervous. 悲しい(かなしい)ー I’m sad. 寂しい(さみしい・さびしい)ー I’m lonely / I miss someone 憂鬱(ゆううつ)ー Depression 気が滅入る(きがめいる)ー I feel depressed がっかり ー I’m disappointed 落ち込む(おちこむ)ー I’m getting upset!


ひどい!ー That’s terrible! You’re awful! イライラする ー I feel irritated 頭にきた ー I’m so pissed off ムカつく ー I’m angry

Embarrassment: 恥ずかしい(はずかしい)ー I’m embarrassed. Fear: 怖い(こわい)ー I’m scared. Envy: 羨ましい(うらやましい)ー I’m jealous.

Using 感じ and 感じる

If you talk to a Japanese person for any length of time, you’ll hear this come up quite often. The readings are “かんじ” and “かんじる”. Remember that the meaning of 感 is “feeling,” so if you see it in kanji compounds you’re likely dealing with someone to do with feeling (emotion or otherwise).

感じ is the noun form and 感じる is the verb form:

  • どんな感じがしましたか?How did you feel?
  • どんな感じましたか?How did you feel?

These feelings can be both physical and emotional.

  • 変な感じがした… へんなかんじがした… I felt strange…
  • 彼女はなんか冷たい感じがするね。 かのじょはなんかつめたいかんじがするね。 She seems to be kind of cold, huh?
  • 地震があったみたいだけど何も感じなかった。 じしんがあったみたいだけどなにもかんじなかった。 It seems there was an earthquake but I didn’t feel anything.

There are a lot of colloquial uses as well, particularly: って感じ, which is a really common way for Japanese to express the feeling of “it’s like…”

  • 学校はね…もういいかなって感じ。 I think I’ve had enough with school.
  • 私ばかり働いているって感じ。 I feel like I’m the only one that works.

You can use って感じ in a lot of ways, and it’s especially common when speaking.


Use this when expressing that you sense something/feel something but can’t quite understand why you feel that way.

If you’re breaking up with your significant other, you might say something like 私たち、もう終わりのような気がする which roughly translates to “I feel like we’re over now.”

  • 面白いことが起きるみたいな気がする… おもしろいことがおきるみたいなきがする… I feel like something interesting will happen…
  • 旅行したい気がする。 りょこうしたいきがする。 I feel like going on a trip.
  • 食べる気がしない。 たべるきがしない。 I don’t feel like eating.

Try to express your emotions as much as possible when talking to people, especially if you’re talking about your day or something that you did with that person. It adds a personal touch and will make sure your conversation remains warm for both of you.



Expressing Your Emotions || 感情・かんじょう・Emotions Hey guys, today I’m going to list a couple different ways to express your emotions or feelings in conversation in Japanese! Adjectives・形容詞「けいようし」:

  • Amazing・凄い・すごい
  • Afraid・こわい
  • Bad・悪い・わるい
  • Difficult (emotionally)・辛い・つらい
  • Embarrassed・恥ずかしい・はずかしい
  • Fun・楽しい・たのしい
  • Happy・嬉しい・うれしい
  • Jealous・羨ましい・うらやましい
  • Sad・悲しい・かなしい

One adjective which might appear often in conversation is the word 「ヤバい・ヤバイ・やばい」which can be used to express a few different emotions depending on the context. I’ve heard it used to express both positive and negative emotions/feelings/thoughts like: dangerous, terrible, crap, awful, amazing, wow, cool. Nouns・名詞「めいし」:

  • Anger・怒り・いかり
  • Delight/Joy・喜び・よろこび
  • Emotions・感情・かんじょう
  • Feelings・気持ち・きもち
  • Feeling/Mood・気分・きぶん
  • Happiness・幸せ・しあわせ
  • Sadness・悲しみ・かなしみ


Below I’m going to list a few examples of how to express your feelings in Japanese. It’s important to know that you don’t have to use 私は/僕は/俺は/etc. before stating your feeling because it’s obvious in the context that you’re expressing your own emotions!

Angry・Annoyed -

  • ひどい!・You’re awful/mean OR That’s awful!
  • ひどーーい!・You’re aaaawful! OR That’s aaaawful!
  • ムカつく!・むかつく!・I’m pissed off.
  • イライラする!・I’m irritated!
  • ウザイ・Annoying!
  • ちぇっ・チェ・tsk/Dang/Shoot

Confused -

  • どうしよう?・What am I gonna do?

Difficult -

  • 辛い・つらい・It’s hard.
  • きつい・It’s hard.

