
Let the stories live

@letthestorieslive / letthestorieslive.tumblr.com

Lou | she/her | Multishipping is clearly the superior choice | Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson and Stranger Things | OIlie on Ao3

Somebody I Used to Know - pt 2

CW: mention of death threats

Eddie stands staring at the peeling paint on Steve’s apartment door. It looks more worn since the last time he saw it. Maybe it looks how Eddie feels. A little beat up and tired.

He’s been thinking about this moment for months, and now that he’s standing there, he feels like he’s making a terrible mistake.

There’s the hum of music behind the door, it’s dampened by the structure and it tugs at something inside of Eddie’s chest.

He shouldn’t be here.

Steve’s moved on.

He shouldn’t be here.

When Dustin told Eddie what happened before his visit, Eddie wanted to walk into oncoming traffic. He felt lower than dirt. He felt like he didn’t deserve to even hear Steve’s name. But he also knew he needed to apologize.

Steve thinks Eddie dropped him like a sack of potatoes and the truth is so far from that.

It took him weeks to build up the courage and drive down here. Jeff tried to convince him to let it go, but he couldn’t. He deserves to be yelled at. Steve should get to punch him in the face if he wants. Eddie could’ve handled the break up so much better than he did but hindsight is 20/20.

He hears footsteps on the other side of the door and it kicks his anxiety up. He can’t do this. He spins on his heels and tries to bolt down the hallway when he hears Steve’s door open.


"I don't know, dude," Eddie laments. He's laying down next to Steve on the floor. Even with air conditioning, it feels too god damn hot to do anything other than... well, lay on the floor. "Sounds to me like it's useful. The whole Empath thing."

"Uh, no, it fucking sucks," Steve doesn't even deign to turn his head and look at Eddie when he's talking to him. "You're probably thinking comic-book powers or dungeons and dragons shit. In the real world, where the rest of us live--"

Eddie snorts. The real world, where teenagers in the mid-west have superpowers. "--Sure, Steve--"

"Knowing exactly what people feel all the time is terrible."

"Explain it to me, then. Explain how being a mutant--"


"A bonafide hero with powers is lame. C'mon. I dare you."

The world weary sigh is expected, as is the dry tone with which Steve explains how difficult his life is, "I mean like... Lucas and Mike and El are always on my ass now. Does he really like me? Is she gonna break up with me? Like passing notes in Junior High, only worse."

"Such a horrific fate has fallen on your young shoulders, Harrington, however will you survive?" Eddie tilts his head up off the floor to sip at his lukewarm beer, and feels a bit of it slide down the corner of his mouth. He snorts. Of course Steve Harrington gets it all, then has the nerve to complain about it. Powers on top of money and girls and shit. So unfair.


Scott McCall Appreciation Week 2024 is Coming!

Get ready for this year’s Scott McCall Appreciation Week, running June 16-222024! To participate, simply make something about Scott and tag it with #ScottMcCallWeek24, or mention us @scottappreciation. Gen works, all Scott ships, and all types of content (fics, edits, art, playlists, gifs, etc.) are welcome. We have included some suggested prompts below, and look forward to enjoying everything you create!

All fics must be Scott-centric and Scott-positive. Scott does not need to be the POV character, but the primary focus of the fic should be Scott’s emotions/interests/needs/etc.

Click here for expanded definitions of the prompts!


  • Day One - A Certain Potential: Anything set in or around 3a
  • Day Two - I Haven't Been to Beacon Hills in a Long Time: Scott's life between 6b and the film!
  • Day Three - Find Your Anchor: Scott's relationships
  • Day Four - This isn't Just about the Game: Scott as captain (or co-captain) of the lacrosse team
  • Day Five - Good Dreams, Or Bad: The things that keep Scott up at night
  • Day Six - Even When Justified: Scott's relationship with mercy
  • Day Seven - Dealer’s choice: Free day!


  • Day One: Emotions
  • Day Two: Quotes/Poetry/Lyric 
  • Day Three: Distance Shots 
  • Day Four: Faceless 
  • Day Five: Werewolf Powers 
  • Day Six: Belief
  • Day Seven: Dealer’s choice


  • The Person You Should Trust: Scott's relationship with trust
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