
This, that & the other


Mostly reposts. My writings moved to Nik's Fics. Frequently NSFW. Mom. Dragon. Writer. Tech Nerd. Student. Musician. Just a fan girl in a vast fan world.

I find it very interesting that the head writer of the series defined Loki's actions by the end of the series as heroic and then went of to define heroic as "doing the right thing and failing in the process".

On one hand, I think it signals a deeper understanding of good character arc then a run-of-the-mill marvel writer has. Cookie cutter Marvel superheroes never fail and they usually "get the girl" and look cool in their updated costumes. So I am delighted for the show to go a bit deeper on that front.

On the other hand, I wonder if this deeper definition of being a hero has contributed to the meltdowns of a horde of Tumblr fans. Specifically, the deluded notion that Loki wasn't the lead character of his own series. I wonder whether Loki getting a tangible boon would have made his status a bit clearer for some.

The writer goes on to suggest that the moment Loki almost broke down and then collected himself and went off to try to do -anything- was the culmination of his arc, and upon reflection I tend to agree. His speech to Sylvie was about her, and by extension about both of them. Him going to Mobius and saying "we're up against a terrifying enemy and we need to prepare" was about the unatangible, invisible concept of greater good.

The true measure of one's character is how they handle adversity and disappointment, not how they handle success. Anyone can be nice when things are going their way.

This is something that I found satisfying about Thor's otherwise cringy portrayal in Endgame. The writers achieved unintentional poignancy by suggesting that Thor lacked the emotional maturity to cope with failure.

I would love for Thor, at that very low point in his life, to have encountered Loki in some capacity. Would he have retained his narrow assessment of Loki's character? Or would his experiences finally rendered him capable of more objective analysis?


I am strongly considering taking a break from fandom. Or maybe just leaving it altogether.

I have loved LOKI for over 10 years. I have drawn fan art, written meta, written fanfiction, made memes etc. I used to really enjoy the discourse. Because it actually used to seem like discourse. It seemed like it had a point.

It just doesn’t seem to have a point anymore. Everything I see related to the Loki show is just delusion and whining, and people invalidating one another’s ships. There seems to be a lot of really severe mental instability. Even more than in previous years. No shame there. Mentally ill people are valid and should have access to social media. But I don’t want to get sucked into their drama and toxicity.

I really wish there were some website somewhere that was all about celebrating the thing. Like, hooray for that thing. Here are some pictures of that thing. Here’s some behind the scenes info about that thing. Here are the release dates for the sequel to or next season of the thing.

Instead of this constant twisting of the thing, objectification of the thing, or ranting about why some person’s interpretation of the thing is the only valid interpretation and anyone who disagrees with them should be canceled forever.

I really miss just celebrating the thing. This used to feel like the place to do that, and it no longer does.

SAME. I followed a bunch of Loki fandom accounts back in the day to geek about Loki in the MCU and Marvel comics, and now half of them are fun-sucking Discourse or tedious shipping wars and I just wanna enjoy what we have and read fic about other interesting ways it could have happened or might happen in the future.

It’s time to set some boundaries or something. I tried filtering out tags. I’ve tried blocking people. I’ve tried NOT looking at the comments on posts with gifs that I like. Somehow, I end up letting the crazy back in. I will totally think “this person seems sane and open-minded” and share some analysis with them, only to find out that they are neither of those things and cannot handle anything that isn’t enthusiastic validation. 

What’s funny is, I am almost always drawing on years of study, writing, research and professional experience when assessing human behavior and the other person will still be like BUT MY OPINIONS THO. This kind of shit would only work on the internet. You couldn’t do this in real life. You wouldn’t be like “I need open heart surgery! No need to call a doctor or go to the hospital. Who needs an expert. I’ll ask my dog to do it! After all, my dog loves me. So, they will do a good job!”

I’ve blocked the main culprits of the several “schools of complaint” and my dash is mostly clean, but very slow right now. I’d really like to do character development analysis and plot-based speculation and that’s crickets on the market.

I feel like there’s no escape from the crazy. Like, when I say that I accept the Loki/Sylvie ship, it’s because it’s canon and I thought it was well written and acted. Not because I worship heteronormativity or because I hate Mobius and think he’s problematic. I like Loki’s interaction with Sylvie and Mobius. Both of those characters are complicated and neither are perfect. 


I, for one, would hate to see you leave but I felt the need to leave Tumblr several years ago and stayed away for about 4 years.  I came to Tumblr to begin with because of Loki/Tom.  I LOVED THE AVENGERS MOVIE, especially Loki.  