Embarrassed -

  • あー、恥ずかしい!・あー、はずかしい!・I’m so embarrassed!

Happy -

  • 嬉しい!・うれしい!・I’m happy!
  • 嬉しいなあ!・うれしいなあ!・I’m so happy!
  • あー幸せ!・あーしあわせ!・I’m so happy!
  • やった〜!・Yay!
  • イェーイ!・Yaaay!
  • 楽しい!・ How fun!
  • 楽しすぎる !・Way too fun!
  • ワクワクする !・I’m getting excited!
  • わあ!・Wow!
  • すごい!・Wow/Great!
  • すごーい!・Woow!
  • すげえ!・Wow!

Jealous -

  • 羨ましい!・うらやましい!・I’m jealous!
  • 羨ましい―――!・うらやましいーーー!・I’m soooo jealous!

Nervous -

  • ドキドキする!・I feel nervous!
  • 緊張する!・きんちょうする!・I’m nervous!
  • 不安になる・ふあんになる・I’m anxious

Nostalgic -

  • 懐かしい!・なつかしい!・This brings back memories.

Relieved -

  • 安心した!・あんしんした!・I feel relieved.
  • よかった!・Whew!
  • あー、よかった!・I’m relieved!

Sad・Lonely -

  • 悲しい!・かなしい!・I’m sad
  • 泣きたくなる!・なきたくなる!・I feel like crying!
  • 寂しい・さみしい/さびしい・I’m lonely
  • あーあ…・Oh well…
  • くすん・ぐすん・Sniffle

Scared -

  • びくびく・Symbolises being afraid or timid.
  • こわい!・I’m scared!

Shocked・Surprised -

  • うそ!・No way!
  • マジ?・まじ?・Really/No way/Seriously?
  • マジかー?・まじかー?・Really/No way/Seriously? (a little masculine)
  • マジで?・まじで?・Really?
  • えーー!うそ、マジで!?・What? No way!
  • え!・What?/Really?
  • えー!・What?/Really?
  • えーーっ!!・What?/Really?
  • うわー!・OMG
  • いや・イヤ・Why?/Oh
  • いややあー・Whyyy?
  • ありえない!・No way!/I can’t believe it!
  • 信じられない!・しんじられない!・I can’t believe it!

皆さん、今どんな気持ち? Everyone, how are you feeling right now?


Common Japanese Verbs Hey guys, below is a list of what I believe to be common Japanese verbs! I’ll also be posting a list of common adjectives, adverbs, and nouns in the future too, so keep an eye out for them! There are a number of ways that verbs have been categorised in Japanese, such as Ichidan 「一段」 and Godan 「五段」, and う verbs and る verbs. I’ve listed them all in the titles for easier understanding, depending on what distinction you’re familiar with. These classifications come in handy when you need to conjugate verbs so try to remember what category they belong to! うverbs・五段「ごだん」・Class 1: To begin (something starts on its own)・始まる・はじまる To buy・買う・かう To close・閉まる・しまる To die・死ぬ・しぬ To drink・飲む・のむ To eat・食べる・たべる To end・終わる・おわる To enter・入る・はいる To give back (return something to someone)・返す・かえす To go・行く・いく To go back・戻る・もどる To have/exist (inanimate objects)・ある To know・知る・しる To learn・習う・ならう To listen・聞く・きく To make・作る・つくる To meet・会う・あう To play・遊ぶ・あそぶ To receive・貰う・もらう To repair・直す・なおす To return・帰る・かえる To ride on・乗る・のる To run・走る・はしる To send・送る・おくる To sit・座る・すわる To speak・話す・はなす To swim・泳ぐ・およぐ To take・取る・とる To take off (shoes, clothes)・脱ぐ・ぬぐ To understand・分かる・わかる To use・使う・つかう To wait・待つ・まつ To wake up・起こす・おこす To wash・洗う・あらう To write・書く・かく るverbs・一段「いちだん」・Class 2: To answer・答える・こたえる To bathe・浴びる・あびる To be able・出来る・できる To be born・生まれる・うまれる To be enough・足りる・たりる To begin (to start something)・始める・はじめる To borrow・借りる・かりる To break・壊れる・こわれる To check・調べる・しらべる To cut・切れる・きれる To exceed・過ぎる・すぎる To find・見つける・みつける To forget・忘れる・わすれる To get off・降りる・おりる To get tired・疲れる・つかれる To give・あげる To go out・出る・でる To greet・迎える・むかえる To have/exist (animate objects)・いる To help・助ける・たすける To make a mistake・間違える・まちがえる To open・開ける・あける To remember・覚える・おぼえる To see・見える・みえる To show・見せる・みせる To sleep・寝る・ねる To stop・止める・やめる To teach・教える・おしえる To think・考える・かんがえる To wear・着る・きる Irregular verbs・Class 3: To come・来る・くる To do・する