I don’t disagree with your statements above.  I have stopped following a few people since the Loki Series debuted.  I ignore quite a few of posts I see about the series.  After going to the theater to see Infinity War I gave up on the MCU.  I’ve never been a fan of Feige.  And Ragnarok - that’s a long story I won’t go into but I’m not a Waititi fan.  But I did watch the Loki Series, with skepticism & low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised.  To put it simply, I love watching Tom at his craft.  I think he is a simply amazing actor.  I honestly believe that, in real life, he is honestly a shapeshifter based on the variety of roles he’s played and the characters he has brought to life on the screen.

All that said, you need to do what works for you.  Your sanity and well-being are more important than any fandom.  


Thank gods I'm not the only one feeling like this.


How To Foreshadow

Foreshadowing is a necessary part of any well-executed story. And yet, despite all its prevalence and importance, it’s actually a concept that many authors have a hard time getting their minds around. If we sift foreshadowing down to its simplest form, we could say that it prepares readers for what will happen later in the story.

At first glance, this may seem counter-intuitive. Why would we want readers to know what’s going to happen later in the story? If they know how the book turns out, they’ll have no reason to read on.

True enough. So let me reiterate. The point of foreshadowing is to prepare readers for what happens later in the story. Not tell them,just prepare them.

Foreshadowing’s great strength lies in its ability to create a cohesive and plausible story. If readers understand that it’s possible that someone in your story may be murdered, they won’t be completely shocked when the sidekick gets axed down the road. If, however, you failed to properly foreshadow this unhappy event,readers would be jarred. They would feel you had cheated them out of the story they thought they were reading. They would think you had, in essence, lied to them so you could trick them with this big shocker.

Readers don’t like to be cheated, lied to, or tricked. And that’s where foreshadowing comes into play.

Foreshadowing, Part 1: The Plant

We can break foreshadowing down into two parts. The first is the plant. This is the part where you hint to readers that something surprising and/or important is going to happen later in the book. If the bad guy is going to kidnap the good guy’s son, your plant might be the moment when your hero notices a creepy dude hanging around the playground. If your heroine is going to be left standing at the altar, your plant might be her fiancé’s ambivalence toward the wedding preparations.

Depending on what you’re foreshadowing, the plant can be blatant or subtle. Subtle is almost always better, since you don’t want to giveaway your plot twists. But, at the same time, your hints have to be obvious enough that readers will remember them later on.

Usually, the earlier you can foreshadow an event, the stronger and more cohesive an effect you will create. The bigger the event, the more important it is to foreshadow it early. As editor Jeff Gerke puts it in The First 50 Pages:

Basically, you need to let us in on the rules. If the climax of your book is going to consist of getting into a time machine and jumping away to safety, we had better have known in the first fifty pages that time travel is possible in the world of your story.

Foreshadowing, Part 2: The Payoff

Once you’ve got your plant in place, all that’s left is to bringthe payoff on stage. If you planted hints about kidnapping, jilting, or time travelling, this is the part where you now get to let these important scenes play out.

As long as you’ve done your job right with the plant, you probably won’t even need to reference your hints from earlier. In fact, you’re likely to create a more solid effect by letting readers put the pieces together themselves.

But you’ll also find moments, usually of smaller events that were given less obvious plants, that will benefit from a quick reference to the original hint (e.g., “George,you big meanie! Now I understand why you wouldn’t choose between the scarlet and the crimson for the bridesmaids’ dresses!”)The most important thing to remember about the payoff is that it always needs to happen. If you plant hints, pay them off. Just as readers will be confused by an unforeshadowed plot twist, they’ll also be frustrated by foreshadowing that excites them and then leads nowhere.

Foreshadowing vs. Telegraphing

The trick to good foreshadowing is preparing your readers on a subconscious level for what’s coming without allowing them to guess the ins and outs of the plot twist. You don’t want your hints to be so obvious that they remove all suspense. In her October 2012 Writer’s Digest article “Making the Ordinary Menacing: 5 Ways,” Hallie Ephron calls this “telegraphing”:

When you insert a hint of what’s to come, look at it critically and decide whether it’s something the reader will glide right by but remember later with an Aha!That’s foreshadowing. If instead the reader groans and guesses what’s coming, you’v etelegraphed.

Some clever readers will undoubtedly be able to interpret your hints, no matter how cagey you are. But if you can fool most of the readers most of the time, you can’t ask for more than that.

Foreshadowing vs. Foreboding

Foreboding—that skin-prickling feeling that somethinghorrible is going to happen—can be a useful facet of foreshadowing. By itself, foreboding isn’t specific enough tobe foreshadowing. Unlike the plants used for foreshadowing, foreboding is just an ambiguous aura of suspense. Jordan E. Rosenfeld describes it in Make a Scene:

[F]oreshadowing … hints at actual plot events to come, [but]foreboding is purely about mood-setting. It heightens the feeling of tension in a scene but doesn’t necessarily indicate that something bad really will happen.

Foreboding is useful in setting readers’ emotions on edge without giving them any blatant hints. But when it comes time to foreshadow important events, always back up your foreboding by planting some specific clues.Most authors have so intrinsic an understanding of foreshadowing that they plant it and pay it off without even fully realizing that’s what they’re doing. But the better you understand the technique, the better you can wield it. Using this basic approach to foreshadowing, you can strengthen your story and your readers’ experience of it.

Source x


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Masterpost | 'Loki' series interviews with Tom Hiddleston

This post includes interview videos/audio/articles specifically with Tom.

You'll find all articles about the show and interviews with the creators and additional cast under the tag Loki Series.


All videos available on Youtube are collected to this playlist. interviews available on other platforms marked with *.




Choose Your Fighter | Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader

A/N: So this started months ago as a silly little idea of Tom being taken down by a duvet cover.  I started writing it back then and just finished it yesterday because I wasn’t writing.  All I remember is the conversation was with @yespolkadotkitty​ (the spaniel in the header is NOT Bobby)

Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader (more of a gen fic)

Summary: Mud and a brand new duvet cover don’t mix.

Warnings:  none



The peaceful day of morning had turned into a drizzly gray afternoon. Not unheard of in London, but disappointing just the same. Tom was looking forward to warmer weather and sunny days. Particularly to spend them with you. He headed into the bedroom to pick up the book he was currently reading when he spied paw prints. Muddy paw prints. On the brand new duvet, you purchased just that past weekend in Bicester at the White Company at a steal.

“BOBBY!” Tom’s voice boomed through the house. 

He overheard the telltale jangle of Bobby’s collar as the spaniel made his way to the master bedroom. Bobby skidded to a stop when he spied Tom’s face pinched. His butt flopped against the hardwood floor just at the entryway.

“Mud on the new duvet, Bobby? The one she is so proud of?” Tom spoke to the dog as though he would respond. Slowly, Tom’s shoulders relaxed and his breath slowed as Bobby’s brown eyes peer up at him. “Bobby, you know she will have both of our hides if she sees this. Come help.” Bobby promptly trotted off down the hall. “TRAITOR!” Tom called after him before turning his attention to the bed. 


OMG adorable


Tips on Character Consistency

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Have A “Get Into Character” Routine

If you’re having an unusual amount of trouble keeping a character and their behaviors and thought process consistent in your writing, it might just be that you’re not used to being in their head. This is especially common with first person POV stories, and I recommend surrounding yourself with things that embody them as a person, make a playlist of songs that you know they’d enjoy and listen to it before you write (or during, if you listen to music while you draft), and do what is necessary to make their actions and thoughts create a distinct, unmistakeable person. 

Have A Short List of Details To Pay Attention To

Characters and people are both complex, and therefore it’s difficult to reduce them down to a few key things that set them apart from others. However, when you’re writing, it can help with getting their tendencies down if you focus on 4-5 things you can emphasize in their actions and (inner or outer) monologue. Be holistic in the way you summarize them by picking vastly different aspects of their personality. Focus on one of their fatal flaws, one of their most admirable traits, one of their habits and how it can be good and bad for them, their attitude (outward and inward), etc. 

Know Their Mindset

Everybody has a unique way that they think about the world that is formed by their environment, experiences, and motivations. If you’re having trouble conjuring this mindset as you develop them in your writing, it may be a sign that you just have to sit down and map it out. Pick 3-5 moments in their life that shape their very thought process. Analyze their background and speculate about the many ways this might affect their thoughts and actions in various situations that might present themselves. Randomly choose five situations that may come up in your story and really think hard about how they would want that situation to go and why. 

Know Their Values

Nobody has the same definition of right, nor wrong. This is key to the way people live their lives, and it’s imperative that you know your character’s definitions and how they were formed. It’s also important to know your character’s limits outside of these definitions. What would make them do something they see as wrong? What would it take to convince them that what they believe is wrong is okay? You’d be surprised how relevant this is in any kind of story.

Know Their Motivations

As I previously mentioned, it’s important to know what they want. However, it’s important to look deeper than simply what they’re after. What do they think they want? What to they actually want? What do they need? How does this affect the conflict and other characters day-to-day?

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I have a thousand reasons that allow me to breathe, I have a love that makes my heart beat, it is a dream come true with whom I can fly, and with her hand in hand, the joy of loving.


I feel Adam in this post


A writer's conundrum

They say pen is mightier than sword,

But only if your words carry some weight,

Conquerer of future you are,

Imagination is your land,

After all what be the worth of a human

Coz science has already made obsolete

For most both their hands and their head..