する verbs: する verbs are made by adding する to a noun. To ask questions・質問する・しつもんする To be surprised・びっくりする To call・電話する・でんわする To do the cleaning・掃除する・そうじする To do the washing・ 洗濯する・せんたくする To get married・結婚する・けっこんする To go shopping・買い物する・かいものする To have a meal・食事する・しょくじする To reserve・予約する・よやくする To study・勉強する・べんきょうする To take a walk・散歩する・さんぽする To travel・旅行する・りょこうする


Hi! Do you have any suggestions of how i can start learning Italian by myself? Spanish is my mother tongue and I'm fluent at English too, maybe that can help me a little? Your blog is great btw 💖👌🏼


Hi! I have some resources in English on my blog, which I’ll link down below, but I think you’ll learn more quickly if you got a Spanish textbook. Grammar textbooks are designed having a specific target audience in mind, specifically what language their readers speak natively. Teachers would use different methods to teach, say, Italian to native Spanish or English speakers because their native language plays a big role on how fast they’ll learn a foreign language. To give you an example, if a native Spanish speaker who had never heard a single word of Italian read La casa è grande e luminosa (“The house is big and bright”), they’d understand it almost immediately because the concepts of grammatical gender and number and gender agreement are already present in their language. They’d also understand it because of our shared vocabulary.

So yeah, if you can, get a Spanish Italian grammar!

PDF Grammar textbooks [all in English]

Online free courses

I have more resources on my /resources page, but I hope that helps!


🌼how to restart learning a language🌼

i’ve recently gone through a language break, taking 5 months out to reassess my future. i really want to get back to learning Japanese, so here are my tips for restarting that language you might have been neglecting!

  • reassess your goals. its likely that if you’ve taken an extended break, your life has changed a little and there may be some new priorities taking over. reassess what you want to get out of restarting your language journey so it’s easier to plan around your day
  • make small targets that can be reached easily. for a short while, you’ll have to work hard to get your head back into the swing of learning a language. making small goals can really up your productivity because you wont be discouraged by big expectations at first!
  • slowly immerse yourself. immersion is widely known as a good supplement to your language learning. while you’re in the early stages of relearning a language, it’s really fun to start rewatching that subbed anime you lost track of, or listen to that spanish band you loved so much. it will help your brain get back ‘into’ the language, and you’ll have fun along the way!
  • revisit your notebooks. if you’re anything like me, you have a ton of notebooks and stacks of random note paper lying around untouched since you dropped out of your language. do your best to collect them up, sort through the useful stuff and then, get a blank notebook and rewrite all of your notes. your brain wont have forgotten everything but starting a new notebook will give you incentive to learn, as well as solidifying the information you already learnt!
  • take it slow. your brain is a muscle that needs exercising. if you havent been using your language brain for a while, don’t try and run a marathon without training first! there’s no rush. your journey is yours, and yours alone. take it as slow as you need to to start learning your language again and get back into the studying swing of things

🌼good luck on revisiting your language journey!🌼


German Vocabulary: Fruit!

English - German singular

Fruit - die Frucht Flesh of the fruit - die Fruchtfleisch Skin of the fruit - die Fruchtschale oder Obstschale

Apple - der Apfel Pear - die Birne Orange - die Orange Peach - der Pfirsich Apricot - die Aprikose Banana - die Banane Lemon - die Zitrone Pineapple - die Ananas Cherry - die Kirsche Kiwano - die Horngurke oder die Hornmelone Melon - die Melone Watermelon - die Wassermelone Honeydew - die Honigmelone Cantaloupe - die Cantaloupe-Melone

Grapefruit - die Grapefruit Plum - die Pflaume Kiwi - die Kiwi Grapes - die Traube Raspberry - die Himbeere Blueberry - die Heidelbeere oder die Blaubeere Blackberry - die Brombeere Strawberry - die Erdbeere Guava - die Guave Fig - die Feige Date - die Dattel Coconut - die Kokosnuss Dragon fruit - die Drachenfrucht Passion fruit - die Maracuja Star fruit - die Sternfrucht Mango - die Mango Lychee - die Litschi


i take french as an online course for an easy grade but it is SO ANNOYING because i am almost positive that my “teacher” fully doesn't know any french other than what she’s gleaned from the course she's meant so be teaching so i’ll say a sentence that makes entire sense and she’ll put it in quotes and comment “what is *insert quote here*” like BABE.  mISS THING.  REALLY?? so now I'm abt to turn in this assignment full of vocab that the course did not teach me and i’m well ready to fail despite it being mostly correct. 