War would bring catastrophe,

Inequality would bring revolution,

The difference from the past would be only one,

Hero would be the person who can win the next frontier

And that would be the one who could conquer people's imagination,

The only weapon which could accomplish this feat would be your pen,

So keep penning my fellow writers,

Future is preparing to brace itself,

To witness your unfolding legacies,

Alexander could easily be a neandaerthal,

But no one could ever question Aristotle's relevancy,

Beware of yourself,

You will be your worst critic,

As your writing gets better,

You would see more and more flaws in it,

Why can't I use fancy words to ornate,

Why my metaphors sound so cliche,

What would move my readers,

Do people judge me for grammatical mistakes,

Contemplating would enable your growth,

Frowning you would concoct for yourself,

An empty cage,

Cripple your creativity you will,

If temporary, it will be called writers block,

If permanent, your pen would bid adieu,

Coz that would be all she wrote,

Mistakes are like a solution,

Dipped in them, you can refine your ego,

Inspiration opens up the curtains of your sub-conscious,

Coz Ideas start invading your conscious mind,

You can write your legacy literally,

Just keep your head down and stay on the grind..


Please Forgive Me | Loki x Female Reader

A/N: I have started on the requests! This one was an anon request:  a Loki x needy reader where the reader asks Loki to “make love to me” to make the reader remember every inch of Loki against their skin even days after. Just the reader and Loki passionately having sex/love.

Pairing: Loki x Female Reader

Summary: Loki spends a passionate night with his queen only to wake in the morning to bad news.

Warnings:  Smut, angst, vaginal sex, fingering, one curse word, breeding if you squint, D/s dynamics if you squint, spanking, orgasm delay/denial



One glance at the healers and you knew. You knew even before then, but their face sealed your fate. 

“How long?” you asked , your expression flat. 

“By morning. I’m so sor—”

You held up your hand. “Please! I don’t want or need your apologies. Your pity.” You stand and tug on your tunic. “Tell no one.”


“NO ONE!” Your voice bouncing off the stone walls of the healing chambers. “Especially the king. He does not need to worry. There are important matters to attend to. The Nine Realms need him strong.”

The healers bowed their heads. “Yes, Your Majesty.” 

One more tug on your tunic and you turned and marched out and straight to your bedchambers. Only when you heard the heavy thud of the door shutting behind you did you allow yourself to fall apart. 

After several hours, you dragged yourself to shower, clean your face and prepare for Loki’s arrival. He sent several servants throughout the day to check in on you. You pulled yourself together long enough to tell them you were fine. You lied to them. That place far away from fine was where you were. But there was nothing to be done at this point. The die had been cast. 



Anonymous asked:

I hope the show ends: I am Loki, God of Stories. All stories are mine. I am more powerful than the Infinity Stones, than Odin, than Thanos, than any hero. I am Loki and I will never be trapped by anyone again. I am freedom. I'm a shapeshifter. I am chaos. And Multiverse is free. Free from the tyranny of the Sacred Timeline.

Yes! So much yes!


Please gods, give us this


Loki's Asgardian life appears to be an intense emotional trigger for him. Whenever he's faced with anything that reminds him of his family and childhood he immediately becomes soft and emotional.

He doesn't even try to mask it. He lets himself feel the pang of sadness and guilt over what he's lost. He gets teary-eyed and he smiles fondly at the memories. The realisation of that life being possibly the happiest period of his life is made even stronger every time he remembers it.

This Loki's probably never had to get stuck in a place from where he couldn't get out of of his own accord. The trapped environment requiring serious survival skills makes him rethink everything.

The more he talks about his family, the more aware he is of the fact that his past anger, resentment and frustration towards his family have been alleviated. He loves his family so much that it makes his heart ache.

As the conversation progresses, he feels even softer. He knows that he'd do anything to be reunited with the people he loves more than anything else.

The way he defines love as a dagger reveals that he, too, has felt the strength, power and courage love provides. Nonetheless, it makes one bleed too if it's not handled with utmost delicacy and care. Loki is no stranger to feeling the agony and burn of love.

When the subject of love interests is brought up he doesn't know how to handle that. It's like a dam broken and Loki can't continue the charade anymore. He lets go of all the illusions. He drinks and breaks his glass just like Thor had done. He sings in Asgardian with his voice conveying thousands of unuttered emotions. He lets all inhibitions go. He talks about his deepest feelings knowing he won't be judged. His emotions are unveiled. No tricks and mischief, just his pure raw self. Just Loki.

Every single thing he does, everything he's been faced with just adds up to clear the fog around his head. He knows that he'd risk it all to save his loved ones. The unfolding events act as a beautiful catalyst to bring his strongest and most determined self to the surface.

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