♡ Starbucks/Coffee in Spanish Vocab ♡

G e n e r a l    W o r d s ♡ 1. ♡ coffee machine —  la máquina de café 2. ♡ coffee — el café 3. ♡ coffee bean — el grano de café 4. ♡ coffee grinder — molinillo de café 5. ♡ barista — el camarero/a 6. ♡ coffee pot — la cafetera 7. ♡ caffeine — la cafeína 8. ♡ instant coffee — caféinstantáneo 9. ♡ coffee grounds — café molido

T y p e s     o f     c o f f e e ♡ 1.♡ cappuccino — cappuccino 2.♡ americano — americano 3.♡ decaf — descafeinado 4.♡ smoothie — batido 5.♡ macchiato — macchiato 6.♡ mocha —mocha 7.♡ frappe — frappe 8.♡ latte — latte

F l a v o r s / w a y s  t o   d e s c r i b e     c o f f e e ♡ 1. ♡ milk — leche 2. ♡ cream — crema 3. ♡ weak — débil 4. ♡ dark — oscuro 5. ♡ light (color) — claro 6. ♡ strong — fuerte 7. ♡ iced — helado 8. ♡ black — negro 9. ♡ foam — espuma 10. ♡ soybean — soja haba 11. ♡ vanilla — vainilla 12. ♡ sweet - dulce 13. ♡ bitter — amargo 14. ♡ cold — frío 15. ♡ hot — caliente 16. ♡ almond milk — leche de almendra 17. ♡ rich — sabroso 18. ♡ velvety — aterciopelado 19. ♡ smooth — liso 20. ♡ light (as in weight) – ligero 21. ♡ heavy — pesado

S i z e s ♡ 1. ♡ short — corto 2. ♡ small — pequeño 3. ♡ medium — medium 4. ♡ large — gran 5. ♡ extra large — extragrane 6. ♡ tall — alto 7. ♡ grande — grande 8. ♡ venti — venti 9. ♡ trenta — trenta

V e r b s ♡ 1.♡ to cool — refrescar 2.♡ to warm up — calentar 3.♡ to add — agregar 4.♡ to remove — quitar 5.♡ to order — ordenar 6.♡ to pour — verter 7.♡ to stir — remover 8 ♡ to drink — beber 9.♡ to sip — sorbo 10.♡ to make (food) — hacer comida 11.♡ to eat — comer


Francophone POC Youtubers to Watch

I wanna apologize for putting a certain racist youtuber *ehem ehem* Shera Kerienski on one of my recent masterposts. I had no idea. Since I am no longer watching her, I made a list of some much better youtubers to watch. Thanks so much to @afronomade 

(Please add your favorites!)

Mademoiselle Gloria: (>1M subs) she makes loads of challenge videos or general entertaining videos as expected for her big personality :)

Sweet Vicky: (>100K subs) she loves pranks, reaction videos, and beauty. she is much like a mischievous older sister.

Beauty Glam Paris: (>100K subs) she is always super beat. she is a beauty guru that doesn’t limit herself to just that. she loves humoring her viewers like the other 2.

Beautiful Naturelle: (>60K subs) she runs more of a lifestyle channel. all you watchers of vlogs, cooking vids, natural hair vids, and booktube (like me) will love this channel. (she also has an English channel if you’re interested)

Cerise Daily: (>30K subs) she makes a lot of videos giving advice and favorites. If you like to sit down and get caught up on what’s going on in a YouTuber’s life (honestly we’re all nosy like that because of social media), then you will love her videos.

TheCocodollzz: (>50K subs) she says it herself in her header pic: Beaute Mode Lifestyle. she makes quality content that always leaves you satisfied (it can be refreshing amidst all the sponsored videos on YouTube).

Tia Mendy CheveuxAfro: (>70K subs) she makes great videos for natural hair care and whatever else she’s loving at the moment. perfect if you want to watch product reviews and hair routines in French.

Black Twins: (>10K subs) their channel is a bit newer so it’s still growing. but if you want tips(!) with styling and caring for your natural hair…they will be your go-to. I consider them a younger francophone version of the Glamtwinz.


Expressing your opinions (Spanish)

for: @91silk

Sentence starters: 

  • It seems to me that …-  A mí me parece que …
  •  In my opinion, …-  En mi opinión, …
  • I am of the opinion that …-  Soy de la opinión de que …
  •  I take the view that …-  Soy de la opinión de que …
  • My personal view is that …-  Mi opinión personal es que …
  • In my experience …-  En mi experiencia …
  • As far as I understand…-  Por lo que yo entiendo …
  •  As far as I can see…-  Por lo que yo puedo ver …
  •  As I see it, …-  Como yo lo veo, …
  •  From my point of view…-  Desde mi punto de vista …
  •  As far as I know…-  Por lo que yo sé …
  •  From what I know …-  Por lo que sé …
  •  I might be wrong but …-  Puedo estar equivocado, pero …
  •  If I am not mistaken …-  Si no me equivoco …
  •  I believe one can safely say …-  Creo que se puede decir con seguridad …
  • It is claimed that …-  Se dice que …
  • I must admit that …-  Tengo que admitir que …
  •  I cannot deny that …-  No puedo negar que …
  •  I can imagine that …-  Me imagino que …
  •  I think/believe/suppose …-  Creo / creo / supongo …
  •  Personally, I think …-  Personalmente, creo que …
  • That is why I think …-  Es por eso que creo que …
  •  I am sure/certain/convinced that …-  Estoy seguro / seguro / convencido de que …
  •  I am not sure/certain, but …-  No estoy seguro / seguro, pero …
  •  I am not sure, because I don’t know the situation exactly.-  No estoy seguro, porque no conozco la situación exacta.
  • I am not convinced that …-  No estoy convencido de que …
  •  I have read that …-  He leído que …
  •  I am of mixed opinions about …-  Tengo una opinión mixta sobre …
  •  I am of mixed opinions about on this.-  Tengo opiniones variadas sobre esto…
  • I have no opinion in this matter.-  No tengo ninguna opinión al respecto.   
  • I believe that…- creo que…
  • I think that…- pienso que…
  • I think that…- opino que…
  • I think that…- me parece que… 


  • what do you think about…?/ what’s your opinion about…?-  ¿Qué opinas de…?
  • what do you believe about…?- ¿Qué crees de…?
  • what do you think about…?-  ¿Qué piensas de…?
  • what do you think about…?-  ¿Qué te parece…?

Useful Phrases:

  • I like- me gusta
  • I prefer- prefiero
  • I love- me encanta 
  • I don’t like- no me gusta
  • odio- I hate
  • detesto- I hate
  • de acuerdo- alright
  • vale- okay, fine
  • estoy de acuerdo- I agree
  • no estoy de acuerdo- I do not agree
  • de ninguna manera- no way 

Adjectives that can be useful when giving your opinion:


Agreeing politely

  • ¡Totalmente! — Totally!
  • Estoy (completamente/totalmente) de acuerdo — I (completely/totally) agree
  • Estoy contigo — I’m with you on that
  • Por supuesto — Of course!
  • Tienes razón — You’re right

Disagreeing politely

  • No estamos de acuerdo — I don’t agree with you
  • No lo veo (tan) así — I don’t (really) see it like that
  • No creo — I don’t think so
  • Saying you’re unsure or showing partial agreement
  • Estoy de acuerdo hasta un cierto punto — I agree with you up to a point
  • Tal vez, pero… — Maybe, but…
  • No estoy muy segura/o — I’m not really sure
  • Nunca lo pensé — I’ve never thought about it
  • No tengo la menor idea — I have no idea
If there’s any questions about any of this, let me know!

Top 10 Must-Know German phrases for going shopping

1. Ich schaue mich nur um. - I’m just looking around.

2. Ich suche […]. - I’m looking for […].

Wo finde ich […]? Where can i find […]?

3. Haben Sie das in einer anderen Farbe? - Do you have this in another color?

Example: Haben Sie das in blau? - Do you have this in blue?

4. Haben Sie das in einer anderen Größe? - Do you have this in another size?

Haben Sie das in Größe […]? - Do you have this in size […]? Example: Haben Sie das in Größe M? - Do you have this in size M?

5. Wieviel kostet das? - How much is this?

6. Ist das reduziert? - Is this item on sale?

7. Ich nehme das. / Ich überlege noch. - I take this. / I need to think about it.

8. Ich möchte mit Karte zahlen. / Ich möchte bar bezahlen.  - I want to pay by card. / I want to pay in cash.

9. Ich hätte gerne eine Tüte dazu. / Bitte geben Sie mir eine Tüte dazu.  - I would like to have a bag for this. / Pease give me a bag for this.

10. Würden Sie mir das bitte als Geschenk verpacken? - Would you please gift-wrap this?

That’s it! If you have any questions or requests, send me a message! :) ♥

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